专栏名称: 浙大MBA
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  浙大MBA


浙大MBA  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-10-16 20:19



【活动一】 浙江大学数据分析和管理国际研究中心与杭州览众数据科技有限公司“供应链管理联合实验室”签约成立暨揭牌仪式


时间: 周一上午10:30

地点: 浙大紫金港校区行政楼1102

【活动二】 数据科学与管理工程学系学术讲座No.24:卷烟叶组配方中的智能辅助决策

时间: 周二上午10:00-11:30

地点: 浙大紫金港校区行政楼1102

主讲人: 雒兴刚, 杭州电子科技大学特聘教授


雒兴刚, 杭州电子科技大学特聘教授 、博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才,国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体(71021061)骨干成员,中国系统工程学会理事、中国运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会常务理事。2006年于东北大学系统工程专业获得工学博士学位。2006年-2007年在加拿大University of Calgary机械制造工程系任Research Associate。2008年-2014年以来先后多次在香港理工大学工业与工程系任Research Fellow。2015年3月-2017年2月任国家自然科学基金委管理学部管理科学与工程处流动项目主任。



【活动三】 市场营销学系学术讲座NO.11:Social brain interaction within real-life contexts: No brain is an island
2017 / 10/17

时间: 周二上午10:30

地点: 浙大紫金港校区行政楼802会议室

主讲人: Hirofumi Saito , Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University


Hirofumi Saito has been a Full Professor in psychology of Graduate school of Human Informatics since 1996, Information Science since 2003, and Informatics since 2017, Nagoya University. He obtained Ph.D. of Lit. from Kwansei Gakuin University in 1991, and has held visiting and honorary positions at several universities and academic institutions around the world (a Visiting Prof. at the Max Planck Institute in 1996, and at Univ. of Colorado Boulder from 2000 to 2001). He has been serving as a reviewer for many international journals (e.g., Neuroscience letters, Frontiers, Brain and Cognition) and national/regional funding agencies. His research interests include language processing in Japanese, gesture and speech in bilingualism, and human cognition and action. He has published extensively on these topics in prominent psychology and neuroscience journals.


“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; ….” Suppose the main is the social brain, the words written by the English poet J. Donne (1572-1631) may imply a hint for future trends in neuroimaging. As most social skills, such as learning through imitation, understanding others’ intentions, consist of interpersonal communication, it is difficult to fully understand the neural basis of mental life from a single brain point of view. In this regard, to show the need for simultaneously measuring the interactive activity of two brains within real-life contexts, I will introduce a variety of NIRS experiments including verbal and non-verbal communication conducted in my lab. Finally, I will discuss how face-to-face contexts (e.g., deceiver and lie detector) entrain coupling of neural activity across two brains to demonstrate how NIRS may be used to investigate hyper scanning of dyadic social interaction.

【活动四】 数据科学与管理工程学系学术讲座No.26:Dynamic Pricing with Varying Cost

时间: 周二下午14:00-15:30

地点: 浙大紫金港校区行政楼1102会议室

主讲人: Prof. Jeff Hong The City University of Hong Kong


Prof. Jeff Hong is an Endowed Chair Professor of Management Sciences with a joint appointment with Department of Management Sciences and Department of Economics and Finance in College of Business at City University of Hong Kong. Before joining CityU, he was a Professor in Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Prof. Hong’s research interests include stochastic optimization and simulation, financial engineering, and business analytics.


Dynamic pricing with demand learning refers to the profit maximization problem where one optimizes the profit by choosing a price and learns the demand at the same time. Traditionally, the cost is fixed and the problem may be formulated as a multi armed bandit problem, which is known to have an O(logT) lower bound on the expected regret, where T is the number of periods. In this paper, we consider the case where the cost changes over periods. Then, the optimal pricing decision becomes a function of the cost. We propose an upper-confidence-bound type of algorithm to solve the problem. When the cost is a continuous random variable, we prove that the expected regret of our proposed algorithm is O((logT)2). When the cost is discrete, surprisingly, we find that the expected regret may be bounded by a constant. This is a joint work with Ying Zhong and Guangwu Liu.

【活动五】 浙江大学资本市场研究中心“紫金港资本”系列讲座NO.3:量化投资的三观

时间: 周四下午18:30-20:00

地点: 浙大紫金港校区校友活动中心(李摩西楼)1楼西溪厅

主讲人: 朱笑慷(Ken)博士 ,杭州龙旗科技董事长兼首席投资官


朱笑慷(Ken)博士 现任杭州龙旗科技的董事长兼首席投资官。回国创办杭州龙旗科技前,Ken博士任职于美国贝莱德(BlackRock)和巴克莱国际投资人(BGI),从事对全球股票市场的量化策略研究和投资。Ken从波士顿大学获得经济学博士学位,其后获得特许金融分析师证书。回国后入选国家“千人计划”特聘专家和杭州市“首届突出贡献引进人才”称号。




时间: 周四晚18:30

地点: 浙大紫金港校区行政楼302会议室


时间: 周五下午13:00

地点: 德勤杭州所

活动对象: 浙大管院学生

【活动八】 浙大管院第四次党代会

时间: 周五下午13:30

地点: 浙大紫金港校区校友楼三楼紫金港厅

【活动九】 浙大管院2017师生龙舟赛

时间: 周六上午

地点: 浙大紫金港校区 启真湖

活动对象: 浙大管院师生(提前组队报名)

报名链接: (可直接点击文末左下角的“阅读原文”)


【活动十】 【浙大管院MBA校友导师系列讲座】之勇往“职”前——战略视野下的MBA职业生涯规划

时间: 周六晚19:00

地点: 浙大紫金港校区图书馆三楼国立浙江大学演讲厅

主讲人: 赖晓烜, 中控科技集团执行总裁


赖晓烜, 现任中控科技集团执行总裁,长期从事企业战略管理、金融资本运作、集团管控、人力资源等方面的工作。多年来在企业国际化、产业资本与金融资本的融合、企业转型升级等方面的探索与实践中,积淀了丰富的关于企业战略管理、资本运作等方面独到的管理逻辑及实操经验。
