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What is the most useless job that you've ever done?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-09-06 10:00



What is the most useless job that you've ever done?

Sean Kernan , Son of Quora

Updated Aug 21

196.1k Vie ws · 16.3k Upvotes

During college, I used to install gym equipment in people’s homes for $8 an hour.

It was the worst job ever.

Most of this equipment could have easily been assembled by them on their own but they were too lazy to do it. On more than one occasion I put together equipment while the customer sat on his couch eating pizza/burgers whatever.

Within a month or two, the gym equipment was usually returned to our store with little to no signs of use - with the customers looking fatter than when they bought the equipment.

But the worst part was having to go into people’s homes…

It gave me such a new level of respect for people that do any type of service calls that involve entering strangers’ homes.

You wouldn’t believe how some people live.

I’ve seen everything you could imagine. Nasty homes that smell with bugs everywhere. Homes with weapons (guns) lying around. I’ve been to a hoarder ’s home—to the extreme you’ve seen on TV.

I’ve had a nasty cat lady try to convince me to take sex instead of paying for a treadmill . When I say cat lady I mean cat lady . Not one who has 3 cats and posts lots of pictures on Facebook. I mean more than a dozen cats, with one of her bath tubs fully converted to a kitty litter facility.

And let me tell you. Putting together a treadmill while a half-drunk, horny, bathrobe-wearing cat lady leans in the doorway running her eyes over me was easily the longest hour of my life.

I’ll never forget the hair on my arm standing up as she blew out her cigarette smoke: “You sure look like a big strong boy.”


little to no :几乎没有;

hoarder n. 囤积者、贮藏者;

  • carefully collected and guarded store of money, food or other treasured objects(钱财、食物或其他珍贵物品的)储藏、积存;


  • n. 枯燥无味的工作(生活方式);

  • (尤指旧时由人或牲畜踩动踏板使之转动的)踏车;

  • (锻炼身体的)跑步机、走步机;


  • all the young born to an animal at one time (一胎所生的)小动物、一窝: a litter of puppies 一窝小狗;

  • n. 废弃物、垃圾; v. 乱扔;
