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经济学人 | 苹果三星之争 | 2017.9.14 | 总第1038期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-11-08 06:01



从2017年9月开始,随着巨头入场,智能手机正式进入全面屏时代。各手机厂商都试图蚕食这一风口,但收益的天平不会均匀分布。与往年一样,在高端市场,苹果和三星的唯一对手就是彼此。随着三星Galaxy Note8和iPhoneX的先后问世,在这个秋冬之交,最新一季三星与苹果的竞争即将上演。

Phone tag


Rivalry between Apple and Samsung in smartphones will grow fiercer


Rivalry 竞争;对抗;竞赛

The South Korean firm’s Galaxy Note 8 takes on the iPhone X

韩国公司的Galaxy Note 8 与iPhone 对峙

Sep 14th 2017 | SAN FRANCISCO

2017年9月14日| 旧金山

NEVER shy about hype, on September 12th Apple’s boss, Tim Cook, presented the firm’s latest iPhones to a packed auditorium in its glitzy new headquarters in Cupertino. He made a grand prediction: its new, premium phone, the iPhone X (pronounced “ten”), will “set the path of technology for the next decade”. Set to be released this November, ten years after the first iPhone launched, the iPhone X has new features such as an edge-to-edge OLED screen (a thinner screen that does not use a backlight), wireless charging, facial-recognition technology and a dual-lens camera.

从不避讳炒作,9月12日,苹果公司的老板蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在其位于库比蒂诺(Cupertino)的豪华新总部里,将最新款的iphone在一个拥挤的礼堂展示了出来。他做出了一个宏伟的预测:它的新款高端手机iPhone X(拼读成“十”)将会“将会引领未来十年的科技发展之路”。距其第一款手机发布十年,今年十一月将要发布的iPhone X有一些新性能,比如:边缘化的OLED屏幕(一种更薄的屏幕,没有使用背光)、无线充电、面部识别系统和双镜头相机。

  • Hype 大肆宣传;炒作

  • Auditorium 礼堂;会堂;

  • Glitzy 炫目的;闪光的;耀眼的

  • Premium 高价的;优质的

On the same day, Samsung, a rival smartphone-maker, held a lower-key event in Seoul. Koh Dong-jin, president of Samsung Electronics’ mobile business, announced that next year Samsung could reimagine the smartphone entirely and launch a new design with a foldable screen, which can close like a small book. On September 15th its latest premium smartphone, the Galaxy Note 8, will go on sale, boasting many of the features offered by the iPhone X.

同一天,竞争对手智能手机制造商三星(Samsung)在首尔举办了一场低调的发布会。三星电子(Samsung Electronics)移动业务总裁高东进(Koh dong - jin)宣布,明年三星可能会重新规划整个智能手机市场,而且会发行一款新的屏幕可折叠手机——可以像一本小书一样闭合。9月15日,其最新的高端智能手机Galaxy Note 8将发售,拥有iPhone X提供的许多功能。

  • reimagine 重新想象;恢复;重建

  • Boast 拥有(值得骄傲的成就或财产);自吹自擂;夸耀;吹嘘

Both are trying to convince consumers to spend around $1,000 for their new gadgets. Samsung’s new phone will cost $960; Apple’s high-end iPhone X will cost $999, 45% more than the average selling price of an iPhone in 2016. (The iPhone 8, simpler than the X and available for sale in September, will start at $699.)

这两家公司都在试图说服消费者花将近1000美元去买他们的新产品。三星的新款要价960美元。苹果的高端iPhone X要价999美元,这个价位比苹果2016年出的新手机平均价格高了45%。(今年9月发售的iPhone 8将以699美元起价,比X版还要简单,可在9月份发售。)

  • Gadgets 玩意儿;小配件;小工具

The competition to wow consumers has been intensely fought between Apple and Samsung Electronics for years. They claim a duopoly over the premium part of the smartphone market. Together they control around two-thirds of the global market (Apple claims 44% of smartphone revenues and Samsung 22%; see chart). The two firms have tussled in courts around the world over intellectual property, with Apple accusing Samsung of infringing on its smartphone patents.


  • Wow 使…喝彩;博得…的称赞

  • Duopoly 双头垄断市场;双头垄断

  • Tussle 争斗;扭打;争夺

  • Infringing 侵害;侵占;侵犯

Last year Apple seized share in premium phones when Samsung struggled with its Galaxy Note 7; its batteries had a habit of overheating, which necessitated a global recall. Samsung’s new phone is expected to win back users. It used to copy Apple’s innovations but is now often ahead on new features, says Werner Goertz of Gartner. Samsung was the first to release an OLED screen, for instance.

去年苹果公司获得了高端手机行业的股份溢价,当时三星正在努力处理它的Galaxy Note 7,这款手机的电池经常过热,这迫使三星全球召回处理。三星的新款手机有望赢回用户。高德纳公司的沃纳·戈茨说三星过去有抄袭苹果的创意,但现在在一些新功能上经常走在前面。例如,三星是第一家推出OLED屏幕的公司。

  • Necessitate 使成为必需;需要;迫使

The rivalry between the two will only grow fiercer (even though Samsung is also among Apple’s most important suppliers of components, and is expected to provide OLED screens and chips for Apple’s latest phones). In rich countries the market for smartphones is maturing: many of the firms’ gains will come from stealing each other’s customers. In emerging markets, especially China, they will compete to persuade consumers to trade up from cheaper phones. Apple globally claims an 82% retention rate, compared with Samsung’s 67%. This is significantly higher than other firms’, especially Chinese manufacturers like Xiaomi and OPPO, whose less expensive phones have gained share among Chinese consumers in recent years.


  • Components 部件;组件;成分

  • Retention rate 保留率;留购率

Samsung and Apple will fight on three fronts. One is to design a better overall software ecosystem and keep consumers within it. “I don’t know if it’s a smartphone war as much as it is an ecosystem war,” says Tim Bajarin of Creative Strategies, a technology consultancy. Samsung runs on the Android operating system, whose design it does not fully control, whereas Apple has the advantage of complete oversight of its iOS operating system.


A second front will be fought over virtual assistants. Apple was the first mobile-phone maker to offer a voice-controlled assistant, called Siri, which it introduced in 2011. Samsung offers one named Bixby. Both have been underwhelming in their capabilities. But Samsung is investing huge sums to change this, while Apple is criticised for underinvesting in Siri.


  • Virtual 虚拟的;实质上的;事实上的

  • Underwhelming 未给人留下深刻印象的;未激起人们热情的

A third battleground in software will be augmented reality (AR), or the projection of digital information onto the physical world. Both Apple and Samsung offer dual-lens cameras, which make it easier to integrate AR functions into apps.


  • Battleground 战场

There is unlikely to be one winner. Samsung is well hedged; its strong chip and smartphone-components business will insulate the firm if mobile-phone sales slow. Apple lacks this diversity, but its mobile devices project luxury, and its customers are less likely to defect because iOS runs across all their devices. Mr Cook may be right that Apple’s phones will set technology’s direction, but his firm will feel Samsung’s breath on its neck all the way.


  • Hedge 用树篱围住

  • Insulate 隔离;使孤立;使绝缘

  • Defect 变节;叛变


  1. 音频和英文原文来自《经济学人》

  2. 原文请订阅《经济学人》官方正版

  3. 注:以上所有图片均来源于网络

审核 丨咖啡墨丹(E-J-1)

翻译 丨 ww(E-J-1-1);无何不可(E-J-1-2);薛定谔(E-J-1-3)

图文编辑 丨饶小刀

责任编辑 丨 杨艺

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