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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-08-25 08:00



Public Health

Special issue call for papers - "Travel Health"

全文截稿: 2017-11-01
影响因子: 1.538
期刊难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
网址: www.journals.elsevier.com/public-health

Public Healthis preparing a special issue on 'travel health', which aims to bring together a collection of papers across the sciences, on those aspects of travel that matter most to population health, healthcare delivery and related public policy. This will include empirical studies exploring health as both a cause and consequence of travel itself, as well as the multifaceted role that travel might play in the health of the sending and receiving populations. Themes likely to emerge include: the epidemiology of travel related diseases, emerging infections, mass human migration, special risk travellers, malaria, traveller's diarrhoea, other arboviruses and vaccine preventable travel related disease, travel and its potential impacts on public health.

The Guest Editors are in the process of developing a list of potential authors and manuscripts. If you would like to be added to the list of potential contributors, please send Guest Editors Dipti Patel ([email protected]) and Hilary Simons ([email protected]) a brief email including your name, affiliation and potential manuscript idea/title.

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