More women join financial industry but salaries are not equal
Gender diversity is increasing among graduates working in the financial industry, according to data collected for the 2017 edition of the Financial Times ranking of masters in finance programmes.
The proportion of enrolled female students has increased steadily since the ranking began six years ago to 42 per cent among the most recent cohorts. This is low compared with the 48 per cent of female students on masters in management courses but compares favourably with the 35 per cent in MBA programmes.
不过,针对毕业三年后的男女毕业生薪资,竟然存在高达 22% 的差距,男女薪资分别为 $90,000 和 $73,000。这个差距在刚毕业初的时候仅为17%,然而随着时间的退役逐步变大。
There is a salary gap of nearly 22 per cent between male and female graduates three years after they finished their courses, $90,000 compared to $73,000. That gap had been 17 per cent when students first graduated, so this difference has widened over time.
一个可能的解释是——更多男性主导那些薪资最高的领域。三分之一的男性在私人股本、风险投资、投资银行、企业并购或者私募基金领域工作,这样一来,仅给 19% 的女性留下了工作机会。
One explanation could be that significantly more men than women work in the industry’s best-paying fields. A third of men work in private equity or venture capital, investment banking or mergers and acquisitions, and hedge funds compared with only 19 per cent of women.
The research also suggests there maybe a value in finding a job through an internship. Interns who accepted a job offer had higher salaries than those who had received an offer but refused it. Those interns who did not receive an offer had lower salaries still. The gap between these groups had increased three years after graduation.
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