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英文早点丨0918 - 爱德华·斯诺登谈及告密、他对人工智能的恐惧以及在俄罗斯的六年

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-09-18 07:01



2013年6月,斯诺登将美国国家安全局关于PRISM监听项目的秘密文档披露给了《卫报》和《华盛顿邮报》,随即遭美国政府通缉,事发时人在香港,随后飞往俄罗斯。2013年6月21日,斯诺登通过《卫报》再次曝光英国“颞颥”秘密情报监视项目。2013年8月1日7时30分,斯诺登离开俄罗斯谢列梅捷沃机场前往莫斯科境内,并获得俄罗斯为期1年的临时避难申请。今年,爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)出版个人回忆录,讲述他此前参与建立NSA大规模监控系统的经历,以及他所经历的“良知危机”,并促使他决定披露美国政府这一行径的过程。斯诺登的回忆录名为《永久记录》(Permanent Record)于9月17日发行。


Any really talented people for their dissatisfaction is one of the fundamental features.


The world’s most famous whistleblower, Edward Snowden, says he has detected a softening in public hostility towards him in the US over his disclosure of top-secret documents that revealed the extent of the global surveillance programmes run by American and British spy agencies.

In an exclusive two-hour interview in Moscow to mark the publication of his memoirs, Permanent Record, Snowden said dire warnings that his disclosures would cause harm had not come to pass, and even former critics now conceded “we live in a better, freer and safer world” because of his revelations.

In the book, Snowden describes in detail for the first time his background, and what led him to leak details of the secret programmes being run by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the UK’s secret communication headquarters, GCHQ. He describes the 18 years since the September 11 attacks as “a litany of American destruction by way of American self-destruction, with the promulgation of secret policies, secret laws, secret courts and secret wars”. Snowden also said: “The greatest danger still lies ahead, with the refinement of artificial intelligence capabilities, such as facial and pattern recognition.

文本选自 The Guardian(卫报)

作者: Ewen MacAskill

原文标题 Edward Snowden on whistleblowing, his AI fears and six years in Russia

原文发布时间 :14 Sept. 2019



英 [hɒˈstɪləti] 美 [hɑːˈstɪləti]

  • n. 敌意;对抗;(对思想、计划或情形的)愤怒反对,愤怒反抗;战争行为


英 [ɪkˈstent]      美 [ɪkˈstent]

  • n. 程度;限度;大小;面积;范围


英 [kənˈsiːd]      美 [kənˈsiːd]

  • v. 承认(某事属实、合乎逻辑等);(尤指勉强地)让与,让步;允许;承认(比赛、选举等失败)


英 [ˈlɪtəni]     美 [ˈlɪtəni]

  • n. 连祷文,总祷文(连祷启应的祷文);(对一系列事件、原因等)枯燥冗长的陈述



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