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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-04-10 06:00



信息素一词是于1959年,由科学家彼得·卡森(Peter Karlson)与马林·路丘(Martin Lüscher)共同提出的,用来形容动物利用化学分子传递讯息的沟通方式。1980年代,科学家大卫·白林纳(David Berliner)以及其科学团队首次探索人类是否也具有与昆虫及动物相同的神奇沟通能力。直到1991年,他的科学团队才在类固醇生物化学与分子生物学期刊上发表其研究成果:发现了可能的人类信息素雄二烯酮与雌四烯醇的存在,并发现人类信息素也具有男女的性别区分,对人类负责性行为与内分泌的下丘脑具有活化作用,自此开启了人类性信息素研究的序幕。2000年大卫·白林纳进行犁鼻器神经电位的检定以及对电生理的影响,确定只要极低剂量,约10皮克(10负11次方克)的人类信息素就可以启动犁鼻器的电位反应并造成生理现象的改变。


My chemical romance


Two putative human sex pheromones turn out not to be


Putative 推论

From the print edition | Science and technology

Mar 11th 2017

FOR several decades biologists have pondered the question of whether men and women produce pheromones. A pheromone is a chemical signal from one animal to another. Often, though not always, such chemicals indicate sexual availability—and when it comes to human mating signals in particular, those looking into the matter have a couple of specific molecules in mind.


  • Ponder v.衡量,思考

  • Indicate 象征,表明

  • Molecules 分子,微小颗粒

Androstadienone (AND) and estratetraenol (EST) are derived, respectively, from male and female hormones and are exuded in sweat. The idea that they are pheromonal is thus worth investigating. The results of such investigations as have been made so far, though, are contradictory. Some experiments have found that these molecules make opposite-sex faces, or photographs thereof, appear more attractive to heterosexual volunteers. Others discern no such effect.


  • Houmones 荷尔蒙

  • Pheromonal 信息素

  • Heterosexual 异性恋的

Unfortunately, most of these studies were done with groups of volunteers too small for clear conclusions to be drawn, or using less-than-rigorous experimental methods. (That has not stopped businesses taking up the idea: several brands of “pheromone perfume” based on EST and, especially, AND are available for hopeful Romeos and Juliets.) To try to clear up the confusion, a group of researchers led by Robin Hare of the University of Western Australia have performed one of the most stringent studies to date. They report their results this week in Royal Society Open Science.


  • less-than-rigorous 不严格

  • to date 到今天

Dr Hare and his colleagues took 43 men and 51 women, all of them straight, and gave them two tasks. One was to decide whether an androgynous computer-generated face was, on balance, more likely to be female or male. The other was to rate members of the opposite sex shown in photographs for both their sexual attractiveness and their likelihood of being unfaithful.


  • Androgynous:雌雄同体

The participants completed both tasks twice, on consecutive days. On one day they were exposed to the appropriate molecule (AND for the women; EST for the men) and on the other to a placebo that ought to have had no effect. Crucially, the study was double-blinded, which meant that neither the researchers nor the participants knew which day was which. This should have made it impossible for unconscious biases on the part of the experimenters or the subjects to have had any effect on the result.


  • Consecutive:adj.连续的,连贯的

  • Placebo:n.安慰剂,宽心话,为死者所颂的晚祷词

  • Crucially:adv.至关重要的,重要的

  • Bias:n.偏见

If AND and EST really are aphrodisiac pheromones, the researchers reasoned, then they ought to make participants more likely to assume that androgynous faces belonged to the opposite sex. They should also boost the sex appeal of the people in the photographs—and, because of that boost, increase the perception that those people might be unfaithful, since the attractive have more opportunities for infidelity than the plain.(读者试译)


  • Aphrodisiac:adj.引起性欲的,壮阳的

In fact, they did none of these things. The study thus found no evidence that either AND or EST is a pheromone. Those who buy pheromone perfumes based on them would therefore appear to be wasting their money. Whether the triumph of hope over experience will cause them to carry on doing so anyway is a different question altogether.


  • Triumph:n.胜利,巨大的成就

翻译 ▍Neo,下罗小柜员,陌上

审核 ▍白夜叉

编辑 ▍张哼哼

Try to translate 

 They should also boost the sex appeal of the people in the photographs—and, because of that boost, increase the perception that those people might be unfaithful, since the attractive have more opportunities for infidelity than the plain.

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