专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-12-02 05:23


Thank you for your support, encouragement and love!

感恩节,可以说是美国的 第一大节 地位 更胜圣诞节


节目音乐: What a Wonderful World by Rod Stewart

When is Thanksgiving? 感恩节是哪一天?

Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday of November : 感恩节是每年11月的第四个星期四

Not the last Thursday of November: 不是最后一个星期四

The fourth Thursday is usually the last Thursday of November, but not always: 第四个星期四通常是 最后一个星期四,但不是每年如此

It officially kicks off the holiday season in America: 感恩节也正式开启了美国的节日季

All about the family: 美国的团圆节

Thanksgiving to Americans is like Mid Autumn Festival to Chinese: 感恩节对美国人来说,好比中秋节对中国人的意义

Everyone tries to make their way home and have a family gathering : 大家都会尽量赶回家,和家人团聚

Family reunion: 举家团圆

More important than Christmas:


Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday, therefore everyone can and does celebrate it: 感恩节不是一个宗教节日,所以人人都能、也都会庆祝

Non-Christians: 非基督徒

It's a secular holiday: 是一个世俗节日

The Jews don't celebrate Christmas, but they do celebrate Thanksgiving: 比如犹太人,不庆祝圣诞,但会庆祝感恩节


Many Jewish Americans go to Chinese restaurants on Christmas because Western restaurants are closed: 很多美国犹太人圣诞会去中餐馆,因为西餐厅都关门了

Chinese Americans & Thanksgiving: 华人特色的感恩节


Different people in my family would take turns hosting Thanksgiving: 我家的亲戚感恩节会轮流作东

My grandparents are not used to American food. So we cook Chinese food and order Chinese takeout: 我爷爷奶奶吃不惯西餐,所以我们感恩节还是吃中餐、叫中餐外卖

We don't usually have a turkey : 我家基本上不吃火鸡

Every family would bring some food. We would have a potluck : 每家带些菜,大家聚餐

What are you thankful for? 如何表达感恩?

A small ritua l before dinner to pay thanks: 晚餐前的小仪式,表达感谢

Make a small speech about what you're thankful for : 每人说段话,说自己感恩什么


  • Thankful for : 感谢

  • Grateful for : 感激


  • I'm thankful for having a great family who loves and supports me:  我感恩家人,爱我、支持我

  • I'm grateful for all the great experiences this year: 我感恩这一年来所经历的一切

*昨天的听众征集,收到大家很多精彩留言, 这里精选一些*

Family and loved ones: 温馨有爱

Funny & cute: 搞笑的



The origins of Thanksgiving: 感恩节的起源

The origins of Thanksgiving: 感恩节的起源

Pilgrims : 清教徒,指最先从欧洲到美国新大陆的人

Native Indians : 土著印第安人

The pilgrims hosted a big feast to thank the Indians for teaching them how to grow food and having a harvest : 清教徒举办了一场盛宴,感激印第安人教他们种植、得到了丰收

The Thanksgiving feast: 感恩节大餐

Thanksgiving feast : 感恩节大餐

Lots and lots of food with lots of leftovers : 很多、很多好吃的,根本吃不完,会有很多剩菜


Roasted turkey, aka, the big bird : 火鸡,美国人也戏称为大鸟

You can get a 15-pound or 20-pound turkey from the supermarket: 超市里可以选要多重的,15磅、20磅等等

It takes a long time to defrost a frozen turkey: 化冻一只冷冻大火鸡要很久

The Thanksgiving feast takes a lof of prep work : 感恩节大餐准备起来工程浩大

Who makes the turkey? 烤火鸡是个神圣的任务

Roasting the turkey is a sacred task : 烤火鸡是个神圣的任务

Family recipes passed down from generations: 每家都有自己祖传的秘方

Seasoning: 调味

The turkey will be very dry if you overcook it: 烤过头了,火鸡肉就会很柴

Many Chinese will go to a Chinese supermarket to buy a roasted turkey:  很多美国华人会去华人超市买适合华人口味的烤火鸡

Rotisserie : 烤肉铺

Ranch 99: 大华99, 美国著名华人连锁超市

Turkey with all the trimmings: 火鸡&配菜

Turkey with all the trimmings : 火鸡和配菜,这是一个固定说法


Side dishes/sides : 配菜


Mashed potatoes with gravy: 土豆泥配肉汁

Stuffing : 火鸡肚子里塞的馅料

To stuff: 塞进去

No one cooks a turkey without the stuffing: 没人烤火鸡会不塞馅料

It's almost as important as the turkey: 馅料和火鸡一样重要
