《American Economic Review》(美国经济评论)创刊于1911年,是美国历史最悠久、最受学者尊敬、全球公认的经济学领域顶级期刊之一。该刊每年发行12期,每期发表文章8篇左右,内容涉及经济学领域广泛主题,2022-2023年影响因子为10.7。
● 美国Medicare Advantage计划(由私人保险公司运营,受政府监管的Medicare计划的一部分):广告能有效吸引符合医疗保险资格的健康新个体,从而有助于Medicare Advantage(联邦医疗保险)的有利选择;在政府增加医疗保险补贴的情况下,MA保险公司保费的下降受到市场力量(竞争激烈程度)的影响。
● 即使为低收入的个体提供慷慨的医疗保险补贴,他们的保险使用率也不高。
● 假设保险消费者是不完全信息的,可以通过独特数据确定风险偏好、信息摩擦和麻烦成本,从而得到更准确的保险计划选择预测。
● 降雨指数保险的近期经验对需求有影响,同时具有溢出效应,但溢出效应的影响会随时间推移而衰减,而自身经验的影响不会。
● 在保险免赔额选择中,概率扭曲(对小概率事件的大幅度高估,对概率变化的轻微不敏感)对选择表现出的风险厌恶的解释起着重要作用。
Finkelstein, Amy, Nathaniel Hendren, and Mark Shepard. 2019. "Subsidizing Health Insurance for Low-Income Adults: Evidence from Massachusetts." American Economic Review, 109 (4): 1530-67.
Boomhower, Judson. 2019. "Drilling Like There's No Tomorrow: Bankruptcy, Insurance, and Environmental Risk." American Economic Review, 109 (2): 391-426.
Aizawa, Naoki, and You Suk Kim. 2018. "Advertising and Risk Selection in Health Insurance Markets." American Economic Review, 108 (3): 828-67.
Cabral, Marika, Michael Geruso, and Neale Mahoney. 2018. "Do Larger Health Insurance Subsidies Benefit Patients or Producers? Evidence from Medicare Advantage." American Economic Review, 108 (8): 2048-87.
Hendren, Nathaniel. 2017. "Knowledge of Future Job Loss and Implications for Unemployment Insurance." American Economic Review, 107 (7): 1778-1823.
Handel, Benjamin R., and Jonathan T. Kolstad. 2015. "Health Insurance for "Humans": Information Frictions, Plan Choice, and Consumer Welfare." American Economic Review, 105 (8): 2449-2500.
Cole, Shawn, Daniel Stein, and Jeremy Tobacman. 2014. "Dynamics of Demand for Index Insurance: Evidence from a Long-Run Field Experiment." American Economic Review, 104 (5): 284-90.
Barseghyan, Levon, Francesca Molinari, Ted O'Donoghue, and Joshua C. Teitelbaum. 2013. "The Nature of Risk Preferences: Evidence from Insurance Choices." American Economic Review, 103 (6): 2499-2529.
Subsidizing Health Insurance for Low-Income Adults: Evidence from
Amy Finkelstein(麻省理工学院),Nathaniel Hendren( 哈佛大学),Mark Shepard (哈佛大学)
摘要:How much are low-income individuals willing to pay for health insurance, and what are the implications for insurance markets? Using administrative data from Massachusetts' subsidized insurance exchange, we exploit discontinuities in the subsidy schedule to estimate willingness to pay and costs of insurance among low-income adults. As subsidies decline, insurance take-up falls rapidly, dropping about 25 percent for each $40 increase in monthly enrollee premiums. Marginal enrollees tend to be lower-cost, indicating adverse selection into insurance. But across the entire distribution we can observe (approximately the bottom 70 percent of the willingness to pay distribution) enrollees' willingness to pay is always less than half of their own expected costs that they impose on the insurer. As a result, we estimate that take-up will be highly incomplete even with generous subsidies. If enrollee premiums were 25 percent of insurers' average costs, at most half of potential enrollees would buy insurance; even premiums subsidized to 10 percent of average costs would still leave at least 20 percent uninsured. We briefly consider potential explanations for these findings and their normative implications.
Drilling Like There's No Tomorrow: Bankruptcy, Insurance, and Environmental Risk
摘要:This paper measures the effects of bankruptcy protection on industry structure and environmental outcomes in oil and gas extraction. Using administrative data from Texas, I exploit variation in an insurance requirement that reduced firms' ability to avoid liability through bankruptcy. Among small firms, the policy substantially improved environmental outcomes and reduced production. Most production was reallocated to larger firms with better environmental records, but high-cost production where social cost may have exceeded social benefit decreased. These results suggest that incomplete internalization of environmental costs due to bankruptcy is an important determinant of industry structure and safety effort in hazardous industries.
Advertising and Risk Selection in Health Insurance Markets
Naoki Aizawa(威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校), You Suk Kim(美国联邦储备委员会)
摘要:This paper studies the impact of advertising as a channel for risk selection in Medicare Advantage. We provide evidence that insurer advertising is responsive to the gains from risk selection. Then we develop and estimate an equilibrium model of Medicare Advantage with advertising, allowing rich individual heterogeneity. Our estimates show that advertising is effective in attracting healthy individuals who are newly eligible for Medicare, contributing to advantageous selection into Medicare Advantage. Moreover, risk selection through advertising substantially lowers premiums by improving insurers' risk pools. The distributional implication is that unhealthy consumers may be better off through cross-subsidization from healthy individuals.
本文研究了广告作为联邦医疗保险优势计划(Medicare Advantage)风险选择渠道的影响。我们提供的证据表明,保险公司的广告是对风险选择收益的反应。然后,我们开发并估计了一个带有广告的医疗Medicare Advantage均衡模型,允许丰富的个体异质性。我们的估计表明,广告在吸引符合医疗保险资格的健康的新个体方面是有效的,有助于Medicare Advantage的有利选择。此外,通过广告进行的风险选择改善了保险公司的风险池,大大降低了保费。其含义是不健康的消费者通过健康个人的交叉补贴可能会过得更好。
Do Larger Health Insurance Subsidies Benefit Patients or Producers? Evidence from Medicare Advantage
增加医疗保险补贴对患者有利还是对生产者有利?来自Medicare Advantage的证据
Marika Cabral(得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校), Michael Geruso(得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校), Neale Mahoney(芝加哥大学)
摘要:A central question in the debate over privatized Medicare is whether increased government payments to private Medicare Advantage (MA) plans generate lower premiums for consumers or higher profits for producers. Using difference-in-differences variation brought about by a sharp legislative change, we find that MA insurers pass through 45 percent of increased payments in lower premiums and an additional 9 percent in more generous benefits. We show that advantageous selection into MA cannot explain this incomplete pass-through. Instead, our evidence suggests that market power is important, with premium pass-through rates of 13 percent in the least competitive markets and 74 percent in the most competitive.
在关于私有化医疗保险的争论中,一个核心问题是,政府增加对私人医疗保险优势计划 (MA) 的支付是否会降低消费者的保费,还是为生产者带来更高的利润。使用立法变化带来的双重差分变化,我们发现 MA 保险公司将增加的支付的45%转化为较低的保费,将另外 9% 转化为更慷慨的福利。我们表明,进入 MA 的有利选择无法解释这种不完全的传递。相反,我们的证据表明市场力量很重要,在竞争最不激烈的市场中,保费传递率为 13%,而在竞争最激烈的市场中,保费传递率为 74%。
Knowledge of Future Job Loss and Implications for Unemployment Insurance
摘要:This paper studies the implications of individuals' knowledge of future job loss for the existence of an unemployment insurance (UI) market. Learning about job loss leads to consumption decreases and spousal labor supply increases. This suggests existing willingness to pay estimates for UI understate its value. But it yields new estimation methodologies that account for and exploit responses to learning about future job loss. Although the new willingness to pay estimates exceed previous estimates, I estimate much larger frictions imposed by private information. This suggests privately traded UI policies would be too adversely selected to be profitable, at any price.
本文研究了个人对未来失业的了解对失业保险 (UI) 市场存在的影响。了解失业会导致消费减少,配偶劳动力供应增加。这表明现有的 UI 支付意愿估计低估了其价值。但它提供了新的估计方法,可以解释和刨析对未来失业了解的反应。虽然本文的新支付意愿估计超过了之前的估计,但我们很大程度的摩擦来自于私人信息。这表明私人交易的UI政策由于逆向选择而无法盈利。
Health Insurance for "Humans": Information Frictions, Plan Choice, and Consumer Welfare
Benjamin R. Handel(加州大学伯克利分校),Jonathan T. Kolstad(加州大学伯克利分校)
摘要:Traditional models of insurance choice are predicated on fully informed and rational consumers protecting themselves from exposure to financial risk. In practice, choosing an insurance plan is a complicated decision often made without full information. In this paper we combine new administrative data on health plan choices and claims with unique survey data on consumer information to identify risk preferences, information frictions, and hassle costs. Our additional friction measures are important predictors of choices and meaningfully impact risk preference estimates. We study the implications of counterfactual insurance allocations to illustrate the importance of distinguishing between these micro-foundations for welfare analysis.
传统的保险选择模型是以消费者完全知情和理性,并能保护自己免受金融风险为前提的。实际上,选择保险计划是一项复杂的决策,往往是在没有充分信息的情况下做出的。在本文中,我们将有关医疗计划选择和理赔的新行政数据与有关消费者信息的独特调查数据相结合,以确定风险偏好、信息摩擦和麻烦成本(hassle costs)。我们的附加摩擦指标是预测选择的重要依据,并对风险偏好估计值产生了有意义的影响。我们研究了反事实保险分配的影响,以说明区分这些微观基础对福利分析的重要性。
Dynamics of Demand for Index Insurance: Evidence from a Long-Run Field Experiment
Shawn Cole(哈佛商学院), Daniel Stein(IDinsight), Jeremy Tobacman(特拉华大学)
摘要:This paper estimates how experimentally-manipulated experiences with a novel financial product, rainfall index insurance, affect subsequent insurance demand. Using a seven-year panel, we develop three main findings. First, recent experience matters for demand, consistent with overinference from small samples. Second, spillovers also matter, in the sense that the recent payout experience of village co-residents affects insurance demand about as much as one's own recent payout experience. Third, the spillover effect decays as time passes while the effect of one's own experience does not. We discuss implications of this analysis for commercial sustainability of this complicated but promising risk management technology.