HUMANS are not the only species to enjoy a
. Myriad experiments on other animals, from rats and monkeys to bees and
fruit flies
, show that they also get drunk, will seek out alcohol given the opportunity and may even develop a dependence on the stuff. But alcohol promotes
as well as drunkenness, and that relationship is less well explored. In particular, there are few studies of whether the link is
—whether conviviality, or at least a sociable environment, affects
to alcohol. This question has, however, now been looked into. In a paper just published in Experimental Biology, Matthew Swierzbinski, Andrew Lazarchik and Jens Herberholz of the University of Maryland have shown that a sociable upbringing does indeed increase sensitivity to alcohol. At least, it does if you are a crayfish.
在生物界里,并不只有人类会喝酒 。在其它动物(从老鼠猴子到蜜蜂果蝇)身上的大量实验表明它们也会喝醉,如果有机会,还会自己找酒喝,甚至可能会对酒精产生依赖。酒精会提高你的兴奋度,也会让增加你的醉酒程度,但是这两者之间的关系没有被深入的研究过。对于这两者之间是否是相互作用的,是人的兴奋度还是周围的环境影响人们对酒精的敏感性等这些问题的研究就更加少了。不过,现在有人开始研究这些问题了。马里兰大学实验生物学专业的Matthew Swierzbinski,Andrew Lazarchik和Jens Herberholz在刚刚发表的论文中证实,群居的环境的确会能提高动物对酒精的敏感性。至少对小龙虾来说是这样的。