unsigned int __fastcall pjl_ldwelcomescreen_internal3(
int was_last_write_success,
int (__fastcall *pjl_getc)(unsigned __int8 *p_char),
ssize_t (__fastcall *write_to_file)(int *p_fd, char *data_to_write, size_t len_to_write),
int *p_fd)
unsigned int current_char_2; // r5
size_t len_to_write; // r4
int len_end_data; // r11
int has_encountered_at_sign; // r6
unsigned int current_char_3; // r0
int ret; // r0
int current_char_1; // r3
ssize_t len_written; // r0
unsigned int ret_2; // r3
ssize_t len_written_1; // r0
unsigned int ret_3; // r3
ssize_t len_written_2; // r0
unsigned int ret_4; // r3
int was_last_write_success_1; // r3
size_t len_to_write_final; // r4
ssize_t len_written_final; // r0
unsigned int ret_5; // r3
unsigned int ret_1; // [sp+0h] [bp-20h]
unsigned __int8 current_char; // [sp+1Fh] [bp-1h] BYREF
_BYTE data_to_write[1028]; // [sp+20h] [bp+0h] BYREF
current_char_2 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ret_1 = 0;
len_to_write = 0;
memset(data_to_write, 0, 0x401u);
len_end_data = 0;
has_encountered_at_sign = 0;
current_char_3 = current_char_2;
while ( 1 )
current_char = 0;
if ( current_char_3 == 0xFFFFFFFF )
// get one character from pjl_ctx->pData
ret = pjl_getc(¤t_char);
current_char_1 = current_char;
// a previous character was already retrieved, let's use that for now
current_char_1 = (unsigned __int8)current_char_3;
ret = 1; // success
current_char = current_char_1;
if ( has_encountered_at_sign )
break; // exit the loop forever
// is it an '@' sign for a PJL-specific command?
if ( current_char_1 != '@' )
goto b_read_pjl_data;
len_end_data = 1;
has_encountered_at_sign = 1;
// from here, current_char == '@'
if ( len_to_write + 13 > 0x400 ) // ?
if ( was_last_write_success )
len_written = write_to_file(p_fd, data_to_write, len_to_write);
was_last_write_success = len_to_write == len_written;
current_char_2 = '@';
ret_2 = ret_1;
if ( len_to_write != len_written )
ret_2 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ret_1 = ret_2;
current_char_2 = '@';
goto b_restart_from_scratch;
if ( ret == 0xFFFFFFFF ) // error
if ( !was_last_write_success )
return ret_1;
len_written_1 = write_to_file(p_fd, data_to_write, len_to_write);
ret_3 = ret_1;
if ( len_to_write != len_written_1 )
return 0xFFFFFFFF; // error
return ret_3;
if ( len_to_write > 0x400 )
// append data to stack buffer
data_to_write[len_to_write++] = current_char_1;
current_char_3 = 0xFFFFFFFF; // reset to enforce reading another character
// at next loop iteration
// reached 0x400 bytes to write, let's write them
if ( len_to_write == 0x400 )
current_char_2 = 0xFFFFFFFF; // reset to enforce reading another character
// at next loop iteration
if ( was_last_write_success )
len_written_2 = write_to_file(p_fd, data_to_write, 0x400);
ret_4 = ret_1;
if ( len_written_2 != 0x400 )
ret_4 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
ret_1 = ret_4;
was_last_write_success_1 = was_last_write_success;
if ( len_written_2 != 0x400 )
was_last_write_success_1 = 0;
was_last_write_success = was_last_write_success_1;
goto b_restart_from_scratch;
} // end of while ( 1 )
// we reach here if we encountered an '@' sign
// let's check it is a valid "@PJL END DATA" footer
if ( (unsigned __int8)aPjlEndData[len_end_data] != current_char_1 )
len_end_data = 1;
has_encountered_at_sign = 0; // reset so we read it again?
goto b_read_data_or_at;
if ( len_end_data != 12 ) // len("PJL END DATA") = 12
// will go back to the while(1) loop but exit at the next
// iteration due to "break" and has_encountered_at_sign == 1
if ( current_char_1 != '@' )
goto b_read_pjl_data;
goto b_handle_pjl_at_sign;
// we reach here if all "PJL END DATA" was parsed
current_char = 0;
pjl_getc(¤t_char); // read '\r'
if ( current_char == '\r' )
pjl_getc(¤t_char); // read '\n'
// write all the remaining data (len < 0x400), except the "PJL END DATA" footer
len_to_write_final = len_to_write - 0xC;
if ( !was_last_write_success )
return ret_1;
len_written_final = write_to_file(p_fd, data_to_write, len_to_write_final);
ret_5 = ret_1;
if ( len_to_write_final != len_written_final )
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
return ret_5;