Nell Frizzell
译者:王津雨 & 邵海灵
As a new mum, I know loneliness cuts deep – and the lack of services for parent and child plays a large part in this.
the Guardian
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It is the strange lot of young mothers to be never alone, but often lonely. You may have a baby stuck limpet-like to your breast, hip or lap, but for many women, particularly those heroic superbeings we call single mothers, loneliness stalks the days like a tiger.
According to new research by the British Red Cross and the Co-op, over 80% of mums under 30 feel lonely some of the time, while over 40% are lonely often or always.
Of course they are. When you’re earning just £20.70 a week in child benefit; when you have to sit in a dark room every couple of hours in order to tempt some food into an overstimulated child; when your family are at work; when you are still knitting your body back together after childbirth; when your friends don’t know how to change a nappy and you can’t afford a babysitter; when your partner is too tired to talk to you after a day at work; when you’re too shy to walk up to pram-pushing strangers in the street; when a place at nursery costs as much as your rent; when the local library has closed down; when you’ve had no sleep and have lost your nerve – of course you stay at home. Of course you get lonely.
Yet it feels somehow taboo to admit to loneliness when you’re in the constant company of your own child. Mothers are somehow assumed to need no more stimulation than to stare adoringly into the wet eyes of their baby from birth: the amusement of a hiccup or an unexpected mid-air wee should be substitute enough for adult conversation; the feel of a chubby hand around your finger should wipe away any interest in your friends, sharing anecdotes, going on holiday, resting your head on another person’s shoulder, talking about your day …
然而,如果你一直有孩子陪伴在身边,还要承认自己很孤独,这总令人感到有些难以启齿。不知怎么回事,人们都认为,自从孩子出生后,妈妈们只要用慈爱的目光看着孩子湿润的眼睛,就能受到鼓舞,再不需要其他的激励手段了:孩子打嗝或出人意料向半空撒尿所带来的乐趣,足以取代成人之间的谈话;和朋友一起、分享轶事、去度假、把头枕到别人肩膀上、聊聊你一天的生活…… 只要有一只胖乎乎的小手握住你的手指,就能立时打消你对以上所有这些事情的兴趣。
Even for mothers, like me, who have approached child-rearing like the fermentation of a strong cheese, the hallmarks of loneliness still catch in my throat. The small plate of biscuits, drying out on a side table at 9am in desperate anticipation of your one visitor, who isn’t coming until 5pm when they knock off work; the too-long chats with the woman at the shop who politely asked your child’s age – and is the only person you’ve spoken to all day who didn’t have dribble on their chin. You can smell a new mother’s hunger for company like the tang of vinegar: a little too strong, a little too sour.