专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-04 09:42


尽管买家仍不愿接受新的报价,独联体商品板坯价格继续稳步上升,跟随板材价格上涨。然而,市场参与者表示,地中海地区的买家将失去机会,被迫支付更高的价格,他们告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询),替代品很少。

CIS merchant slab prices continue torise steadily, in line with rising flat products prices, despite buyers stillbeing slow on the uptake of new offers. Yet again, participants are warning ofMediterranean buyers missing out and being forced to pay even higher prices, asalternatives few, they tell Kallanish .

对土耳其的报价目前在 600 美元 / cfr 附近徘徊,上周晚些时候以 555 美元 / cfr 达成一宗交易,打破了长时间的停顿。土耳其 3 月底生产的热轧卷价格目前高达 700 美元 / 吨出厂价,但截至发稿前,没有在该水平上达成交易,管材生产商不愿接受该价格。消息人士指出,由于冷轧卷和镀锌价格与需求继续上升,再轧商和加工商可能会接受这些水平。

Offers to Turkey are now circling$600/tonne cfr, after a sale late last week at $555/t cfr broke a lengthy pausein buying. Turkish hot rolled coil prices are now at up to $700/t ex-works forlate-March rolling material, although no deals occurred at this level beforepress time, with pipe producers resisting. Re-rollers and processors are likelyto accept these levels, as cold rolled coil and galv prices and demand continueto rise, sources note.

土耳其板材价格在一个月内大幅上涨 150 美元 / 吨左右,足以让买家接受 600 美元 / cfr 的板坯报价,但意大利再轧商可能会面临困境,尤其是在中厚板领域。意大利新的中厚板报价相当于 620-650 美元 / 吨出厂价,但热轧卷价格为 680-700 美元 / 吨出厂价,与土耳其价格一致,因而能够接受独联体板坯价格。

Turkish flatsprices’ monumental rise of around $150/t in a month is enough for buyersto accept slab offers at $600/t cfr, but Italian re-rollers may struggle,especially in the plate segment. New plate offers in Italy are at an equivalentof around $620-650/t ex-works, but HRC at $680-700/t ex-works is in line withTurkish prices, making CIS slab affordable.


The issue is availability, as CISslab suppliers' re-rolling facilities in the EU and US are requiring morematerial, while demand is booming everywhere but China at present, sourcesnote.

一位消息人士指出,巴西板坯也不是一个备选方案,目前巴西 3 月生产的板坯对美国报价为 640 美元 / fob ,使得独联体报价在东半球“……几乎很便宜”。消息人士指出,独联体能够供应 2 月生产的板坯,也是一个优势。

Brazil is also not an alternative,as it is offering to the US at $640/t fob for March casting, making CISoffers in the eastern hemisphere "…seem almost cheap", a sourceobserves. February-casting availability is also a bonus for CIS slab buyers,sources note.

截至发稿时,有关俄罗斯和乌克兰板坯以 580 美元 / fob 黑海对土耳其达成两宗交易的详情尚未公布,但符合市场预期。

The details of two sales of Russianand Ukrainian slab to Turkey at $580/t fob Black Sea were not available atpress time, but were in line with market expectations.

对东南亚地区的报价也在 600 美元 / cfr ,但买家不愿接受。不过,市场参与者表示,由于预期旺盛的需求将持续到 2021 年,预计未来十天内 2 月生产的板坯销售将会结束。

Offers to Southeast Asia are also at$600/t cfr, but buyers are slow on the uptake. However, sales are expected tobe closed for February casting in the next ten days, stoked by expectations of buoyant demand well into 2021, participants say.


