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The
survey
revealed
that
stars
and
galaxies
are
born
from
ordinary
matter
trapped
by
gravity
inside
clouds
of
Dark
Matter
.
勘查显示恒星和星系都产生自普通的物质,这些普通物质被黑暗物质云中的引力捕捉。
This
3-
plot
of
Dark
Matter
clouds
,
charted
by
Hubble
for
the
first
time
in
history
,
shows
how
Dark
Matter
forms
the
very
structure
of
our
universe
.
这幅黑暗物质云的3
图,史上第一张由哈勃望远镜制作的黑暗物质云的3
图向我们展现了黑暗物质是如何形成宇宙的基础构造的。
Soon
after
the
Big
Bang
,
the
gravitational
scaffolding
of
Dark
Matter
formed
the
basis
for
evolutionary
change
throughout
the
cosmos
.
宇宙大爆炸后不久,黑暗物质建造的重力框架遍布整个宇宙,构成了演化的基础。
We
,
in
fact
,
owe
our
entire
existence
to
the
scaffolding
setup
of
Dark
Matter
in
the
early
universe
.
实际上,我们能够存在也应该归功于黑暗物质在宇宙形成初期架构的框架。
As
important
as
it
is
to
our
very
existence
,
astronomers
so
far
have
no
idea
what
Dark
Matter
is
.
那对我们能够存在极其重要,天文学家目前还不知道黑暗物质到底是什么。
This
table
shows
us
every
element
in
the
universe
that
we
commonly
experience
on
a
daily
basis
.
这个图表显示了每种宇宙中我们知道的元素,这是我们日常生活中都能接触到的。
All
of
the
physical
matter
that
we
can
see
,
touch
,
taste
or
feel
is
on
this
table
.
我们所能看、触、尝、感觉到的自然物质都包含在这个图表中。
But
not
Dark
Matter
.
但是其中不包含黑暗物质。
Thanks
to
Hubble
,
astronomers
found
a
way
to
locate
and
measure
it
.
天文学家发现了一个办法定位、测量它,这要归功于哈勃。
What
they
found
is
that
there
is
times
more
Dark
Matter
in
the
universe
than
physical
matter
.
但是他们发现宇宙中的黑暗物质比自然物质多5倍。
But
even
if
we
add
all
the
Dark
Matter
to
all
the
physical
matter
that
forms
stars
and
planets
and
people
,
我们把所有的黑暗物质与形成恒星、行星、人的自然物质相加,
it
turns
out
that
we
are
still
missing
about
two
-
thirds
of