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生信杂谈  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-06-19 23:59


VMD是一个非常优秀的分子模拟可视化软件,与Pymol,UCSF Chimera齐名,个人还是最喜欢使用VMD,唯一不好的一点是其主要支持的脚本语言为没落的TCL语言。但是VMD在分子模拟轨迹分析中占有非常重要的作用。可谓不可不学习呀。VMD的快速入门网上已经有中文教程,这里不做过多讲解,若没有一点基础,可以先看网上的教程。




原子的选择最基本的参数莫过于一些基本参数,在Graphical Representations中的Singlewords可以查看。

基本参数例如: protein not protein nucleic backbone
原子名称例如: atom C
残基名称例如: resname HEM

name C CA N O 将会选择骨架原子,这与 protein backbone 实际上是一样的。

name “C.*” ,注意的是正则表达式需要用双引号进行包裹,该选择表示的是所有名字起始为C的原子。

VMD同样可以用布尔操作符 and or 以及 not ,例如:
resname HEM and not name "N.*" 将会选择肌红蛋白的除去氮原子的血红素

当然VMD还可以操作一些计算,例如 x>5 会选择x坐标大于5的原子, mass>12 and mass<14 选择12到14之间原子质量单元。

当然也可以用计算来进行一些高级操作,例如 sqrt( sqr(x)  +sqr(y)  + sqr(z) )  < 10 会选择中心点内10埃的球体内原子。同样常用的还有 within of 以及 same as


Keyword Arg Description 描述中文
all bool everything 所有
none bool nothing
name str atom name 原子名称
type str atom type 原子类型
index num the atom number, starting at 0 原子序号,0开始
serial num the atom number, starting at 1 原子序号,1开始
atomicnumber num atomic number (0 if undefined) 原子数(如果未定义则为0)
element str atomic element symbol string (‘X’ if undefined) 原子元素符号字符串(如果未定义则为X)
altloc str alternate location/conformation identifier 替代位置/构像标识符
chain str the one-character chain identifier 特征链
residue num a set of connected atoms with the same residue number 一组具有相同残基数的连接原子
protein bool a residue with atoms named C, N, CA, and O 蛋白
nucleic bool a residue with atoms named P, O1P, O2P and either 核酸

O3’, C3’, C4’, C5’, O5’ or O3 , C3 , C4 , C5 , O5*.

This definition assumes that the base is phosphorylated,

an assumption which will be corrected in the future.
backbone bool the C, N, CA, and O atoms of a protein 骨架

and the equivalent atoms in a nucleic acid.
sidechain bool non-backbone atoms and bonds 侧链
water, bool all atoms with the resname H2O, HH0, OHH, HOH,
fragment num a set of connected residues 联系残基
pfrag num a set of connected protein residues 联系蛋白残基
nfrag num a set of connected nucleic residues
sequence str a sequence given by one letter names 单字符序列
numbonds num number of bonds 成键数
resname str residue name 残基名
resid num residue id 残基id
segname str segment name 片段名
x, y, z float x, y, or z coordinates 坐标
radius float atomic radius 原子半径
mass float atomic mass 原子质量
charge float atomic charge 原子电荷
beta float temperature factor 温度因子
occupancy float occupancy 占有率
user float time-varying user-specified value
at bool residues named ADA A THY T
acidic bool residues named ASP GLU
acyclic bool ``protein and not cyclic’’
aliphatic bool residues named ALA GLY ILE LEU VAL
alpha bool atom’s residue is an alpha helix
amino bool a residue with atoms named C, N, CA, and O
aromatic bool residues named HIS PHE TRP TYR
basic bool residues named ARG HIS LYS
bonded bool atoms for which numbonds > 0
buried bool residues named ALA LEU VAL ILE PHE CYS MET TRP
cg bool residues named CYT C GUA G
charged bool ``basic or acidic’’
cyclic bool residues named HIS PHE PRO TRP TYR
hetero bool ``not (protein or nucleic)’’ 非蛋白或核酸
hydrogen bool name “[0-9]?H.*”
large bool ``protein and not (small or medium)’’
medium bool residues named VAL THR ASP ASN PRO CYS

neutral bool residues named VAL PHE GLN TYR HIS CYS

polar bool ``protein and not hydrophobic’’ 极性氨基酸
purine bool residues named ADE A GUA G
pyrimidine bool residues named CYT C THY T URI U
small bool residues named ALA GLY SER
surface bool ``protein and not buried’’ 蛋白表面氨基酸
rasmol str translates Rasmol selection string to VMD 将Rasmol选择字符串转换为VMD
alpha_helix bool atom’s residue is in an alpha helix
pi_helix bool atom’s residue is in a pi helix
helix_3_10 bool atom’s residue is in a 3-10 helix
helix bool
