专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-04 11:20



Turkishsteel producers have further increased export quotes this week, buoyed by asignificant rebound in global rebar demand.

土耳其钢厂对拉美和中东地区达成交易。虽然本周没有听到更高水平的废钢交易,但钢厂大多将螺纹钢报价上调至 460-465 美元 / fob 土耳其实重。这比上周的 455-460 美元 / fob 有所上涨,原因是螺纹钢需求改善。一些生产商的报价甚至在 470 美元 / fob

Turkishmills are seen concluding sales to Latin America and the Middle East. Althoughno fresh scrap purchases at higher levels have been heard this week, mills haveincreased rebar quotes mostly to $460-465/tonne fob Turkey actual weight. Thisis up from $455-460/t fob last week due to livelier rebar demand. There areoffers even at $470/t fob from some producers.

一位土耳其螺纹钢生产商告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询):“螺纹钢价格应该会更高。考虑到方坯价格,螺纹钢价格至少应提高到 480 美元 / fob 。”

A Turkishrebar producer tells Kallanish : “Rebar prices should be higher.Considering billet prices, rebar prices should increase at least to $480/tfob.”

据称一家土耳其钢厂对美国市场提供的螺纹钢报价为 590-595 美元 / cfr ,含税。但买家认为这一价格偏高,并认为 565-570 美元 / cfr 是合理水平。对亚洲的报价也从上周的 490 美元 / cfr 提高到 495 美元 / cfr 香港实重。据称土耳其钢厂正在与美国和亚洲买家积极谈判。

A Turkishmill is heard offering rebar at $590-595/t cfr to the US market, including dutyfee. Buyers, however, find these levels high and see $565-570/t cfr asreasonable. Offers to Asia have also increased from $490/t cfr last week to$495/t cfr Hong Kong actual weight. Turkish mills are heard being in activenegotiations with buyers in the US and Asia.

据悉,土耳其钢厂对秘鲁、巴西、巴拿马、黎巴嫩和以色列达成螺纹钢交易,价格在 450-460 美元 / fob ,视数量而定。

Turkishmills are seen concluding rebar sales mainly to Peru, Brazil, Panama, Lebanonand Israel. Prices are heard ranging at $450-460/t fob depending on thequantity.

土耳其钢厂也在提高国内市场的螺纹钢价格。不过,这是由于里拉持续走软。周二价格为 4,520-4,630 里拉 / 吨出厂价,含增值税。周二下午,里拉兑美元汇率为 8.53/1 ,该价格相当于 449-460 美元 / 吨出厂价,不含增值税。

Turkishmills are increasing rebar prices in their domestic market too. This, however,is instead due to the continuously weakening lira. Prices stood on Tuesday atTRY 4,520-4,630/t ex-works, including VAT. With the lira at 8.53 per dollar onTuesday afternoon, this corresponds to $449-460/t ex-works, VAT excluded.

目前生产商的螺纹钢报价升至 460-470 美元 / 吨出厂价。不过,里拉快速贬值令市场人士担忧。自今年年初以来,里拉兑美元汇率已下跌 30% 以上,成为世界上贬值幅度最大的货币。

Producersare offering rebar at higher levels of $460-470/t ex-works. The fastdepreciation of the lira, however, is concerning market players. It has fallen over-30% against the dollar since the beginning of the year and become the world’smost depreciating currency.


Scrapprices, meanwhile, remain firm, although no fresh bookings have been heard thisweek. Although Turkish mills continue inquiring about scrap, they are notrushing to buy scrap before seeing the result of the US election.

一位土耳其钢厂人士告诉 Kallanish :“汇率急剧波动,里拉对其他货币急剧贬值。选举结果很可能也会影响汇率,我们想先看看这种影响。”

A Turkishmill tells Kallanish: “Exchange rates are highly volatile. The lira is sharplyweakening against other currencies. Most probably the result of the electionwill also affect exchange rates. We wish to first see this impact.”

波罗的海和美国废钢供应商对 HMS 1&2 80:20 的目标价接近 300 美元 / cfr 土耳其。然而,大多数市场参与者认为,至少在本周, 300 美元 / cfr 不会被接受,并认为 294-295 美元 / cfr 的可能性更大。最新确认的交易出现在上周,来自波罗的海的 HMS 80:20 废钢价格为 293 美元 / cfr ,来自美国的碎废钢价格为 300 美元 / cfr
