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2017 影像上海艺术博览会 PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai

设计上海  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2017-08-31 21:08


* Please scroll down for English version

第四届 影像上海艺术博 览会 (PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai) 将于2017年9月8-10日回归上海展览中心。作为亚太地区具有非凡影响力的影像艺术平台、中国大陆国际化程度显著的艺博会,博览会经精心策划,将优雅呈现大师级古典和当代艺术影像杰作,以国际最高水准展出新锐和经典影像艺术作品。



影像上海艺术博 览会 将聚焦中国艺术家新星彭韫 (Vanguard Gallery, 上海); 陈维 (香格纳画廊, 上海,北京和新加坡); 陈萧伊 (千高原艺术空间, 成都) 和吴鼎 (M艺术空间,上海), 廖逸君 (Leo Xu Projects, 上海), 沈玮 (Flowers Gallery, 伦敦和纽约)。还将迎来中国资深艺术家杨泳梁 (德玉堂画廊, 上海)以及汪芜生 (三影堂+3画廊, 北京 & 厦门) 。

© PENG YUN, Film Still from Miss Melissa and Mr. Fish at 2.31pm, 2013. Courtesy of Vanguard Gallery (Shanghai)

博览会重量级艺术家还包括: William Eggleston (CAMER WORK, 柏林), Henri Cartier Bresson (时光空间画廊, 北京 & 郑州), 张海儿 (刺点画廊, 香港), Robert Mapplethorpe (泰吉轩, 北京), Alexander Rodchenko (Books and Photographs, 巴黎), Marc Riboud (马格南图片社, 伦敦 & 巴黎), Masato Seto (see+ 画廊, 北京) 以及 森山大道 (三影堂+3画廊, 北京 & 厦门)。

© SCARLETT HOOFT GRAAFLAND, Salt Steps, 2004. Courtesy of Flowers Gallery (London, New York, Hong Kong)

影像上海艺术博 览会 将聚焦今年首次参展的画廊 Tasveer (新德里 & 班加罗尔) 将会呈现艺术家 Karen Knorr 的作品, (龙門雅集,香港 & 上海) 将会带来艺术家 Daniel Lee Postaer 的作品。除此之外,今年1月在影像旧金山艺术博览会参展的 Robert Mann Gallery (纽约), 将会携带艺术家 Richard Misrach, Jeff Brouws, 以及 Paulette Tavormina 的作品来到影像上海艺术博览会的现场,为亚太地区的藏家与买手带来接触从未在中国展出过的北美艺术家作品的机会。

© Christopher Anderson, Cherries Spilled on Crosswalk, New York City, 2014. Courtesy of Magnum Photos (London)

本届 影像上海艺术博 览会 ,继续以博物馆品质带来诸多精彩公众项目,为亚太藏家、观众和专业人士提供欣赏和发现影像艺术的更丰富的体验。公众项目包括:

『洞见』展览 |

『洞见』 | 色彩爆炸:当代摄影的崛起 从前沿性和试验性视角关注摄影艺术发展的重要时刻,备受专业人士瞩目。 由展会艺术总监 Alexander Montague-Sparey 策划监制,该展览探讨了在一个偏爱使用银盐明胶印刷的时代,绚烂颜色的出现是如何永远改变了我们看待影像的方式。展览重点展示了 20 世纪 70 年代,彩色摄影如何被接纳为真正的艺术媒介。展览将追溯从上世纪70年代的彩色摄影至今天的发展。

© Feng Li, Colorful Clouds, 2008. Courtesy of A Thousand Plateaus Art Space (Chengdu)

展览将呈现 William Eggleston (CAMERA WORK, 柏林), 森山大道 (三影堂+3画廊,北京& 厦门) 与 Richard Misrach (Robert Mann Gallery, 纽约), 蒋鹏奕 (刺点画廊, 香港), 程然 (Leo Xu Projects, 上海), Vik Muniz (德玉堂画廊, 上海), 以及 赵仁辉 (香格纳画廊, 上海, 北京 & 新加坡) 等艺术家的作品。


影像上海艺术博览会为观众与参展画廊提供诸多参与系列讲座的机会,包括丰富的对谈和活动项目。每项活动都旨在更深入地探寻和发展当地与国际的艺术摄影市场。讲座活动由艺术界专家领衔,带来了丰富的谈话项目和对于展会重要主题理念的探讨演讲人包括艺术家: 陆扬 杨福东 濑户正人 ;顶尖收藏家 Ben Wood Artur Walther 以及策展人和艺术届影响力人物如 David Gryn Erin Barnett

© WU DING, After Finiteness No.5, 2016. Courtesy of M Art Center (Shanghai)


『在场』 | 继2017年1月影像旧金山艺术博览会上这个单元的成功启动,本届影像上海艺术博览会也将设有『在场』版块。『在场』是一个独树一帜的实验性平台,通过大型作品探索影像与装置、录像、行为等其他艺术媒介的关系。突破传统的艺博会展位空间限制,『在场』的策展举措遍布现场,为参观者带来探索的平台。

© SARA OSCAR, Black Circle Over Paradise, 2017.  Commissioned by the Australian Centre for Photography (Sydney)

参加『在场』的艺术机构有: 澳大利亚摄影中心 (悉尼) | 当代摄影中心 (墨尔本) | 新时线媒体艺术中心 (上海) | 麓湖·A4美术馆 (成都) | 上海喜玛拉雅美术馆 (上海) | 国际摄影中心 (纽约) | 欧洲摄影之家 (巴黎) | OCAT西安馆 (西安) | 佩斯画廊 (纽约,香港,门洛公园,北京,伦敦,帕罗奥图 & 首尔) | 香格纳画廊 (上海, 北京 & 新加坡) | Leo Xu Projects (上海)。

』版块 | 任航

『洞见』、『在场』之外, 『焦点』 版块作为影像艺术博览会的又一策展举措,聚焦于对当代摄影空间和当下市场具有特别意义的国际知名艺术家。

© Ren Hang, Untitled, 2014. Courtesy of KWM artcenter (Beijing)

影像上海艺术博览会与金杜艺术中心非常荣幸地宣布,将在『焦点』版块呈现中国摄影艺术家 任航 生前最后亲自指导印制并不再版的原件作品。本次展览突出了任航对人体抽象的热情。在他的作品中,其中男性的身体是具象赤裸的、鲜活的、可感的、有吸引力的,但同时也直接被用来当作抽象的构图、笔触、布局以及形式。它们既是人性的,也是非人性的。

收藏家特展 | 叙事

本届博览会首次推出收藏家特别展览。由纽约的国际摄影中心藏品与收藏部总监 Erin Barnett 策展, 将展现收藏家郑志刚 (K11 艺术基金会), 周大为 (Cc 基金会), 王津元 (复星基金会) 和邵忠 (现代传播集团) 的收藏力作。

© YANG FUDONG, International Hotel No.8, 2010. Courtesy of David Chau (Cc Foundation), Private Collection


Daata Editions 委约作品

第四届影像艺术博览会荣幸宣布Daata Editions委约作品的全新亮相,本环节得到国际艺术社群交流平台Artune的赞助支持。 本届博览会的委约艺术家为当代中国艺术家陆扬,为响应亚洲艺术市场对数字媒介与日俱增的兴趣,其作品可在Daata Editions网站上免费下载。

图片来源: http://luyang.asia

This September, PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai returns to China for the fourth year to celebrate the art of the photographic medium. Taking place at the Shanghai Exhibition Center from 8-10 September 2017, the fair is widely recognised as Asia Pacific’s home for cutting-edge photography and a key driver of China’s maturing photography market.

Ambitious, museum-quality presentations throughout the 2017 edition will bring together emerging and established artists who push the boundaries of the photographic medium, and challenge the notion of what photography can be. With this sole focus on photography, PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai offers collectors, curators and visitors from across the Asia Pacific region an unparalleled site of discovery.

Strong sales and an increasing number of collectors and buyers attending PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai since its launch in 2014 have greatly supported the development of the photographic medium in China, nowthe world’s largest art market.

The fourth edition of PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai will be supported by Porsche as the fair’s Presenting Partner.

The 2017 edition is defined by cutting-edge photography from emerging andestablished artists rarely available to acquire in China.

PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai 2017 will feature the new Chinese talent of Peng Yun (Vanguard Gallery, Shanghai); Chen Wei (ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai, Beijing & Singapore); Chen Xiaoyi (A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, Chengdu) and Wu Ding (M Art Center, Shanghai), Pixy Liao (Leo Xu Projects, Shanghai), Shen Wei (Flowers Gallery, London & New York). It will also recognise the talent of established Chinese artists including Yang Yongliang (Matthew Liu Fine Art, Shanghai) and Wang Wusheng (Three Shadows +3 Gallery, Beijing & Xiamen).

Historically important presentations at th efair will include: William Eggleston (CAMERWORK, Berlin), Henri Cartier Bresson (Time Space Gallery, Beijing), Zhang Hai’er (Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong), Robert Mapplethorpe (Timeless Gallery, Beijing), Alexander Rodchenko (Books and Photographs, Paris), Marc Riboud (Magnum Photos, London & Paris), Masato Seto (see+ gallery, Beijing) and Daido Moriyama (Three Shadows +3 Gallery, Beijing & Xiamen).

© DAIDO MORIYAMA, Kuchibiru'(red), 2007. Courtesy of Three Shadows + 3 Gallery (Beijing)

PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai will welcome several new galleries this year - Tasveer (New Delhi & Bangalore) who will present Karen Knorr and (Longmen Art Projects, Hong Kong & Shanghai) showing Daniel Lee Postaer (Robert Mann Gallery, New York), who participated in PHOTOFAIRS’ inaugural San Francisco edition in January 2017, will show artists including Richard Misrach , Jeff Brouws , and Paulette Tavormina , giving Asia Pacific collectors and buyers access to leading American artists never exhibited in China before.

© PAULETTE TAVORMINA, Lemons and Pomegranates, After J.V.H., 2010. Courtesy of Robert Mann Gallery (New York)

PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai brings together leading international figures from the art world including artists, curators and collectors.

The program features Insights , a thematic exhibition exploring current trends in contemporary photography; Conversations , an extensive talks program that aims to inspire discussion and debate, Staged , an exhibition of large-scale works that challenge our understanding and expectations of photography as well as Spotlight , an exhibition that explores the mindset, practice and influence of an individual artists.

Insights | A Color Explosion

Insights is an initiative which focuses on an important moment in the development of the fine art photography practices. PHOTOFAIRS’ Artistic Director Alexander Montague-Sparey looked to the mid-1970s and the moment at which the art world started to view photography as an artistic medium, partially due to the increased use of color.

© HAROLD EGERTON, Bullet Piercing Apple, 1964. Courtesy of Timeless Gallery (Beijing)

The exhibition will trace color photography from the mid-1970s to the present day and feature artists including William Eggleston (CAMERA WORK, Berlin), Daido Moriyama (Three Shadows + 3 Gallery, Beijing & Xiamen) Richard Misrach (Robert Mann Gallery, New York), Jiang Pengyi (Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong), Cheng Ran (Leo Xu Projects, Shanghai) Vik Muniz (Matthew Liu Fine Art, Shanghai), and Robert Zhao (ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai, Beijing & Singapore).


Artists and art world experts lead a dynamic program of talks and debates that examine key themes and ideas seen throughout the fair. Speakers include artists Lu Yang , Yang Fudong , and Masato Seto with leading collectors Adrian Cheng , Ben Wood and Artur Walther alongside curators and influencers such as Jefferson Hack , David Gryn and Erin Barnett .

© YANG YONGLIANG, Endless Streams, 2017, Courtesy of Matthew Liu Fine Arts (Shanghai)


Staged | New to the fair this program explores the relationship between photography and other art forms such as installation art, sculpture, video and painting. Transcending the traditional art fair stand, the interventions will appear throughout the fair offering visitors key sites of discovery.

© BIRDHEAD, Welcome to Birdhead World Again 2016. Courtesy of ShanghArt (Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore)

Participants include Australian Centre for Photography (Sydney) | Centre for Contemporary Photography (Melbourne) | Chronus Art Center (Shanghai) | Luxelakes A4 Art Museum (Chengdu) | Shanghai Himalayas Museum (Shanghai) | International Center for Photography (New York) | Maison Européenne de la Photographie (Paris) | OCAT Xi’an (Xi’an) | PACE Gallery (New York, Hong Kong, Menlo Park, Beijing, London, Palo Alto & Seoul) | ShanghART Gallery (Shanghai, Beijing & Singapore) | Leo Xu Projects (Shanghai).

