译者:刘 蕊
校对:杨 阳
本文选自 The Guardian
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Whoever said “curiosity killed the cat” obviously never put their cat on a lead, because these days curious cats with obliging owners and Instagram accounts are going hiking, paddle-boarding and even rock climbing, with leads and
to help keep all nine lives intact.
A harness is a set of straps which fit under a person's arms and fasten around their body in order to keep a piece of equipment in place or to prevent the person moving from a place. 背带; 安全带
Now, though, the RSPCA has advised cat owners against walking their pets on a lead, in case it causes them distress. “A sense of control is very important to cats, and being walked on a collar or harness prevents them having control,” the animal welfare organisation warned. “It may be more difficult for them to move away or hide from anything which might scare or worry them.”
”Many pet owners have taken up cat-walking in recent years, encouraged by others on social media and by the growing range of outdoorsy cat kit on offer. But for most mogs, the RSPCA suggests, “an indoor environment with plenty of opportunities to be active and mentally stimulated is likely to be more beneficial for the cat’s welfare than walking them on a lead.”
For some cats, however, that’s not enough, says cat behaviourist Anita Kelsey. “If a cat is going mad being kept indoors, they’re crying at the windows all the time, and you’ve done everything you can to bring the outside in, that’s when I help people train the cats to walk on a lead,” she says, adding that letting a cat outside can help to solve some pets’ “destructive behaviour”.
但是有的猫却并不满足于室内,猫行为主义者安妮塔·凯尔西(Anita Kelsey)指出。“如果猫室内快憋疯了的话,它会一直在窗边嚎叫,那么你就要想尽一切办法带它到室外去,这时,我会帮助人们训练如何给猫带上猫链,牵着出门溜达。”她同时还补充道,带着猫出门散步有助于减少有些宠物的“毁灭性行为”。
Not every pet has a garden to roam at home, and if a cat lives in high-rise apartment block, for instance, then a walk on a lead might be the only way they’ll feel the breeze on their
the thick soft hair that covers the bodies of some animals, such as cats, dogs, and rabbits〔猫、狗、兔子等动物的〕软毛
Kelsey lives in a London home with no garden and two Norwegian Forest cats, which she has taken walking in the Lake District on leads. “Every cat is different,” she says. “Mine are a breed of cat that really wants to go outside. But nobody can force a cat to go on a lead; you can’t force a cat to do anything if they don’t want to.”
凯尔西住在伦敦,养着两只挪威森林猫,家里没有花园。她常常给猫带上猫链,带着它们在湖区(Lake District)散步。“每只猫都是与众不同的。”她说,“我这两只猫就非常喜欢出门。但没人能够强迫猫戴上猫链。你无法强迫猫去做任何它不愿意做的事情。”
The social media cat-walking trend can be traced to organisations such as Adventure Cat, a website and Instagram account launched by Laura Moss in 2015 and dedicated to intrepid domestic cats enjoying the wild. Given the internet’s fondness for felines, it’s hardly surprising the account has 120,000 followers, and more than 88,000 pictures have been posted with the hashtag #adventurecat.
社交媒体上的“遛猫潮”起源于Adventure Cat这样的组织。Adventure Cat是劳拉·莫斯(Laura Moss)于2015年创建的网站并注册了相应的Instagram账号,目的是鼓励那些勇敢的家养猫去享受野外的生活。考虑到网上对猫的喜爱,这个账号有12万粉丝也就不足为奇了,其上传的8.8万张照片都带有话题#adventurecat#。
willing to do dangerous things or go to dangerous places – often used humorously无畏的,勇敢的
/ˈfiːlaɪn/ A feline is an animal that belongs to the cat family. 猫科动物