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讲座分享 | Prof. Barry O’Sullivan:Focusing on the Rating of Speaking

李晨老师教英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-09-05 00:01


语言测评是语言教学中最重要环节之一。科学的语言测评方式不仅能够准确检测学生的水平,而且对改进和提高教学具有重要的促进作用。信息技术的发展不断地改变着语言测评的方式。那么信息技术在语言测评中应用的最新动态如何?人事处教师发展中心和网络与继续教育学院合作,联合邀请英国文化协会(The British Council)测评研发中心主任Barry O’Sullivan教授开展题为“信息技术在语言测评中的应用:口语评分的研究”的讲座。




讲座人:Professor Barry O’Sullivan (The British Council, 英国文化协会)

讲座题目:Technology in Language Assessment: Focusing on the Rating of Speaking 信息技术在语言测评中的应用:口语评分的研究

In this talk, I will begin by discussing how technology has contributed to the development of language testing over the years, with a particular focus on the testing of speaking. This history dates from the suggestion by the British Council in 1942 that gramophone recordings should be used to standardise examiners in Cambridge tests of speaking and is currently manifested in our increasing interest in the use of artificial intelligence across the development and delivery process. Since the topic of technology in language testing is far too broad for a detailed historical and current overview, it is my intention to focus on how technology is impacting on the scoring of test taker performance.  In addition to briefly discussing the general approaches to the area, I will present, for the first time, a taxonomy I have been working on in which I outline the potential uses of AI-driven scoring systems within language testing systems, discussing the merits and de-merits of the different potential uses identified.


Professor Barry O’Sullivan is the Head of Assessment Research and Development,English and Exams, British Council. He has conducted research into factors affecting spoken performance, assessing rater behaviour, assessing speaking and writing, specific purpose assessment, benchmarking English language tests to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and standard setting in professional contexts. He is the founding president of the UK Association of Language Testing and Assessment and holds honorary and visiting chairs at the Universities of Reading and Roehampton in the UK and the University of Technology MARA (Kuala Lumpur) and at the University of Lisbon. In 2016 He was awarded fellowship of the Academy of Social Science.


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