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解析作者 | 唧唧堂经济学小组:
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The majority of innovations are developed by multi-sector firms. The knowledge needed to invent new products is more easily adapted from some sectors than from others. We study this network of knowledge linkages between sectors and its impact on firm innovation and aggregate growth. We first document a set of sectoral-level and firm-level observations on knowledge applicability and firms’ multi-sector patenting behaviour. We then develop a general equilibrium model of firm innovation in which inter-sectoral knowledge linkages determine the set of sectors a firm chooses to innovate in and how much R&D to invest in each sector. It captures how firms evolve in the technology space, accounts for cross-sector differences in R&D intensity, and describes an aggregate model of technological change. The model matches new observations as demonstrated by simulation. It also yields new insights regarding the mechanism through which sectoral fixed costs of R&D affect growth.
Jie Cai, Nan Li, Growth Through Inter-sectoral Knowledge Linkages, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 1827–1866, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdy062
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2. 用多矩不等式推断因果和结构参数
(1)联合界引理(the union bound) 结合自正则和(self-normalized sums)的中度偏差不等式,(2)乘数和实证自助法(bootstraps),以及(3)结合以下两种选择的(1)和(2)的两步和三步变体,这两种选择是“远离约束的非信息不等式的选择”和“具有潜在约束但不提供一阶信息的弱信息不等式的新颖选择”。
事实上,对于 c>0,p可以是e的n^c次幂。
此外,在网络版的附件中,对于在某些一般混合条件下的相关数据,我们基于块乘数自助法(block multiplier bootstrap)证明了检验效度。
This article considers the problem of testing many moment inequalities where the number of moment inequalities, denoted by p, is possibly much larger than the sample size n. There is a variety of economic applications where solving this problem allows to carry out inference on causal and structural parameters; a notable example is the market structure model of Ciliberto and Tamer (2009) where p=2^(m+1) with m being the number of firms that could possibly enter the market. We consider the test statistic given by the maximum of p Studentized (or t-type) inequality-specific statistics, and analyse various ways to compute critical values for the test statistic. Specifically, we consider critical values based upon (1) the union bound combined with a moderate deviation inequality for self-normalized sums, (2) the multiplier and empirical bootstraps, and (3) two-step and three-step variants of (1) and (2) by incorporating the selection of uninformative inequalities that are far from being binding and a novel selection of weakly informative inequalities that are potentially binding but do not provide first-order information. We prove validity of these methods, showing that under mild conditions, they lead to tests with the error in size decreasing polynomially in n while allowing for p being much larger than n; indeed p can be of order exp(n^c) for some c>0. Importantly, all these results hold without any restriction on the correlation structure between pp Studentized statistics, and also hold uniformly with respect to suitably large classes of underlying distributions. Moreover, in the online supplement, we show validity of a test based on the block multiplier bootstrap in the case of dependent data under some general mixing conditions.
Victor Chernozhukov, Denis Chetverikov, Kengo Kato, Inference on Causal and Structural Parameters using Many Moment Inequalities, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 1867–1900, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdy065
3. 区域转移乘数
A series of discontinuities in the allocation mechanism of federal transfers to municipal governments in Brazil allow us to identify the causal effect of public spending on local labour markets, using a “fuzzy” Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD). Our estimates imply a cost per job of about 8,000 US dollars per year and a local income multiplier around two. The effect comes mostly from employment in services and is more pronounced among less financially developed municipalities.
Raphael Corbi, Elias Papaioannou, Paolo Surico, Regional Transfer Multipliers, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 1901–1934, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdy069
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宏观经济学中常见的朝代模型(Dynastic models),使用单一参数来控制个人在跨时期和跨代际两种情况下的替代消费意愿。
Dynastic models common in macroeconomics use a single parameter to control the willingness of individuals to substitute consumption both intertemporally, or across periods, and intergenerationally, or across parents and their children. This article defines the concept of elasticity of intergenerational substitution (EGS), and extends a standard dynastic model in order to disentangle the EGS from the EIS, or elasticity of intertemporal substitution. A calibrated version of the model lends strong support to the notion that the EGS is significantly larger than one. In contrast, estimates of the EIS suggests that it is at most one. What disciplines the identification is the need to match empirically plausible fertility rates for the U.S. We illustrate the potential role of the EGS in macroeconomics.
Raphael Corbi, Elias Papaioannou, Paolo Surico, Regional Transfer Multipliers, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 1901–1934, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdy069
5. 市场均衡中的汽车价格:
In markets where sellers are able to price discriminate, individuals pay different prices that may be unobserved by the econometrician. This article considers the structural estimation of a demand and supply model of differentiated products with such price discrimination and limited information on prices taking the form of, e.g., observing list prices from catalogues or average prices. Within this framework, identification is achieved not only with usual moment conditions on the demand side, but also through supply-side restrictions. The model can be estimated by GMM using a nested fixed point algorithm that extends the usual contraction mapping algorithm to our setting. We apply our methodology to estimate the demand and supply in the French new automobile market. Our results suggest that discounting arising from price discrimination is important. The average discount is estimated to be 9.6%, with large variation depending on buyers’ characteristics and cars’ specifications. Our results are consistent with other evidence on transaction prices in France.
Xavier D’Haultfœuille, Isis Durrmeyer, Philippe Février, Automobile Prices in Market Equilibrium with Unobserved Price Discrimination, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 1973–1998, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdy064
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6. 无承诺的收入管理:
A seller has a fixed number of goods to sell by a deadline. At each time, he posts a regular price and decides whether to hold a flash sale. Over time, buyers privately enter the market and strategically time their purchases. If a buyer does not purchase when she arrives, she can pay an attention cost to recheck the regular price afterwards, or she can wait for future flash sales where she may obtain a good at a discounted price. In the unique Markov perfect equilibrium, the seller sporadically holds flash sales to lower the stock of goods. A flash sale increases the willingness to pay of future buyers, but decreases the willingness to pay of buyers who arrive early in the game. When it is very likely that a buyer will obtain a good in a flash sale, the seller holds a “big” initial flash sale for all but one unit of the good.
Francesc Dilmé, Fei Li, Revenue Management without Commitment: Dynamic Pricing and Periodic Flash Sales, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 1999–2034, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdy073
7. 难民迁移和选举结果
To estimate the causal effect of refugee migration on voting outcomes in parliamentary and municipal elections in Denmark, our study is the first that addresses the key problem of immigrant sorting by exploiting a policy that assigned refugee immigrants to municipalities on a quasi-random basis. We find that in all but the most urban municipalities, allocation of larger refugee shares between electoral cycles leads to an increase in the vote share for right-leaning parties with an anti-immigration agenda, and we show large differences in voters’ responses to refugee allocation according to pre-policy municipal characteristics. However, in the largest and urban municipalities, refugee allocation has—if anything—the opposite effect on vote shares for anti-immigration parties. This coincides with a sharp divide in attitudes to refugees between urban and rural populations, which may be partly explained by distinctive interactions between natives and those with different background in cities and rural areas. Refugee allocation also has a large impact on the anti-immigration parties’ choice of where to stand for municipal election, and we provide some evidence that it influences voter turnout.
Christian Dustmann, Kristine Vasiljeva, Anna Piil Damm, Refugee Migration and Electoral Outcomes, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 2035–2091, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdy047
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8. 互联网与政治:
We empirically study the effects of broadband internet diffusion on local election outcomes and on local government policies using rich data from the U.K. Our analysis shows that the internet has displaced other media with greater news content (i.e. radio and newspapers), thereby decreasing voter turnout, most notably among less-educated and younger individuals. In turn, we find suggestive evidence that local government expenditures and taxes are lower in areas with greater broadband diffusion, particularly expenditures targeted at less-educated voters. Our findings are consistent with the idea that voters’ information plays a key role in determining electoral participation, government policies, and government size.
Alessandro Gavazza, Mattia Nardotto, Tommaso Valletti, Internet and Politics: Evidence from U.K. Local Elections and Local Government Policies, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 2092–2135, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdy028
9. 消费者选择中的归因偏差
When judging the value of a good, people may be overly influenced by the state in which they previously consumed it. For example, someone who tries out a new restaurant while very hungry may subsequently rate it as high quality, even if the food is mediocre. We produce a simple framework for this form of attribution bias that embeds a standard model of decision making as a special case. We test for attribution bias across two consumer decisions. First, we conduct an experiment in which we randomly manipulate the thirst of participants prior to consuming a new drink. Second, using data from thousands of amusement park visitors, we explore how pleasant weather during their most recent trip affects their stated and actual likelihood of returning. In both of these domains, we find evidence that people misattribute the influence of a temporary state to a stable quality of the consumption good. We provide evidence against several alternative accounts for our findings and discuss the broader implications of attribution bias in economic decision making.
Kareem Haggag, Devin G Pope, Kinsey B Bryant-Lees, Maarten W Bos, Attribution Bias in Consumer Choice, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 2136–2183, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdy054
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10. 家庭分配和承诺:
In this article, we analyse the dynamics of intra-household allocations using unique panel data on individual-specific consumption expenditures and time used for leisure, market production, and home production. Cross-sectional differences at the time of marriage in expected wage profiles between a husband and wife strongly affect the allocation of private consumption expenditures and time use by households in the cross section. There are substantial gender asymmetries in these allocations. Even for households where the husband and wife have identical wages, the private consumption expenditures for the wife are about half those for the husband. Within a given household over time, shocks to wages lead households to shift the relative weights in favour of the spouse receiving the favourable shock. Additionally, we find that households adjust the weights in response to large but not to small shocks; the adjustment to the weights is twice as large in the year leading up to a divorce; and adjustments are more frequent in dual- than in single-earner households. We interpret the data using a dynamic collective model of the household with potentially limited commitment.
Jeremy Lise, Ken Yamada, Household Sharing and Commitment: Evidence from Panel Data on Individual Expenditures and Time Use, The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 2184–2219, https://doi.org/10.1093/restud/rdy066
11. 女警官提高了执法质量吗?