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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-05-13 06:00





Connoisseurs or colonists?


Documenta’s controversial stay in Athens


The five-yearly art exhibition, normally held only in Kassel, provokes excitement and accusations in Greece


Apr 6th 2017

THE confluence of cutting-edge European art shows that take place in the same year only once every decade kicks off this month with the opening of the five-yearly Documenta exhibition. Usually sited only in Kassel, Documenta this year will start off on April 8th in Athens—the grimy but resilient survivor of an economic crisis that has already lasted nearly as long as America’s Great Depression—and get going in the German city only later, in June. (读者试译) (The other two big shows of the year are the Venice Biennale, which opens in May, and an exhibition of sculpture that will be unveiled in Münster in June.)

每十年举办一次的前沿欧洲艺术展汇展将在本月拉开序幕融合各大欧洲艺术的汇展将在本月拉开帷幕,其将此展每十年举办一次,本次将以每五年一届的卡塞尔文献展作为开幕式。 “期待您的翻译,将您的理解留言在文章下方留言处,第二天将会有长难句解析的呦。” 本年度其他两个大型展览分别是即五月的威尼斯双年展和六月即将在明斯特亮相的雕塑展览。

Documenta will bring plenty of well-heeled tourists to Greece. It should also help the new state museum of contemporary art, known as EMST, the show’s main venue, carve out a space on Europe’s arts map. Other cash-strapped Greek museums will also get a boost from hosting Documenta’s works. And Katerina Koskina, EMST’s director, hopes that the attention will also bring attention to Greece’s contemporary-art scene.


  • well-heeled: adj. 富有的;穿着考究的

George Kaminis, the mayor of Athens, has made several public spaces available for performance-art pieces, which will dominate the first week of the exhibition, a nod at the growing popularity throughout the art world of audience participation. In Kotzia Square, flanked by elegant 19th-century buildings, Rasheed Araeen, a Pakistani artist, will invite people to share a meal under canopies inspired by a traditional Pakistani wedding tent. It will attract not only art-lovers but some of the more than 20,000 hard-pressed Athenians who eat at soup kitchens every day.


And Mary Zygouri, a Greek artist, will show a film and stage a performance in Kokkinia, a left-wing industrial neighbourhood associated with Nazi executions of Greek resistance fighters. MsZygouri’s film will draw on one provocatively put on in 1979 by Maria Karavela at a memorial to the resistance.

希腊艺术家玛丽将在纳粹处决希腊抵抗斗士的左翼工业园Kokkinia,一个纳粹处决希腊抵抗斗士的左翼工业园区放映一部电影并呈现一场表演。放映的电影是Maria Karavela曾在1979年放过的,当时用这种手段纪念那些反抗的战士们可以算是对于纳粹的挑衅了。

Some artists have tried to link the host cities. Marta Minujín, an Argentine artist, has gathered once-banned books in both Kassel and Athens to rebuild her “Parthenon of Books” (pictured), a work from 1983, in Kassel. A Greek airline will run regular flights between the two cities. But despite the best intentions, Documenta stirs mixed emotions in Athens. Yanis Varoufakis, the controversial former finance minister, calls it “disaster tourism”. Athenians complain of “colonial attitudes” shown by the organisers. “It’s hard to avoid the feeling Greece’s misery is being exploited by Documenta,” says a gallery owner.

一些艺术家尝试将这些举办城市连接起来。一个阿根廷的艺术家马尔塔Marta Minujín搜罗了些在卡塞尔和雅典曾被贴上“禁书“”标签的书,她想重建在1983的卡塞尔设想过的“书的帕特农神庙”(图)集聚了在卡塞尔和雅典一度被禁的书,用来重建自1983年开始的卡塞尔的著作即帕特农神庙的书。一个希腊航班航线将在两座城市之间运行一个常规航班正常运行,但尽管出于良好的意图好意,但卡塞尔文献展仍激发了希腊人许多复杂的情感,极具争议的前财政部长雅尼斯·瓦鲁法克斯称之为灾难性的旅游。雅典人抱怨组织者所表现出的“殖民者态度”。一个美术馆老板称很难改变希腊人被卡塞尔文献展所剥削带来的痛苦的感觉回痛苦避卡塞尔文献展所带来的。

Fraught relations between Greece and Germany add to the tension. Alexis Tsipras, the left-wing prime minister, has moderated his anti-European rhetoric but to many Greeks, Germany is on a mission to throw the country out of the euro, however hard it tries to implement tough reforms demanded by creditors. Documenta’s advance guard says there will be plenty of good art on display, but only if it helps visitors reimagine the world around them will it have truly succeeded.

德国和希腊两国之间紧张的关系更增加了这种不安的气氛氛围。左翼首相Alexis Tsipras刚刚发表了他反对欧盟的言辞,但对于很多希腊人来说,不管他们怎样努力推行债权国要求他们实行的艰难改革,德国还是在将希腊踢出欧盟的路上越走越远。左翼首相亚历克西斯缓解了他的反欧修辞,但对很多希腊人来说,德国处于一个将国家驱逐出欧元区的混乱状态,不管它如何努力实施债权人要求的严厉改革。卡塞尔文献展的军队前卫前保表示展览上将会陈列出很多艺术作品,但仅仅只有当其它能够帮助游客重新想象重塑我们周围的世界他们所处的世界时,这样它才会算是真正的成功。

  • rhetoric: n. 修辞,修辞学

翻译 ▍瘪瘪,Andera

审核 ▍小太阳Kiki

编辑 ▍小精灵

Try to translate

Usually sited only in Kassel, Documenta this year will start off on April 8th in Athens—the grimy but resilient survivor of an economic crisis that has already lasted nearly as long as America’s Great Depression—and get going in the German city only later, in June.

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