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新加坡眼  · 公众号  · 新加坡  · 2025-03-02 19:04


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2025年2月18日,新加坡卫生部高级政务部长普杰立医生代表卫生部长在国会口头答复 宏茂桥 选区 议员 黄玲玲、 裕廊集选区议员陈有明医生 有关 整合公共医疗机构患者端应用程序及强化预约管理等功能的问题。


黄玲玲 宏茂桥 选区 议员) 询问卫生部长:

(a) 国家健康应用HealthHub何时将现有跨三大公共医疗集群的预约管理功能扩展至Health SG计划下的全科医生诊所?

(b) 是否可将实验室报告、药物续方、健康筛查及CHAS余额查询等现有功能同步至这些诊所?

陈有明 ( 裕廊集选区议员) 医生询问卫生部长:

(a) 是否已研究公众对整合公共医疗集群应用的需求?

(b) 现有平台 (尤其对跨集群就医患者) 是否存在改进空间?

普杰立 医生 ( 卫生部高级政务部长,代表卫生部长) :议长先生,请允许我合并答复今日议程第1、2项质询,并涵盖黄玲玲议员后续会议提交的相关问题。

议长 :请继续。

普杰立 医生 ( 卫生部高级政务部长,代表卫生部长) :感谢议长。我邀请黄玲玲议员必要时提出补充质询,若问题已获解答,后续质询或可撤回。

HealthHub作为国家健康应用程序和门户网站,已实现与三大公共医疗集群的交互,其核心功能包括跨集群预约挂号。该功能已向自愿参与的 Health SG 诊所开放,但强制要求私营诊所接入尚不适宜。私营诊所虽受严格监管,仍属市场化运营。



我们不时会收到一些建议,要求将群组应用程序整合到 HealthHub 中。集群应用程序确实有其作用,因为它们具有为其特定设施和服务定制的功能。这些应用程序还能让各医院群在用户互动功能上进行创新,帮助它们更好地与所服务的病人建立联系并满足他们的独特需求。另一方面,建立统一的 HealthHub 也有好处。我们将继续探讨这个问题。

议长 :黄玲玲议员。

黄玲玲 (宏茂桥集选区议员) :感谢答复。 我有两个补充问题。议长 先生,我认为自己是一个相当精明的 HealthHub 用户,但即使我在综合诊所和医院使用 HealthHub ,特别是当我帮助我的父母时,我实际上需要我在 HealthHub 注册的全科医生的帮助,在导航方面,我发现在 HealthHub 主页上实际上有一个横幅,上面写着 HealthHub ,点击后会显示类似 “查看健康计划 ”的内容。 正是通过这个链接,你可以进入你在 Health SG 下注册的全科医生诊所进行预约,而不是大多数病人使用健康汇网进行预约的 “预约 ”的正常快速链接。

我的第一个问题是:卫生部能否考虑使用很多人都非常熟悉的快速链接 “预约 ”按钮(如果他们一直在使用 HealthHub )来预约新加坡人在 Health SG 注册的全科医生诊所?

我的第二个问题是:我认为我有一个非常好的全科医生,即使在他的诊所非常拥挤的情况下,当我提出问题时,他也会不遗余力地向我解释。他多花了两三分钟。我认为其他一些全科医生在努力支持卫生部正在推广的 Healthier SG 方面确实做得很好。卫生部是否会表彰这些全科医生,并颁发一些奖项,以鼓励这些全科医生,并鼓励我们希望看到其他全科医生所做的事情, 以激励我们在未来几年Healthier SGr 推广?

普杰立 医生 ( 卫生部高级政务部长,代表卫生部长) :感谢建议。 我们会考虑并仔细研究这两项建议。事实上,我们一直在研究如何改进数字产品的用户界面和用户体验。


议长 陈有明医生。

陈有明 医生 (裕廊集选区议员) 议长先生,首先我要声明,我在一家公共医疗机构工作,但我是以议员的身份,根据我从金文泰居民那里听到的情况,提出这个反馈意见。

1、作为主管政府科技局的部长, 请问高级政务部长,我们可以从 GovTech 的经验中汲取哪些教训,以改善卫生部应用程序和医疗保健集群应用程序的用户体验?例如,GovTech 公司拥有大量能干的员工,其中一些人甚至拥有在谷歌等大型国际科技公司工作的经验。

2,我还想请问高级政务部长, 卫生部是否研究过借鉴 GovTech 的经验和 GovTech 的易用性,开发一个更加综合的应用程序?因为有居民告诉我,LifeSG,尤其是 Parking.sg 等应用程序要比医院集群应用程序,甚至是 HealthHub 容易使用得多。因此,我能否进一步询问高级政务部长?是否对HealthHub和医院应用程序进行了大量的用户界面测试,是否对包括老年人和天生不懂技术的人在内的人群进行了用户界面测试?总之,议长先生,要通过我们人民的眼睛,而不仅仅是工程师和编码员的眼睛来看待问题。

普杰 立医生 ( 卫生部高级政务部长,代表卫生部长) 感谢陈医生的回应和建议。 我们确实认识到,随着人口老龄化,越来越多的人有长期的健康问题,并与临床医疗服务提供者有多次接触,他们可能需要多种护理环境来满足他们的医疗保健需求。目前,这可能意味着他们需要使用不同的应用程序来管理自己和家人的跨机构医疗交易。

因此,我们正在研究如何改进我们的数字服务。事实上,我们正在学习 GovTech 公司和其他公司积极参与的公共部门其他数字化工作的经验。与医疗保健服务提供商合作的团队包括 Synapxe 数字团队、GovTech 团队以及私营供应商。因此,公共部门和私营部门都积累了大量经验,吸取了其他护理和业务流程转型的教训,并将其应用到医疗生态系统中。







Ms Ng Ling Ling asked the Minister for Health (a) when will the national digital health app HealthHub extend its current function of appointments management across all three public healthcare clusters to include Healthier SG general practitioner (GP) clinics; and (b) whether the rest of the current functions on HealthHub, such as laboratory report, medical refill, health screening and CHAS balance, can be extended to these GP clinics.

Dr Tan Wu Meng asked the Minister for Health (a) whether the Ministry has studied public feedback requesting for a single fully consolidated public sector app for patients to transact with the public healthcare clusters; and (b) whether there is room for improvement in existing platforms, especially for patients receiving care across multiple healthcare clusters.

The Senior Minister of State for Health (Dr Janil Puthucheary) (for the Minister for Health) : Mr Speaker, may I have your permission to answer Question Nos 1 and 2 in today’s Order Paper?

My response will also cover the matters raised in the question by Ms Ng Ling Ling 1 which is scheduled for a subsequent Sitting.

Mr Speaker : Please proceed.

Dr Janil Puthucheary : Thank you, Sir. I invite Ms Ng to seek clarifications, if need be. If the question has been addressed, it may not be necessary for the Member to proceed with the Question for a future Sitting.

Sir, HealthHub is our national health app and web portal which allows the public to interact with all three public healthcare clusters. One of its key functions is appointment booking. Through HealthHub, users can schedule cross-cluster appointments with the public healthcare institutions. This feature is also extended to Healthier SG general practitioner (GP) clinics that have opted to participate in the functions of this app. At this stage, we do not think it is appropriate to compel all private GPs to come onto the app. They are private clinics and they are operating within a market, albeit one that is heavily regulated.

We have not received much feedback on the difficulties in making cross-cluster medical appointments. This may be because the public are also familiar with alternative booking channels, such as the call centres of the institutions.

HealthHub also provides a range of other services to patients such as viewing laboratory reports, health screening results, prescription records and Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) balances. These functions are also extended to participating GP clinics, except the medication refills which only apply to the public healthcare institutions.

From time to time, we will receive suggestions to consolidate the cluster apps under HealthHub. The cluster apps do serve a purpose, in having features customised to their particular facilities and services. These apps also allow the clusters to innovate on user-interaction features, helping them to better connect with and address the unique needs of the patients they serve. On the other hand, there are also advantages to having a consolidated HealthHub. This is an issue that we will continue to explore.

Mr Speaker : Ms Ng Ling Ling.

Ms Ng Ling Ling (Ang Mo Kio) : Thank you, Speaker. I thank the Senior Minister of State for the reply. I have two supplementary questions. Sir, I would consider myself quite a savvy HealthHub user, but even with my use of it for the polyclinics and the hospitals especially when I help my parents, I actually needed some help from my GP that I enrolled onto Healthier SG with, on the navigation to find that there is actually a banner on the HealthHub homepage that says "Healthier SG" and the click-on says something like "View Health Plan". It is through that link that you can go in and make appointments with the GP clinic that you have enrolled with under Healthier SG, instead of the normal quick link to "Appointments" that most patients would have used HealthHub to make appointments.

My first question is: can the Ministry of Health (MOH) consider using the quick link "Appointment" button that a lot of people are very familiar with if they had been using HealthHub to also make appointments with GP clinics that Singaporeans had enrolled with under Healthier SG?

My second question is: I think I have a very good GP who goes over and above the extra mile, even when his clinic is very crowded, to explain to me when I ask questions. That took him an extra two to three minutes. I think some of these other GPs are really doing a good job trying to support Healthier SG which MOH is promoting. Will MOH recognise and give some award to encourage these GPs and encourage what we want to see other GPs doing, as we extend Healthier SG in the coming years?

Dr Janil Puthucheary : Sir, I thank Ms Ng for her two suggestions. We will consider both and look at them closely. Indeed, we are always looking to see how we can improve the user interface and user experience of our digital products.

I am glad that she has found a GP that she trusts and is providing her with quality, in-depth care. I think we do need to find ways to reognise and incentivise this type of behaviour from the family physicians that look after all of us.

Mr Speaker : Dr Tan.

Dr Tan Wu Meng (Jurong) : Mr Speaker, I want to start by declaring that I work at a public healthcare institution, but I raise this feedback in my Member of Parliament capacity, based on what I have heard from my Clementi residents.

Sir, I have got two follow-up questions for the Senior Minister of State. Firstly, the Senior Minister of State also happens to be the Minister-in-charge of the Government Technology Agency of Singapore (GovTech). Can I ask the Senior Minister of State what lessons can we learn from drawing on GovTech's experience to improve the user experience of MOH's apps and the healthcare cluster apps? For example, GovTech has a deep pool of capable staff, some who have even got experience at major international tech firms such as Google.

Secondly, can I also ask the Senior Minister of State whether MOH has studied having a much more consolidated app, drawing on GovTech experience and GovTech's ease of use? Because I have residents who tell me that apps such as LifeSG and in particular, Parking.sg, are much, much easier to use than the hospital clusters apps, or even HealthHub. So, can I ask the Senior Minister of State along those lines further? Is there a lot of user interface testing done for HealthHub and the hospital apps, and is that user interface testing applied to populations, including the elderly and people who may not be naturally tech savvy? In short, Mr Speaker, seeing through the eyes of our people and not just the eyes of the engineers and coders.

Dr Janil Puthucheary : Sir, I thank Dr Tan for his feedback and suggestions. We do recognise that as our population ages, as we have a growing number of people who have long-term health problems and multiple contacts with clinical providers, they may need multiple care settings to address their healthcare needs. And currently, that may mean navigating different apps to manage medical transactions across institutions for themselves and their family members.

So, we are looking at ways and how we can improve our digital services. We are indeed learning from the experience across the rest of the digitalisation in the public sector that GovTech and others have been heavily involved in. The teams that are working with the healthcare service providers – we have the Synapxe digital team, we also have got the GovTech teams, as well as private vendors. So, there is a significant amount of experience from the public sector and the private sector, drawing on the lessons of other care and business process transformation and applying that to what happens within the healthcare ecosystem.

Dr Tan made a point about the consolidation of the apps and the user interface. These are, in a way, two distinct issues. The matter of how we provide the digital infrastructure for the clusters to ride on and provide their individual apps at the moment is something that we are studying, as to whether or not there is a need to then consolidate and streamline.

This is distinct from the issue of the user interface and the user experience that he mentioned. We do indeed test with a variety of users from all backgrounds. We do indeed want to make sure that the digital services that we offer are accessible to the population and easy to use, so that they can engage in these transactions.

I take his feedback and we will continue to try our best. And if there are specific suggestions about buttons, banners, transactions, workflows, I would encourage him and other Members to provide us the information and we will certainly find a way to optimise the experience for all our users.

Note(s) to Question No(s) 1-2:

1 Question subsequently withdrawn: To ask the Minister for Health (a) whether there has been any feedback by users of HealthHub on the difficulties in making cross-cluster medical appointments or missing out such appointments in the app; and (b) if so, what is the technical and non-technical reasons for this given that HealthHub’s appointment management feature is linked to all three public healthcare clusters.


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