专栏名称: ICC国际商会
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ICC国际商会  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-05 17:19


Navigating BRl disputes: understanding key actors and practical strategies

Dr Kun Fan, Dr Zhijin (Donna)Huang, Dr Anran Zhang & Angela Zhang

Published by CDR Essential Intelligence: The Belt and Road Initiative 2025

The Belt and Road Initiative(BRI), an ambitious global strategy initiated by China, aims to enhance regional connectivity and economic integration across Asia, Europe and Africa. Over 60% of BRI investments flowed to infrastructure and construction projects between 2014 and 2018 (Cecilia Joy-Perezand Derek Scissors, “Be wary of spending on the Belt and Road”, American Enterprise Institute, November 2018 ). With 149 countries participating as of July 2023, BRI projects typically involve multiple interconnected contracts and a diverse array of stakeholders.

A variety of actors are involved in the implementation of BRI projects, such as states, funder providers, state-owned enterprises (SOEs), private entities, arbitrators, legal counsels, arbitration institutions, think tanks and other actors, each bringing their unique perspectives, motivations and constraints to the dispute resolution process. This section focuses on essential actors involved in BRI disputes. By examining these key actors, their roles and considerations, we can gain deeper insights into the complexities and dynamics of dispute resolution within the BRI framework.
