专栏名称: 羊说
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羊说  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-28 09:00



I stand before you, not as a critic of knowledge, but as an advocate for understanding. Today, I wish to delve into the realms of language learning, specifically the journey of mastering English, and to address a commonly held belief: the notion that the mastery of grammar is the keystone to language proficiency. While grammar is undeniably a crucial component of any language, its isolated study, devoid of context, can often lead to a futile exercise in memorization rather than true understanding.


Language, in its purest form, is a tapestry woven from the threads of culture, history, and human emotion. It is a living, breathing entity that evolves with its speakers. To learn a language solely through the rigid structures of grammar is akin to trying to understand a forest by only studying its individual leaves. The beauty and complexity of English, or any language, cannot be fully appreciated or understood through grammar alone.


This brings us to the importance of context. Context is the lifeblood of language. It is in context that words find their true meaning and purpose. Consider, for instance, the works of famous authors like J.K. Rowling, Ernest Hemingway, or Jane Austen. Their mastery of the English language is not just in their grammatical precision but in how they weave words together to create worlds, evoke emotions, and convey profound truths. Words in their novels are not mere vessels of meaning; they are imbued with the power to transport us to different realms, to make us feel and think in ways we never thought possible.


Similarly, vocabulary should not be learned in isolation. A word, stripped of its context, is like a star without a constellation. It may shine, but its true beauty and purpose are realized only when it is seen as part of a greater whole. Language learners should immerse themselves in the language as it is used in everyday life, in literature, in film, and in conversation. This immersion provides a rich context that illuminates the meaning of words and phrases, making them easier to understand, remember, and use effectively.


As we embark on the journey of language learning, let us not be shackled by the confines of grammar alone. Let us instead embrace the full spectrum of language learning - the context, the culture, and the living, evolving nature of language. This approach not only makes learning more enjoyable and effective but also opens our minds to the richness and diversity of human expression.


In conclusion, to all the language learners out there, let this be your inspiration: Dive into the ocean of language, not just to swim but to explore its depths, its currents, and its hidden treasures. Let context be your guide, and you will not only learn a language, you will live it.

Thank you.

1. @ 长街亦暗 我有过一些思考,索绪尔认为能指与所指是相互对应的,能指就是“笔”这个发音和字形,所指就是“笔”这个概念(不是指你桌上的特定的某支笔,而是泛指用来写东西的工具)而我们学单词的习惯是中英对照,所以理解的顺序是:“pen”英语能指→“笔”中文能指→“用来写东西的工具”中文所指。习惯之后,我们的大脑总是尝试英译中,再用中文思考。这就有问题了。
@ 大爸爸p 回复: 因为我们学会的并不是目标语言,而是一种介于母语于目标语之间的 interlanguage (中间语)
@ 艾米莉娅tan 回复:我认为这就是母语者和我们本质上的差别,母语者真正做到用英语思考,而我们要想达到这种程度必须得尽量摆脱翻译带来的能指运作上的繁琐,这一定是需要大量阅读的,同时要接触语言环境。

2. @ 沉默的乔老师 最要命的是不要在中翻英和英翻中的时候逐字逐句翻译,意译才是最重要的。摆脱中文思维才能学好英语。比如“辛苦了”在英文中其实完全没办法翻译,最合适的就是简单的Thank you so much;Bottomline的中文意思不是底线,而是强调重要的事。意译意译意译!
