Article 1 These Procedures are established for the proper storage, management and usage of lunar samples for scientific research and social benefits.
Article 2 The lunar samples refer to the materials collected on and below the surface of the Moon through China's lunar exploration program and the lunar materials obtained by China National Space Administration (CNSA) through other means.
Article 3 The present Procedures shall be applicable to the overall process of unsealing, classification, preparation, documentation, storage, application, distribution, transportation, use, return, dispositioning, management of information, and documentation of results.
Chapter 2 Responsibilities
Article 4 China National Space Administration is the management authority of lunar samples, with main responsibilities that include:
(1) Formulating policies and regulations for the management of lunar samples;
(2) Supervising application and commercialization of scientific research achievements; and
(3) International cooperation on lunar sample studies.
Article 5 CNSA's Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering Center (hereinafter referred to as LESEC) has been entrusted to carry out the management of lunar samples, with main responsibilities including:
(1) Reviewing Standards and Operating Procedures formulated by the curatorial agencies;
(2) Establishing an expert committee on lunar samples;
(3) Reviewing applications for requesting lunar samples;
(4) Supervising and coordinating the process of unsealing, classification, preparation, documentation, storage, application, distribution, transportation, use, return, dispositioning, management of information, and documentation of results.;
(5) Publishing dynamic information on lunar samples on a regular basis through data information platform; and
(6) Implementing the monitoring of science returns and its applications, and preparing and publishing a list of publications and achievements.
Article 6 The lunar samples are stored at CNSA and its designated curatorial agencies. The main curatorial agency is the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a backup curatorial agency is also established.
The curatorial agencies, under the supervision of CNSA and specific guidance of LESEC, shall provide information, from preliminary examination, on lunar samples in a timely manner, and report the curation and distribution of lunar samples to LESEC on a regular basis. Any emergency case such as lunar sample contamination and damage shall be reported to LESEC immediately.
The curatorial agencies shall adopt the following procedures for sample handling.
Article 7 The main responsibilities of the main curatorial agency include:
(1) Formulating standards and Operating Procedures related to lunar samples;
(2) Implementing the unsealing, classification, preparation, documentation, and storage of lunar samples;
(3) Implementing the distribution, return and dispositioning of lunar samples in accordance with the procedures;
(4) Building and maintaining the lunar sample storage facilities, to make sure that these facilities have the capability to carry out the necessary work; and
(5) Establishing a lunar sample curation catalog, thus to secure the information safety of the lunar samples.
Article 8 The main responsibilities of the backup curatorial agency include:
(1) Participating in the formulation of the standards and operating procedures related to lunar samples;
(2) Building and maintaining storage facilities; and
(3) Establishing a lunar sample information catalog to guarantee the security of lunar samples stored.
Article 9 Requesting of lunar samples shall be made by a legal person (hereinafter referred to as the requesting subject), and the main responsibilities of the requesting subject shall include:
(1) Conducting scientific research or socially beneficial activities in accordance with the relevant content of approval and agreement;
(2) Responsible for the security of the lunar samples, and bearing responsibilities for their damage, contamination, or loss due to operational and storage negligence;
(3) A dedicated person shall be appointed to be responsible for the safe use of the sample. Clear instructions shall be given to the person or persons responsible for sample handling; and
(4) Reporting in the scientific research results of lunar samples to LESEC.
Chapter 3 Classification, Handling and Information Release
Article 10 According to basic uses, lunar samples are divided into four types in principle: permanently stored samples, permanently stored backup samples, research samples, and samples for public beneficial activities, of which permanently stored samples and permanently stored backup samples are sealed and maintained in a pristine state as original samples, research samples are used for scientific investigation and analysis, and the samples for public beneficial activities are used for activities such as exhibition, public outreach, and education.
Article 11 The main curatorial agency shall receive and keep the lunar samples for a period of not more than six months, according to different basic uses, to conduct preliminary sample handing and to form a set of relevant information.
Article 12 After the end of the above (initial) sample handling period, LESEC will publish lunar sample information to the public through the data information platform, and update the sample information dynamically according to the status of sample requests.
Chapter 4 Request and Distribution
Article 13 Request refers to the use of lunar samples for scientific research (non-destructive and destructive experiments) and public beneficial activities (education, exhibition, etc.) and the return of samples at an agreed time after the completion of such activities.
Article 14 The requesting subject shall be able to ensure the safety and storage of the sample, and the requesting subject that will conduct the sample research shall have the corresponding investigation competence as being proposed.
Article 15 The requesting subject shall submit a request application form for lunar samples on the data information platform (see Annexes 1 and 2).
Article 16 LESEC will conduct a centralized review of request applications at the end of each quarter and provide timely feedback on the results of the review to the requesting subjects. LESEC will sign a Lunar Sample Loan Agreement (see Annex 3) with the requesting subject, and the main curatorial agency will allocate the sample according to the procedures.