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TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-01 06:00


【老外说】是一档以“采访”老外为主的节目,帮助大家更好的了解中西文化差异,一窥英国人、美国人日常生活。 每周一更新。本栏目适合精听/泛听。可做听写练习。




Here in china when we are approaching to be a senior year student , we usually would worry about you know finding jobs or for just study or something like that, maybe some of them would plan to go abroad to study, so do you have the same things in America, too?

freshman 大一

sophomore 大二

junior student 大三

senior student 大四

Yeah, we have very similar, so most college students will start looking for internships , uhm, after their freshmen year, and then they’ll continue. Depending on your university, it could be easy or hard to get. My school offers an internship guarantee, so if you grades are at a certain level, they’ll guarantee you a research position or internship with a company in Chicago.

internship 实习

research position 研究工作


So after you graduated, are you guaranteed to get into that same job that you’ve been doing internship in?

No, that’s really where the networking comes in, so if you attend the job fairs and you network properly and you have a marketable major, then, you know you should be set. But it really, it depends on you at the end of the day.

  • job fairs :招聘会


So what’s your plan?

Uhm, my plan. Well I have a friend that works at a local robotics company, and he will help me get a position there so that would probably be end up being my first job, and then after that, depending on how I like it, I’ll either continue with that position in the engineering field, or I’ll start business with my family, and move into that family business.

  • robotics 机器人学


You have a family business!

Yeah, my dad own the tutoring company , so mostly we do university entrance exams, and high school tutoring, and after he retires, he’s gonna be doing that full time, so and expanding into more locations, so I’ll be able to continue doing that, that’s something I really loved.

  • tutoring company 辅导公司/机构


Oh, you loved it, but actually it have nothing to do with your major, and engineering and...

Well, I think engineering is a good jump of point into doing what your passion is, it prepares you the problem solve, my dad, actually has an electrical engineering degree, and after that he began to be a teacher, so I think your degree doesn’t dictate your path life, it just sort of helps set you in a direction, you know, that’s how I like to look at it, you know, it just gives you some options.

  • dictate 命令


So do you have the concept of working in a state-owned company, or a private company , do you have that kind of lines in your head when you’re looking for jobs?

state-owned company 国有企业

private company 私人企业

Yeah, are you talking about working in a public or a private sector for the government? So , it depends on what field you’re in, if you are talking about the engineering field, yeah there is a drastic difference working for the public or private sectors. Typically if you work for the government, you’re gonna have a lot of job security. The pay would not be as good, and you’ll have very good benefits, so you typically have pension plans, and very good insurance. If you work for the private sector, you’ll have very good pay, usually upwards of 6 figures , you’ll have excellent benefits as well, but the problem is that you’ll be hopping from job to job typically, if you’re really good, this is a good thing, because you can, your move will be vertical, from company to company, not lateral, so you can advance your career very quickly if you’re motivated. So it really depends on the individual, and, you know, what best suits you, and you can find, too. Usually government jobs are not very intellectually stimulating .

  • pension 退休金

  • 6 figures 六位数

  • hop 跳跃蹦跳

  • stimulating 刺激的


I think it’s quite similar here, it’s like we have 2 kinds of options. One is working in the government as a government officer, for example, I worked in a public school as a teacher, well, that was sort of working for the government too, actually. And another one is working in a private company. Basically you get higher paid, but uhm, it’s really not that stable as you mentioned. I can still recall that maybe 20 maybe 10 years at least ago in China, most people would choose to work for the government instead of working for the private company, I think especially work in 2nd tier or 3rd tier cities , so do you have that too?

2nd tier or 3rd tier city 二三线城市

I wouldn’t say so, I would say what town you live in depend on, often where you live dictates the industry you go into, for example, in Texas, there’s oil fields that many small towns are built around, but no, as a general rule, there are lots of government and private sector jobs, in every city. I will say though that public sector jobs working for the government is sort of looked down upon by the public. My dad is a teacher for the government, you know he works at a public high school, and every once in a while I will tease him and remind him that he works for the government, and he doesn’t like that, nobody really likes, is really very proud working for the government.

  • private sector job 私营部门工作
