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计量经济圈  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2017-09-17 00:00



R 软件中的 时间序列分析 程序包

Base R ships with a lot of functionality useful for time series, in particular in the stats package. This is complemented by many packages on CRAN, which are briefly summarized below.

There is also a considerable overlap between the tools for time series and those in the Econometrics and Finance task views. The packages in this view can be roughly structured into the following topics. If you think that some package is missing from the list, please let us know.


· Infrastructure : Base R contains substantial infrastructure for representing and analyzing time series data. The fundamental class is "ts" that can represent regularly spaced time series (using numeric time stamps). Hence, it is particularly well-suited for annual, monthly, quarterly data, etc.

· Rolling statistics : Moving averages are computed by ma from forecast , and rollmean from zoo . The latter also provides a general function rollapply , along with other specific rolling statistics functions. roll provides parallel functions for computing rolling statistics.

· Graphics : Time series plots are obtained with plot() applied to ts objects. (Partial) autocorrelation functions plots are implemented in acf() and pacf() . Alternative versions are provided by Acf() and Pacf() in forecast , along with a combination display using tsdisplay() . SDD provides more general serial dependence diagrams, while dCovTS computes and plots the distance covariance and correlation functions of time series. Seasonal displays are obtained using monthplot() in stats and seasonplot in forecast . Wats implements wrap-around time series graphics. ggseas provides ggplot2 graphics for seasonally adjusted series and rolling statistics. dygraphs provides an interface to the Dygraphs interactive time series charting library. ZRA plots forecast objects from the forecast package using dygraphs. Basic fan plots of forecast distributions are provided by forecast and vars . More flexible fan plots of any sequential distributions are implemented in fanplot .

Times and Dates

· Class "ts" can only deal with numeric time stamps, but many more classes are available for storing time/date information and computing with it. For an overview see R Help Desk: Date and Time Classes in R by Gabor Grothendieck and Thomas Petzoldt in R News 4(1) , 29-32.

· Classes "yearmon" and "yearqtr" from zoo allow for more convenient computation with monthly and quarterly observations, respectively.

· Class "Date" from the base package is the basic class for dealing with dates in daily data. The dates are internally stored as the number of days since 1970-01-01.

· The chron package provides classes for dates() , hours() and date/time (intra-day) in chron() . There is no support for time zones and daylight savings time. Internally, "chron" objects are (fractional) days since 1970-01-01.

· Classes "POSIXct" and "POSIXlt" implement the POSIX standard for date/time (intra-day) information and also support time zones and daylight savings time. However, the time zone computations require some care and might be system-dependent. Internally, "POSIXct" objects are the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT. Package lubridate provides functions that facilitate certain POSIX-based computations. The timetk package contains a collection of tools for working with time series including coercing between time-based tibbles, xts, zoo and ts objects. wktmo converts weekly data to monthly data in several different ways.

· Class "timeDate" is provided in the timeDate package (previously: fCalendar). It is aimed at financial time/date information and deals with time zones and daylight savings times via a new concept of "financial centers". Internally, it stores all information in "POSIXct" and does all computations in GMT only. Calendar functionality, e.g., including information about weekends and holidays for various stock exchanges, is also included.

· The tis package provides the "ti" class for time/date information.

· The "mondate" class from the mondate package facilitates computing with dates in terms of months.

· The tempdisagg package includes methods for temporal disaggregation and interpolation of a low frequency time series to a higher frequency series.

· Time series disaggregation is also provided by tsdisagg2 .

· TimeProjection extracts useful time components of a date object, such as day of week, weekend, holiday, day of month, etc, and put it in a data frame.

Time Series Classes

· As mentioned above, "ts" is the basic class for regularly spaced time series using numeric time stamps.

· The zoo package provides infrastructure for regularly and irregularly spaced time series using arbitrary classes for the time stamps (i.e., allowing all classes from the previous section). It is designed to be as consistent as possible with "ts" . Coercion from and to "zoo" is available for all other classes mentioned in this section.

· The package xts is based on zoo and provides uniform handling of R's different time-based data classes.

· Various packages implement irregular time series based on "POSIXct" time stamps, intended especially for financial applications. These include "irts" from tseries , and "fts" from fts .

· The class "timeSeries" in timeSeries (previously: fSeries) implements time series with "timeDate" time stamps.

· The class "tis" in tis implements time series with "ti" time stamps.

· The package tframe contains infrastructure for setting time frames in different formats.

Forecasting and Univariate Modeling

· The forecast package provides a class and methods for univariate time series forecasts, and provides many functions implementing different forecasting models including all those in the stats package.

· Exponential smoothing : HoltWinters() in stats provides some basic models with partial optimization, ets() from the forecast package provides a larger set of models and facilities with full optimization. robets provides a robust alternative to the ets() function. smooth implements some generalizations of exponential smoothing. The MAPA package combines exponential smoothing models at different levels of temporal aggregation to improve forecast accuracy.

· prophet forecasts time series based on an additive model where non-linear trends are fit with yearly and weekly seasonality, plus holidays. It works best with daily data.

· The theta method is implemented in the thetaf function from the forecast package. An alternative and extended implementation is provided in forecTheta .

· Autoregressive models : ar() in stats (with model selection) and FitAR for subset AR models.

· ARIMA models : arima() in stats is the basic function for ARIMA, SARIMA, ARIMAX, and subset ARIMA models. It is enhanced in the forecast package via the function Arima() along with auto.arima() for automatic order selection. arma() in the tseries package provides different algorithms for ARMA and subset ARMA models. FitARMA implements a fast MLE algorithm for ARMA models. Package gsarima contains functionality for Generalized SARIMA time series simulation. Robust ARIMA modeling is provided in the robustarima package. The mar1s package handles multiplicative AR(1) with seasonal processes. TSTutorial provides an interactive tutorial for Box-Jenkins modelling. Improved prediction intervals for ARIMA and structural time series models are provided by tsPI .

· Periodic ARMA models : pear and partsm for periodic autoregressive time series models, and perARMA for periodic ARMA modelling and other procedures for periodic time series analysis.

· ARFIMA models : Some facilities for fractional differenced ARFIMA models are provided in the fracdiff package. The arfima package has more advanced and general facilities for ARFIMA and ARIMA models, including dynamic regression (transfer function) models. Fractional Gaussian noise and simple models for hyperbolic decay time series are handled in the FGN package.

· Transfer function models are provided by the arimax function in the TSA package, and the arfima function in the arfima package.

· Outlier detection following the Chen-Liu approach is provided by tsoutliers .

· Structural models are implemented in StructTS() in stats, and in stsm and stsm.class . KFKSDS provides a naive implementation of the Kalman filter and smoothers for univariate state space models. Bayesian structural time series models are implemented in bsts

· Non-Gaussian time series can be handled with GLARMA state space models via glarma , and using Generalized Autoregressive Score models in the GAS package. Conditional Auto-Regression models using Monte Carlo Likelihood methods are implemented in mclcar .

· GARCH models : garch() from tseries fits basic GARCH models. Many variations on GARCH models are provided by rugarch . Other univariate GARCH packages include fGarch which implements ARIMA models with a wide class of GARCH innovations. There are many more GARCH packages described in the Finance task view.

· Stochastic volatility models are handled by stochvol in a Bayesian framework.

· Count time series models are handled in the acp package. ZIM provides for Zero-Inflated Models for count time series. tsintermittent implements various models for analysing and forecasting intermittent demand time series.

· Censored time series can be modelled using cents and carx .

· Portmanteau tests are provided via Box.test() in the stats package. Additional tests are given by portes and WeightedPortTest .

· Change point detection is provided in strucchange (using linear regression models), in trend (using nonparametric tests), and in wbsts (using wild binary segmentation). The changepoint package provides many popular changepoint methods, and ecp does nonparametric changepoint detection for univariate and multivariate series. InspectChangepoint uses sparse projection to estimate changepoints in high-dimensional time series.

· Tests for possibly non-monotonic trends are provided by funtimes .

· Time series imputation is provided by the imputeTS package. Some more limited facilities are available using na.interp() from the forecast package.

· Forecasts can be combined using ForecastCombinations which supports the most frequently used methods to combine forecasts. forecastHybrid provides functions for ensemble forecasts, combining approaches from the forecast package. GeomComb provides eigenvector-based (geometric) forecast combination methods, as well as other approaches. opera has facilities for online predictions based on combinations of forecasts provided by the user. mafs fits several forecast models and selects the best one according to an error metric.

· Forecast evaluation is provided in the accuracy() function from forecast . Distributional forecast evaluation using scoring rules is available in scoringRules

· Tidy tools for forecasting are provided by sweep , converting objects produced in forecast to "tidy" data frames.

· Miscellaneous : ltsa contains methods for linear time series analysis, timsac for time series analysis and control, and tsbugs for time series BUGS models.

Frequency analysis

· Spectral density estimation is provided by spectrum() in the stats package, including the periodogram, smoothed periodogram and AR estimates. Bayesian spectral inference is provided by bspec . quantspec includes methods to compute and plot Laplace periodograms for univariate time series. The Lomb-Scargle periodogram for unevenly sampled time series is computed by lomb . spectral uses Fourier and Hilbert transforms for spectral filtering. psd produces adaptive, sine-multitaper spectral density estimates. kza provides Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Adaptive Filters including break detection, spectral analysis, wavelets and KZ Fourier Transforms. multitaper also provides some multitaper spectral analysis tools.

· Wavelet methods : The wavelets package includes computing wavelet filters, wavelet transforms and multiresolution analyses. Wavelet methods for time series analysis based on Percival and Walden (2000) are given in wmtsa . WaveletComp provides some tools for wavelet-based analysis of univariate and bivariate time series including cross-wavelets, phase-difference and significanc tests. biwavelet can be used to plot and compute the wavelet spectra, cross-wavelet spectra, and wavelet coherence of non-stationary time series. It also includes functions to cluster time series based on the (dis)similarities in their spectrum. Tests of white noise using wavelets are provided by hwwntest . Further wavelet methods can be found in the packages brainwaver , rwt , waveslim , wavethresh and mvcwt .

· Harmonic regression using Fourier terms is implemented in HarmonicRegression . The forecast package also provides some simple harmonic regression facilities via the fourier function.

Decomposition and Filtering

· Filters and smoothing : filter() in stats provides autoregressive and moving average linear filtering of multiple univariate time series. The robfilter package provides several robust time series filters, while mFilter includes miscellaneous time series filters useful for smoothing and extracting trend and cyclical components. smooth() from the stats package computes Tukey's running median smoothers, 3RS3R, 3RSS, 3R, etc. sleekts computes the 4253H twice smoothing method.

· Decomposition : Seasonal decomposition is discussed below. Autoregressive-based decomposition is provided by ArDec . tsdecomp implements ARIMA-based decomposition of quarterly and monthly data. rmaf uses a refined moving average filter for decomposition.

· Singular Spectrum Analysis is implemented in Rssa and spectral.methods .

· Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert spectral analysis is provided by EMD . Additional tools, including ensemble EMD, are available in hht
