专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-03 10:16


在最后一批 2 月产品于一周前达成交易后,上周独联体热轧卷出口市场平静。市场参与者正在关注武汉冠状病毒疫情对市场的影响,但他们告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询),大多数人认为价格还会进一步上涨,因为供应仍然紧张,且成本高企。

The CIS hot rolled coil export market wasquiet last week after the last of February-production volumes were closed aweek prior. Participants are observing the effect on the market of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, but the majority see further price increases, as supplyremains tight and costs high, they tell Kallanish .

目前市场上没有俄罗斯供应商,但持有多头头寸的贸易商在尝试出售。农历新年假期过后,亚洲地区的办事处开始营业,但由于疫情的影响,与前几年相比有所放缓。因此,新的季节性需求预计将刺激销售,特别是在区域报价已经攀升的情况下 ( 另见报道 )

None of the Russian suppliers are in the market, although traders with long positions were observed making tentativeattempts to offload material. Asian offices are now opening for business afterthe Lunar New Year break, albeit slower than in previous years due to the virus out break. Fresh seasonal demand is therefore expected to stimulate sales,especially as regional offers are climbing up already ( see separate article ).

俄罗斯钢厂的供应仍受到国内询盘增多的限制。这是在新的建设季节开始到来和一家主要供应商因轧机升级(直到 6 月)而缺席出口市场的背景下。贸易商估计,这一持续数月的升级项目将导致市场上的热轧卷供应减少约 100 万吨。

Russian mills' availability remains constrained by rising domestic enquiries. This is on the back of the beginning of the new construction season and a major supplier's absence from the exportmarket due to a rolling mill upgrade until June. Traders estimate around 1million tonnes of HRC will have been taken out of the market as a result of  this several-months-long enterprise.

这使得这家乌克兰供应商能够以相对较高的价格出售其 2 月份生产的卷材。尽管该公司对土耳其的报价不得不从原来的 495-500 美元 / cfr 降至约 490-493 美元 / cfr ,因其在土耳其达成大宗热轧卷交易。有消息称,该供应商愿意以 490-495 美元 / cfr 土耳其达成更多 3 月产品交易,但土耳其买家仍持观望态度。

This has enabled the Ukrainian supplier to offload its February-rolling coils at relatively high prices. This is despiteit having to discount its original $495-500/tonne cfr offers to Turkey toaround $490-493/t cfr, as it closed large volumes of HRC sales to thecountry. The supplier was heard willing to close more volumes at$490-495/t cfr Turkey, for March production, but buyers in Turkey remainon the fence.


Traders are now expecting further increases in HRC prices, taking into account seasonality and the shortage, coupled with high cost of production, they say.



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