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ARRI  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-09-14 14:33


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  • ARRI经典机械转轮的数字化演绎

  • LBUS技术驱动

  • 高度模块化设计和工作流程


加入机械阻尼可避免不必要的移动,但更重要的是让每个人找到适合自己的手感。制动杆的设计也是取自前辈ARRIHEAD,让控制更精确、更直观。“一切都是经典的设计,只要一分钟,掌镜摄影师就仿佛有回到家那种轻松自在的感觉,”ARRI摄影机稳定器系统产品经理柯特•肖勒(Curt Schaller)说:“归根结底,掌控一切最重要。”





ARRI集团业务由五个商业部门组成:摄影机系统、灯光、媒体、租赁和医疗。ARRI是全球领先的电影摄影机与灯光系统设计与制造商,经销商与服务网络遍及全球。同时,ARRI也是后期制作领域的集成媒体服务提供者与面向专业制作领域的设备租赁、摄影机供应、灯光与器材装备的供应商。ARRI Medical专注于利用自身核心图像技术服务于外科手术应用。



Boosting operator control:

ARRI’s new Digital Remote Wheels DRW-1

  • Digital interpretation of classic ARRI crank wheels

  • Driven by LBUS technology

  • Highly modular design and workflow

ARRI is launching new Digital Remote Wheels DRW-1—an additional controller for use with its Stabilized Remote Head SRH-3. The DRW-1 combines state-of-the-art digital technology with components inspired by earlier generations of the ARRIHEAD. The heavy, hand polished, precision-engineered crank wheels are the same as were used on the mechanical ARRIHEAD. Bringing a mechanical touch and feel to a digital workflow, they provide operators with maximum control by producing a smooth, linear information stream, and enabling operators to trust their muscle memory.

Mechanical friction can be added in order to make the controls less prone to unintended movement, but more responsive to the individual. The brake lever also pays homage to its counterpart on the ARRIHEAD, mimicking the operation of its mechanical forebear and allowing for optimal, intuitive control.“Everything here is a classic design—after just a minute the operator will feel at home with this,” says Curt Schaller, Product Manager, ARRI Camera Stabilizer Systems. “In the end—it’s all about having everything under control.”

The DRW-1’s assignable controls and interchangeable components make it readily adaptable to the working style and habits of the operator. The angle of the wheels is adjustable to allow for use even in tight or constrained places. An additional third wheel can be quickly added to the system. Screw holes of different sizes allow for easy attachment of a wide range of accessories. The DRW-1 can also be mounted on any tripod or stand.

Using the LBUS standard, the wheels are daisy-chainable, and so require a minimum of cabling, and as LBUS cables are widely available they are easily replaceable. The DRW-1 is backed by ARRI’s global network of service centers, and in conjunction with the SRH-3, represents a supremely controllable, adaptable, and cost-efficient remote-head system.
