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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-07-01 22:42


今日上午,庆祝香港回归祖国二十周年大会暨香港特别行政区第五届政府就职典礼the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and the inaugural ceremony of the fifth-term government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region在香港会展中心举行。


Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor was sworn in as the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Lam took her oath before President Xi Jinping, who oversaw the swearing-in ceremony. 


I, Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, swear that, in the office of Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, I will uphold the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, bear allegiance to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and serve the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region conscientiously, dutifully, in full accordance with the law, honestly and with integrity, and be held accountable to the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


Thenthe principal officials of the fifth-term HKSAR government also took their oaths before Xi.


Members of the Executive Council of the HKSAR were sworn in by Lam.











《同舟之情》是2013年07月22日发行的《家是香港》的运动主题曲,由陈咏谦作词,Eric Kwok(郭伟亮)作曲,张学友、陈奕迅演唱。








Meeting here on the shores of Hong Kong, which have stood the test of time and seen profound changes, we are filled with thoughts and emotions, as we reflect on the extraordinary journey we have taken to get where we are today.



After modern times, with a weak China under corrupt and incompetent feudal rule, the Chinese nation was plunged into deep suffering.


In the early 1840s, Britain sent an expeditionary force of a mere 10,000 troops to invade China and got its way in forcing the Qing government, which had an 800,000-strong army, to pay reparations and cede the island of Hong Kong to it. 


After the Opium War, China was repeatedly defeated by countries which were far smaller in size and population. Kowloon and "New Territories" were forcibly taken away. 


That page of Chinese history was one of humiliation and sorrow. 



It was not until the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to victory in a dauntless and tenacious struggle for national independence and liberation and founded New China that the Chinese people truly stood up and blazed a bright path of socialism with distinctive Chinese features



It was against the historical backdrop of reform and opening-up that Mr. Deng Xiaoping put forward the great vision of "One Country, Two Systems", which guided China's diplomatic negotiations with the United Kingdom that led to the successful resolution of the Hong Kong question, an issue that was left over from the past. 


Twenty years ago today, Hong Kong returned to the embrace of the motherland. This ended past humiliation and marked a major step forward toward the complete reunification of China.


Hong Kong's return to the motherland has gone down as a monumental achievement in the history of the Chinese nation. Hong Kong has since then embarked on a journey of unity and common development with the motherland.




According to China's tradition, a man enters adulthood at the age of 20. So today, we are celebrating the coming of age of the HKSAR, which has grown exuberant like a bamboo or a pine tree. 



Since its return to the motherland, Hong Kong has kept its distinct features and strengths. Its allure of being a vibrant metropolis where the East meets the West has remained as strong as ever.


Under the practice of "One Country, Two Systems", Hong Kong has retained its previous capitalist system and way of life, and its laws have remained basically unchanged. 


The people of Hong Kong, now masters of their own house, run their local affairs within the purview of autonomy of the HKSAR. 


The people of Hong Kong enjoy more extensive democratic rights and freedoms than at any other time in its history.




What has happened in Hong Kong fully demonstrates that the concept of "One Country, Two Systems" provides the best solution to the historical question of Hong Kong and the best institutional arrangement to ensure Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability after its return. "One Country, Two Systems" has proved to be a workable solution welcomed by the people.



"One Country, Two Systems" is a great initiative pursued by China. It offers a new way of thinking and a new formula to the international community in addressing similar issues. It is another contribution made by the Chinese nation to promoting global peace and development. And it embodies the Chinese vision which values openness and inclusiveness.


That is why I have made it clear that the Central Government will unswervingly implement the policy of "One Country, Two Systems" and make sure that it is fully applied in Hong Kong without being bent or distorted. This will enable us to keep advancing in the right direction.



Currently, some new developments have occurred and new issues emerged regarding the application of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong.


Hong Kong needs to improve its systems to uphold national sovereignty, security and development interests. It needs to enhance education and raise public awareness of the history and culture of the Chinese nation. It is yet to build public consensus on some major political and legal issues. The Hong Kong economy also faces quite a few challenges. Hong Kong's traditional strengths start to lose the edge while new drivers of growth are yet to emerge. Housing and other issues that affect the daily life of the people have become more serious. 





First, it is imperative to have a correct understanding of the relationship between "One Country" and "Two Systems".


"One Country" is like the roots of a tree. For a tree to grow tall and luxuriant, its roots must run deep and strong.


That is why in the negotiations with the United Kingdom, we made it categorically clear that sovereignty is not for negotiation. Now that Hong Kong has returned to China, it is all the more important for us to firmly uphold China's sovereignty, security and development interests.


Any attempt to endanger China's sovereignty and security, challenge the power of the Central Government and the authority of the Basic Law of the HKSAR or use Hong Kong to carry out infiltration and sabotage activities against the mainland is an act that crosses the red line, and is absolutely impermissible. 


On the other hand, on the basis of "One Country", the "Two Systems" should and have every reason to stay in harmony and reinforce each other. 



Second, it is imperative to always act in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law.


Hong Kong's return completed a major transformation of its constitutional order. The Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Basic Law of the HKSAR together form the constitutional basis of the HKSAR.


The Constitution is the fundamental law of the State. It embodies the common will of people of all ethnic groups in our country, and represents the legal origin of the system of special administrative region. The Basic Law is a basic legislation enacted in accordance with the Constitution. It provides for the system and policies that should be practiced in the HKSAR, codifies into law and makes institutional arrangement for the principle of "One Country, Two Systems", and provides legal safeguards for the practice of "One Country, Two systems" in the HKSAR. 



Third, it is imperative to always focus on development as the top priority.


Development, an abiding pursuit, is crucial for Hong Kong's survival, and it holds the golden key to resolving various issues in Hong Kong.


China's continuous and rapid development over the years provides an invaluable opportunity, an inexhaustible source of strengths and broad space for Hong Kong's development. 


As a saying in Hong Kong goes, "After leaving Suzhou, a traveler will find it hard to get a ride on a boat", meaning an opportunity missed is an opportunity lost. It is important to cherish the opportunity, seize it and focus your energy on Hong Kong's development.




Fourth, it is imperative to always maintain a harmonious and stable social environment. 


The concept of "One Country, Two Systems" gives expression to the vision of peace and harmony in the Chinese culture. It embodies a very important tenet, namely, seeking broad common ground while setting aside major differences.


However, making everything political or deliberately creating differences and provoking confrontation will not resolve the problems. On the contrary, it can only severely hinder Hong Kong's economic and social development.


On the part of the Central Government, we are ready to talk to anyone who loves the country, loves Hong Kong and genuinely supports the principle of "One Country, Two Systems" and the Basic Law of the HKSAR, no matter what political views or position he or she may hold.


"Harmony brings good fortune, while discord leads to misfortune."


Hong Kong is an affluent society, but it also faces enormous challenges posed by profound changes in the global economic environment and the increasingly intense international competition. It cannot afford to be torn apart by reckless moves or internal rift. 


The people of Hong Kong must be united, work together and help each other, and by so doing, you will ensure the success of Hong Kong, your common home.


A cause with public participation and public support is sure to achieve success. We should ensure the success of development on the mainland which practices the socialist system; we should also ensure the success of development in Hong Kong which practices the capitalist system. We should have every confidence that we will succeed!





It is my hope that in the next five years, the HKSAR government will unite people of all sectors in Hong Kong to fully and faithfully implement the principle of "One Country, Two Systems", stay committed to the basis of "One Country", well leverage the benefits of "Two Systems", and make solid efforts to ensure success of its various endeavors.


It is important for you to advance with the times, actively perform your duties, and continue to improve government performance. 


It is important to focus on priorities, fully leverage Hong Hong's strengths and open up a new horizon for Hong Kong's economic development. 


It is important to put people first, help them overcome difficulties, especially address prominent economic and livelihood issues that people are concerned with, and truly increase their sense of contentment and happiness. 


It is important to raise awareness and enhance guidance, especially to step up patriotic education of the young people, to give them more care and support and help them grow up well.




The Central Government will continue to support the Chief Executive and the HKSAR government in exercising law-based governance. We will continue to support Hong Kong in growing its economy and improving people's lives, and in leveraging its strengths and role in advancing the Belt and Road Initiative, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Renminbi internationalization and other major development strategies. 



Hong Kong has the strong backing of the great motherland and the strong support of the Central Government and the people of the mainland. Hong Kong has gained a wealth of experience over the past 20 years since its return; it has a solid foundation for achieving further development, and it enjoys the concerted dedication of the HKSAR government and people in all the sectors. With all this in mind, I am convinced that the practice of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong will write a new chapter and create new splendor for Hong Kong!

★ 想要阅读习主席致辞中英双语全文的同学,请在双语君主页回复“香港20年”,获得文章链接。



The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)


 "One Country, Two Systems"


Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor


the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland


the transfer of government


the regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect 


 Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect


Bond Connect


the legendary city of Hong Kong by the Lion Rock 


"Hong Kong people administering/governing Hong Kong"


a high degree of autonomy

编辑:左卓 唐晓敏 赵晨雁 



