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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-07-27 22:57






笔记:李   煦


Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington soothed the angst of millions


本文选自 The Guardian | 取经号原创翻译

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Few genres– aside from perhaps ska-punk and psytrance– get as much opprobrium from music critics as nu-metal, the slick, bombastic blend of hard rock and hip-hop that rose in the late 1990s. But the sheer pop smarts of Linkin Park – whose singer Chester Bennington has died of a suspected suicide at the age of 41 – had even the sniffiest of muso air-guitaring in their mind.


opprobrium |əˈprəʊbriəm severe criticism of a person, country, etc. by a large group of people (众人的)谴责,责难,抨击

sniffy |ˈsnɪfi| adj. ~ (about sth) (informal) not approving of sth/sb because you think they are not good enough for you (对…)轻视,不屑一顾

The band’s rise was ionospheric, with their debut album, Hybrid Theory, becoming the bestselling debut album of the 21st century – and Bennington was their emotional core. His soulfully indignant cries spoke not just to generically disaffected teenagers, but to those worldwide who didn’t feel their own voices could be heard.

林肯公园的发展历程可谓熠熠生辉。他们的首张专辑《混合理论》(《Hybrid Theory》)是本世纪最畅销专辑,其中贝宁顿便是调动整张专辑情感的最大功臣。他愤怒的嘶吼发自肺腑,不仅回应了青少年内心普遍的不满情绪,还道出全世界孤掌难鸣之人的心声。

On the group’s debut single, One Step Closer, it was clear this was a new voice in metal, as Bennington brilliantly converted the earnestness of boyband singing into the stuff of headbanging. With rapper Mike Shinoda as a vocal foil, Bennington’s genius was to use singsong melodies ironically – he seemingly mocked their shallow catchiness while nevertheless embracing them, winning over both pop kids and old-school metal fans. There is something malevolent and taunting in his voice, a feeling amplified by his supernatural puppet-mastery of pop songcraft.

贝宁顿别出心裁地将男子乐队一本正经的唱法变为金属式的疯狂甩头,因此林肯公园的首支单曲《One Step Closer》也被视为金属乐的一股新流。有了麦克·信田的说唱烘托,贝宁顿只需专注于给歌曲添加演唱旋律。但他对于旋律的运用方式却十分讽刺:一边不屑于肤浅却抓耳的旋律,同时却将其化为己用。但这不仅使林肯公园收获了一大批流行歌迷,还吸引了许多老派金属乐迷。他出神入化的流行歌曲创作功底,使嗓音中传达的感情更加激烈,嘲讽意味也更上一层楼。

malevolent |məˈlevələnt| having or showing a desire to harm other people 有恶意的;有坏心肠的

That album’s other major single, Papercut, may go down as their masterpiece. The melody now sits in the overdriven bassline, with Shinoda’s rapping subtly glitched– these fidgety verses give way into a chorus from Bennington of pure release. Borne partly out of the similarly solipsistic emo style, nu-metal was criticised for being inward-looking, but songs such as Papercut are powerful for turning the gaze outward again. Bennington’s chorus – and the even more striking middle eight – acknowledges internal strife, but his defiant and anthemic delivery announces that these feelings can be voiced, understood and tamed. Those lyrics (“It’s like I can’t stop what I’m hearing within”) are now extremely poignant.

《混合理论》中另一支重要单曲《Papercut》也被奉为代表作。歌曲的主歌由过载音色贝斯铺底,信田的说唱时断时续,富有律动感,契合了主歌焦躁不安的情绪。而后,贝宁顿发自内心的一声嘶吼开启了副歌部分。新金属传承情绪摇滚(EMO),因宣扬唯我独尊而饱受批评。但《Papercut》注重外部世界,因而更富感染力。贝宁顿在副歌中唱出了内心的矛盾,而他将中间的八小节演绎得反叛不羁而振奋人心,更加令人惊艳,也恰恰证明了这些矛盾情绪可诉可驯,也有人能懂。“就像我无法不听见自己内心的声音(“It’s like I can’t stop what I’m hearing within”) ”,这样的歌词如今听来尤其令人动容

Moving into their second album, Meteora, Bennington’s vocals became stronger. The impassioned roar of his choruses was more pointed, his crooning verses more rounded; his self-affirmations became pithier too, such as Numb’s “All I want to do is become more like me and be less like you”, a koan for isolated American teens. Individualistic, yes, but tempered by the innate communality of stadium rock.

在第二张专辑《流星圣殿》(《Meteora》)中,贝宁顿的演唱更富冲击力。他的和声更富激情,而抒情部分情感也更加饱满,也更简洁有力地肯定了自我。正如《Numb》歌词中的“我想成为更真实的自我,而不是你的复制品(All I want to do is become more like me and be less like you)”,唱出了多少特立独行青少年的心声。而舞台摇滚与生俱来的集体性特征,使歌曲所宣扬的自我中心意识也不再那么刺耳。

croon |kru:n| v. to sing sth quietly and gently 低声哼唱

pithy |ˈpɪθi| adj. short but expressed well and full of meaning 言简意赅的;精练的

It would have been easy for Linkin Park to churn out a formula with diminishing creative returns but expanding mansions. But they chose to take risks, teaming with Jay-Z for the Collision Course EP, which mashed up their tracks with the rapper’s in a surprisingly neat and innovative way, and teasing out the band’s latent affinity with rap. More recently they collaborated with British MC Stormzy, as they pushed their sound out of the world of metal and more emphatically into pop. “It’s admirable that these middle-aged men no longer wish to be a mere conduit for teen angst,” said the Guardian’s Ian Gittins in a four-star review of a London gig just two weeks ago.

在前几张专辑的巨大成功之后,林肯公园也经历了创意源泉的枯竭。此时他们本可以依照老歌样板,循规蹈矩地创作,但他们选择了放手一搏,和Jay-Z联手发行《冲击理论》迷你专辑。不同风格碰撞,巧妙地擦出了火花。专辑整体效果非常新颖,令人称奇,也暗合了他们对说唱的喜爱。他们不久前与英国说唱歌手MC Stormzy携手合作,高歌作别金属乐,向流行殿堂迈进。《卫报》的Ian Gittins对两周前的伦敦演唱会给出四星点评:“步入中年的他们不再局限于青春焦虑的传声筒,着实让人钦佩”。

Metal’s standard vocal style is to express anger and disaffection through a deliberately obscure roar, mangling diction as a way of setting yourself apart from conventional society. Bennington’s decision to sing clearly and openly was therefore more radical than he is given credit for, and indeed more socially valuable. His cleanly articulated tales of emotional struggle gave millions the sense that someone understood them, and the huge sound of his band around him magnified that sense, moving listeners from the psychic space of their bedrooms into an arena of thousands of people who shared their pain.


mangle |ˈmæŋgl| to crush or twist sth so that it is badly damaged 压碎;撕烂;严重损坏


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https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/jul/20/chester-bennington-linkin-park-singer-legacy >