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机器学习研究会  · 公众号  · AI  · 2017-06-04 19:32




This is a guest post by Dana Van Aken, Andy Pavlo, and Geoff Gordon of Carnegie Melon University. This project demonstrates how academic researchers can leverage our AWS Cloud Credits for Research Program to support their scientific breakthroughs.

Database management systems (DBMSs) are the most important component of any data-intensive application. They can handle large amounts of data and complex workloads. But they’re difficult to manage because they have hundreds of configuration “knobs” that control factors such as the amount of memory to use for caches and how often to write data to storage. Organizations often hire experts to help with tuning activities, but experts are prohibitively expensive for many.

OtterTune, a new tool that’s being developed by students and researchers in the Carnegie Mellon Database Group, can automatically find good settings for a DBMS’s configuration knobs. The goal is to make it easier for anyone to deploy a DBMS, even those without any expertise in database administration.

OtterTune differs from other DBMS configuration tools because it leverages knowledge gained from tuning previous DBMS deployments to tune new ones. This significantly reduces the amount of time and resources needed to tune a new DBMS deployment. To do this, OtterTune maintains a repository of tuning data collected from previous tuning sessions. It uses this data to build machine learning (ML) models that capture how the DBMS responds to different configurations. OtterTune uses these models to guide experimentation for new applications, recommending settings that improve a target objective (for example, reducing latency or improving throughput).

In this post, we discuss each of the components in OtterTune’s ML pipeline, and show how they interact with each other to tune a DBMS’s configuration. Then, we evaluate OtterTune’s tuning efficacy on MySQL and Postgres by comparing the performance of its best configuration with configurations selected by database administrators (DBAs) and other automatic tuning tools.

OtterTune is an open source tool that was developed by students and researchers in the Carnegie Mellon Database Research Group. All code is available on GitHub, and is licensed under Apache License 2.0.

How OtterTune works

The following diagram shows the OtterTune components and workflow.

At the start of a new tuning session, the user tells OtterTune which target objective to optimize (for example, latency or throughput). The client-side controller connects to the target DBMS and collects its Amazon EC2 instance type and current configuration.

Then, the controller starts its first observation period, during which it observes the DBMS and records the target objective. When the observation period ends, the controller collects internal metrics from the DBMS, like MySQL’s counters for pages read from disk and pages written to disk. The controller returns both the target objective and the internal metrics to the tuning manager.

When OtterTune’s tuning manager receives the metrics, it stores them in its repository. OtterTune uses the results to compute the next configuration that the controller should install on the target DBMS. The tuning manager returns this configuration to the controller, with an estimate of the expected improvement from running it. The user can decide whether to continue or terminate the tuning session.


OtterTune maintains a blacklist of knobs for each DBMS version it supports. The blacklist includes knobs that don’t make sense to tune (for example, path names for where the DBMS stores files), or those that could have serious or hidden consequences (for example, potentially causing the DBMS to lose data). At the beginning of each tuning session, OtterTune provides the blacklist to the user so he or she can add any other knobs that they want OtterTune to avoid tuning.

OtterTune makes certain assumptions that might limit its usefulness for some users. For example, it assumes that the user has administrative privileges that allow the controller to modify the DBMS’s configuration. If the user doesn’t, then he or she can deploy a second copy of the database on other hardware for OtterTune’s tuning experiments. This requires the user to either replay a workload trace or to forward queries from the production DBMS. For a complete discussion of assumptions and limitations, see our paper.

The machine learning pipeline

The following diagram shows how data is processed as it moves through OtterTune’s ML pipeline. All observations reside in OtterTune’s repository.

OtterTune first passes observations into the Workload Characterization component. This component identifies a smaller set of DBMS metrics that best capture the variability in performance and the distinguishing characteristics for different workloads.

Next, the Knob Identification component generates a ranked list of the knobs that most affect the DBMS’s performance. OtterTune then feeds all of this information to the Automatic Tuner. This component maps the target DBMS’s workload to the most similar workload in its data repository, and reuses this workload data to generate better configurations.

Let’s drill down on each of the components in the ML pipeline.

Workload Characterization:  OtterTune uses the DBMS’s internal runtime metrics to characterize how a workload behaves. These metrics provide an accurate representation of a workload because they capture many aspects of its runtime behavior. However, many of the metrics are redundant: some are the same measurement recorded in different units, and others represent independent components of the DBMS whose values are highly correlated. It’s important to prune redundant metrics because that reduces the complexity of the ML models that use them. To do this, we cluster the DBMS’s metrics based on their correlation patterns. We then select one representative metric from each cluster, specifically, the one closest to the cluster’s center. Subsequent components in the ML pipeline use these metrics.

Knob Identification:  DBMSs can have hundreds of knobs, but only a subset affects the DBMS’s performance. OtterTune uses a popular feature-selection technique, called Lasso, to determine which knobs strongly affect the system’s overall performance. By applying this technique to the data in its repository, OtterTune identifies the order of importance of the DBMS’s knobs.

Then, OtterTune must decide how many of the knobs to use when making configuration recommendations. Using too many of them significantly increases OtterTune’s optimization time. Using too few could prevent OtterTune from finding the best configuration. To automate this process, OtterTune uses an incremental approach. It gradually increases the number of knobs used in a tuning session. This approach allows OtterTune to explore and optimize the configuration for a small set of the most important knobs before expanding its scope to consider others.

Automatic Tuner:  The Automated Tuning component determines which configuration OtterTune should recommend by performing a two-step analysis after each observation period.

First, the system uses the performance data for the metrics identified in the Workload Characterization component to identify the workload from a previous tuning session that best represents the target DBMS’s workload. It compares the session’s metrics with the metrics from previous workloads to see which ones react similarly to different knob settings.

Then, OtterTune chooses another knob configuration to try. It fits a statistical model to the data that it has collected, along with the data from the most similar workload in its repository. This model lets OtterTune predict how well the DBMS will perform with each possible configuration. OtterTune optimizes the next configuration, trading off exploration (gathering information to improve the model) against exploitation (greedily trying to do well on the target metric).



