专栏名称: 烯碳资讯
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烯碳资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-04-09 17:54



具有广泛国际影响的“第19届碳纳米管与低维材料科学与应用国际会议”(NT18)将于2018年7月15日至7月20日在 北京大学百周年纪念讲堂 隆重召开。本届会议由 成会明院士、张锦教授、李彦教授 共同组织。

会议有幸邀请到的大会报告和特邀报告人包括 范守善院士、刘忠范院士、彭练矛教授、魏飞教授、白雪冬教授 ,以及分别来自 美国、英国、德国、法国、意大利、瑞士、丹麦、比利时、日本、韩国 等国的14位知名学者。还有多位重量级学者包括碳纳米管发现者 Iijima 教授等将亲临会议指导。

本次大会预计有 一千人 参加,将为相关领域的研究者们以及厂商和投资商们提供了一个广泛有效地信息交流平台,将会有力地促进碳纳米管与低维材料相关研究领域的发展。

目前摘要在线投稿系统与注册系统都已经开放,我们欢迎来自国内外的学者、学生参会。您不仅能享受这场夏日的纳米科技盛宴,还有机会获得来自 《中国科学》 美国化学会 英国皇家化学会 北京大学等 提供的一系列丰富的奖项。


相约北京,相聚燕园,我们不见不散! 更多信息见附后的会议第三轮通知,或者登陆大会官方主页: http://nt18.org


邮件: [email protected]

电话: +86-10-62755357

Third Circular Announcement

DearColleagues and Friends,

The19 th International Conference on the Science and Application ofNanotubes and Low-dimensional Materials (NT18) will be held in Peking University, Beijing, China , from July 15 th to 20 th ,2018 .

T hedeadline for abstract online submission is April 15 th . We will send out the first roundacceptance letters on March 31 st .Do not hesitate to contribute your scientific breakthrough.

Submit your abstract today!

Weare very proud to announce that we have got sponsorship for a variety ofawards,

Science China will sponsor awards for distinguished youngresearchers ;

American Chemistry Society willsponsor 10 poster awards ;

Royal Society of Chemistry willsponsor 2 poster awards ;

PekingUniversity plans to sponsor 5 Mildred Dresselhaus PosterAwards (willget permission of Millie’s family).

Weare very honored to announce the confirmed distinguished speakers.


Shoushan Fan

Tsinghua  University, China

Zhongfan Liu

Peking  University, China


Laurent Cognet

Institut  d'Optique - University of Bordeaux, France

Philip Kim

Harvard  University, USA

Elisa  Molinari

University  of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Klaus Müllen

Max Planck Institute  for Polymer Research, Germany

Lianmao  Peng

Peking  University, China


Xuedong  Bai

Institute  of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Jong-Beom Beak

Ulsan National  Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

Jeffrey  Blackburn

National  Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA

Sofie Cambre

Antwerp University,  Belgium

Tawfique  Hasan

Cambridge  University, England

Junichiro Kono

Rice  University, USA

Mikito  Koshino

Osaka  University, Japan

Ermin Malic

Chalmers  University of Technology, Sweden

Ulla  Birgitte Vogel

Technical  University of Denmark, Denmark

Feng Wang

University of  California, Berkeley, USA

Fei  Wei

Tsinghua  University, China

Kazuhiro Yanagi

Tokyo  Metropolitan University, Japan

TheNT conference series is one of the most influential scientific meetings in thefield of nanoscience and nanotechnology. NT18 is dedicated to reporting anddiscussing all aspects of recent progresses in the research of carbonnanotubes, graphene, 2D, and other low dimensional materials and systems.

Thetopics include but not limited to:

Synthesis, Processing, and Functionalization

S1 - Controlled synthesis & preparation

S2 - Purification, separation, sorting

S3 - Chemical modification & functionalization

Properties andCharacterizations

C1 - Properties: electronic, optical,mechanical, thermal, quantum, etc.

C2 - Characterization techniques

Theory andSimulation


A1 - Devices & sensors

A2 - Energy & environmental

A3 - Composites

A4 - Toxicology & biomedicalapplications

Scale-up forIndustrialization
