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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-06-07 05:59



甲壳类动物(Crustacean)是身体分节动物分类中的一个大类。在动物王国中,甲壳虫与昆虫和蜘蛛属于同一门类。这个门类包括龙虾(lobsters)、虾(shrimp)、蟹(crabs)、地鳖虫(wood lice)、藤壶(bamacles)、水蚤(water fleas)以及其它很多动物。全球总共大约有25000种甲壳类动物。大部分甲壳类动物生活在水中,只有少数生活在陆地上,比如地鳖虫。不久前,三位来自马里兰大学的研究员,通过研究醉态的小龙虾来更好地了解酒精是如何改变行为的。

Frat-boy crustaceans


Crayfish may help researchers understand drunkenness


What happens when you get a crayfish wrecked


Apr 22nd 2017

HUMANS are not the only species to enjoy a snifter . Myriad experiments on other animals, from rats and monkeys to bees and fruit flies , show that they also get drunk, will seek out alcohol given the opportunity and may even develop a dependence on the stuff. But alcohol promotes conviviality as well as drunkenness, and that relationship is less well explored. In particular, there are few studies of whether the link is reciprocal —whether conviviality, or at least a sociable environment, affects susceptibility to alcohol. This question has, however, now been looked into. In a paper just published in Experimental Biology, Matthew Swierzbinski, Andrew Lazarchik and Jens Herberholz of the University of Maryland have shown that a sociable upbringing does indeed increase sensitivity to alcohol. At least, it does if you are a crayfish.

在生物界里,并不只有人类会喝酒 。在其它动物(从老鼠猴子到蜜蜂果蝇)身上的大量实验表明它们也会喝醉,如果有机会,还会自己找酒喝,甚至可能会对酒精产生依赖。酒精会提高你的兴奋度,也会让增加你的醉酒程度,但是这两者之间的关系没有被深入的研究过。对于这两者之间是否是相互作用的,是人的兴奋度还是周围的环境影响人们对酒精的敏感性等这些问题的研究就更加少了。不过,现在有人开始研究这些问题了。马里兰大学实验生物学专业的Matthew Swierzbinski,Andrew Lazarchik和Jens Herberholz在刚刚发表的论文中证实,群居的环境的确会能提高动物对酒精的敏感性。至少对小龙虾来说是这样的。

  • Snifter: 窄口的酒杯,一口,一杯

  • fruit flies:果蝇

  • reciprocal:adj.相互的; 互惠的; 倒数的;n.倒数; 互相关联的事物;

  • conviviality:n.欢宴,高兴,欢乐;

  • susceptibility:n.易受影响或损害的状态,感受性; 感情(脆弱之处); 磁化系数

The three researchers’ purpose in studying drunken crayfish is to understand better how alcohol induces behavioural changes. Most recreational drugs, from cocaine and heroin to nicotine and caffeine, have well-understood effects on known receptor molecules in brain cells. That is not, though, true of ethanol, as the type of alcohol which gets people drunk is known to chemists. Ethanol’s underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. But one thing which is known is that crayfish are affected by the same concentrations of the stuff as those that affect humans. Since crayfish also have large, easy-to-study nerve cells that can be examined for clues as to ethanol’s molecular mechanisms, Mr Swierzbinski, Mr Lazarchik and Dr Herberholz are using them to try to track those mechanisms down.

三位研究人员研究醉酒后的小龙虾的目的是更好地了解酒精是如何引起行为变化。我们已十分了解大多数娱乐性药物(像可卡因、海洛因、尼古丁、咖啡因等)对脑细胞中已知的受体分子的影响。科学家也已经知道乙醇是很典型的一种让人喝醉的酒,但是乙醇对受体的影响我们却一无所知。对乙醇的潜在分子机制却知之甚少。但是我们已经知道,同溶度的酒精对小龙虾的影响与对人类的影响一样。因为小龙虾神经细胞体积大,易于研究,可以用于研究乙醇分子作用机制的,所以Matthew Swierzbinski,Andrew Lazarchik和Jens Herberholz利用小龙虾研究酒精对受体的作用机制。

  • Recreational:adj.消遣的; 娱乐的;

  • Mechanisms:n.机械( mechanism的名词复数 ); 机械装置; [生物学] 机制; 机械作用;

Their latest experiment involved 102 of the crustaceans that had each been kept for between seven and ten days in the company of several dozen others, and a further 63 that had been raised in isolation for similar amounts of time. Each crayfish was then transferred individually to a tank containing a solution of ethanol in water, and videoed for three hours to record what happened next.


  • Crustaceans:n.甲壳纲动物(如蟹、龙虾)( crustacean的名词复数 );

As might be expected, those animals put into the most concentrated solution, 5.8% by volume, the strength of a potent beer, got pretty drunk. First, they started walking around on tiptoes . Then, they began flicking their tails and doing somersaults (see picture). Finally, the most inebriated ended up lying on their backs, kicking their legs in the air—or, rather, in the water.


  • Tiptoes:v.踮着脚走,蹑手蹑脚地走( tiptoe的第三人称单数 ); 转弯抹角地谈论;

  • Somersaults:n.翻筋斗( somersault的名词复数 );v.翻筋斗( somersault的第三人称单数 );

  • Inebriated:adj.酒醉的;

Crayfish put in weaker solutions, a half or a tenth as concentrated, behaved similarly, but got there more slowly—and, in the case of those in the weakest solution, often managed to avoid the leg-kicking stage altogether. Crayfish, in other words, behave much like a bunch of roisterers
