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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-29 12:05


据外媒报道, 普华永道美国的一名合伙人涉嫌醉驾后发生车祸被起诉!

一份法庭诉讼文件称,普华永道美国Los Gatos的一名合伙人在85号高速公路上以130英里/小时的速度醉酒超速,随后他的特斯拉撞上了一名圣何塞年轻男子的汽车后座,导致这名22岁的厨师永久性受伤。

今年3月,事故受害者John Cooper起诉普华永道合伙人Ousmane Caba和该公司称, Caba 在普华永道赞助的活动中喝了一天一夜后,活动结束后离开旧金山时“几乎没有意识”。

记者无法联系到 Caba 请其置评。给他律师的留言没有得到回复。

在诉讼中被指控的普华永道没有回应置评请求。普华永道上月在一份法庭文件中表示, 此案提供的证据并未没有表明普华永道为 Caba 支付了“一杯又一杯”的费用。


在Santa Clara County 高等法院 提交的一份修改后的诉讼,其基于 Caba 的特斯拉Model s记录的数据增加了新的指控, Caba 危险地将一种糖尿病 处方 药物与酒精混合,并包括了据称导致凌晨1点高速追尾的庆祝活动的新细节。

诉讼称, Caba 和普华永道的其他合伙人当时正在参加该公司的“晋升日”,这是一项表彰公司晋升的年度活动。


庆祝活动于上午9点在圣何塞市中心的The GlassHouse派对场地举行,由公司资助。诉状称:“在The GlassHouse,以酒精助兴的庆祝活动从‘零点’开始,合伙人们会喝上几杯烈性酒开始那一天。”

Caba 和其他人随后前往位于Burlingame的 另一个活动场所 科尔大厦(Kohl Mansion)。 Caba 在那里喝的酒由普华永道提供。

普华永道的活动参与者 下午4:30 到达了旧金山,并在市场街附近的泽洛斯酒店聚会, Caba 继续在那里用公款喝酒。

Caba 在旧金山渡轮大厦附近的STK牛排馆举行的pwc资助晚宴喝了更多的酒,然后派对转移到联合广场附近的Hawthorn SF夜总会。

到晋升日结束时, Caba 承认 自己 至少喝了11杯酒,“包括多杯伏特加、多杯鸡尾酒、多杯葡萄酒和多杯香槟,”诉讼称。

诉讼称, Caba 当天早上服用了治疗糖尿病的药物二甲双胍(Metformin),尽管开处方的医生警告他药物与酒精混合的危险,并且与药房签署的一份协议表明他知道这种风险,但他还是喝了下去。

诉讼称,在回家的路上, Caba 开车不稳定,在车道之间转弯。特斯拉的记录数据显示,它在85号高速公路上的时速为129.59英里。与此同时, Cooper 正从 Menlo Park 的一家餐馆下班,开车回家。

诉讼称: Caba 的特斯拉提醒他注意 Cooper 先生的车,但由于他的醉酒程度和超速…… Caba 无视警告标志,在没有踩刹车的情况下直接冲向 Cooper 的车尾部 ”。


Cooper 的律师Christopher Hendricks说, Cooper 在这起事故中背部严重受伤,这使他的工作非常痛苦。

“他被告知他将来需要腰椎手术,” Hendricks 说。 SUBSCRIBER ONLY


High-speed Tesla crash that hurt young San Jose chef came after ‘shot-o’clock’ kicked off company-funded boozefest: lawsuit

A Los Gatos partner for consulting and accounting giant PwC was drunk and speeding on Highway 85 at 130 mph just before his Tesla slammed into the back of a young San Jose man’s car, permanently injuring the 22-year-old chef, a new court filing in a lawsuit over the crash alleged.

Crash victim John Cooper sued PwC partner Ousmane Caba and the company in March, claiming Caba was so drunk he was “barely conscious” when he left San Francisco in June 2023 after a day and night of drinking at events sponsored by PwC.

Caba could not be reached for comment. Messages left for his lawyer were not returned.

PwC, accused in the lawsuit of negligence, did not respond to a request for comment. The company in a court filing last month said evidence produced in the case does not show that PwC paid for “drink after drink” for Caba.

“Instead, it shows that PwC invited employees to two meal events the day before the incident which were catered by others and which included food and beverage selections available to all attendees,” the filing said. “There is nothing vile or despicable associated with offering alcoholic beverages at gatherings in any context, whether business or social.”

An amended version of the lawsuit in Santa Clara County Superior Court included claims based on data recorded by Caba’s Tesla Model S. And it added new allegations that Caba dangerously mixed a prescription diabetes drug with alcohol, and included purported new details about the celebratory events that led up to the 1 a.m. high-speed rear-ender.

Caba, and other PwC partners, were participating in the company’s “Promotion Day,” an annual event that honors advancement in the company, the lawsuit said.

“Promotion Day is known by PwC management and employees to be a day of heavy drinking, all day, at multiple locations,” the lawsuit claimed.

The celebrations kicked off with a company-funded gathering at The GlassHouse party venue in downtown San Jose at 9 a.m., the lawsuit said. “The alcohol-fueled festivities at The GlassHouse commenced with ‘shot-o’clock’ wherein the partners would take shots of hard alcohol to start their day,” the lawsuit alleged.

Caba and others then headed to Kohl Mansion in Burlingame, another event venue, where Caba availed himself of alcohol provided by PwC, the lawsuit claimed.

By 4:30 p.m., the PwC participants had reached San Francisco, and got together just off Market Street at Hotel Zelos, where Caba continued to drink on his company’s dime, the lawsuit alleged.

A PwC-funded dinner, and more drinking by Caba, took place at STK Steakhouse in San Francisco, near the Ferry Building, before the party moved on to the Hawthorn SF nightclub near Union Square, the lawsuit claimed.

“Numerous bottles of hard alcohol, shots, cocktails, and bottles of champagne were made available to all attendees,” the lawsuit alleged.

By the end of Promotion Day, Caba, by his own admission, had consumed at least 11 drinks, “including multiple shots of vodka, multiple cocktails, multiple glasses of wine, and multiple glasses of champagne,” the lawsuit claimed.

Caba, according to the lawsuit, had taken his diabetes drug Metformin that morning, and drank despite having been warned by the prescribing doctor of the dangers of mixing the medication with alcohol, and signing an agreement at the pharmacy that acknowledged he knew of that risk, the lawsuit alleged.

On his way home, Caba was driving erratically, swerving between lanes, the lawsuit claimed. The Tesla’s recorded data showed it hitting 129.59 mph on Highway 85. Meanwhile, Cooper was driving home from his job in a Menlo Park restaurant. Caba came up on Cooper’s car as if it were “standing still,” the lawsuit alleged.

“Caba’s Tesla alerted him to Mr. Cooper’s vehicle, but due to his level of intoxication and excessive speed … Caba ignored the warning signs and plowed right into the rear of Mr. Cooper’s vehicle without applying the brakes,” the lawsuit claimed.

Caba, in connection with the crash, pleaded no contest in January to driving while over the legal alcohol limit, the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s office said. In an August court filing, his lawyer wrote that he “operated a vehicle, allegedly with an excessive (blood-alcohol content), and fell asleep.”

Cooper, who is seeking unspecified damages in the case, suffered severe back injuries that make his job very painful, said his lawyer Christopher Hendricks.

“He is told that he will need lumbar spine surgery in the future,” Hendricks said.



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