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晚安曲 | 寒冷冬夜里的暖心旋律

潮音乐  · 公众号  · 音乐  · 2016-12-12 22:00


Sarah MacDougall的《Cold Night》,歌名叫做寒夜但却有着温暖入心的旋律和低沉深情的嗓音。



while the sunlight freezes up
i think of you again
and the snow is lying cold
looks like the blanket on this town
and it drips down from the roof tops
while i hear the winter whisper

that everything is naked
and stark underneath
you coming to my mind
like so many times before
seems like it's been forever
since i couldn't let you go
and all my mistakes
dig themselves into my heart again
and all your words they come back
so much clearer to me now
and it's cold , cold night
leaves me breathless and in doubt
there's a silence and a calm tonight
and i wonder if i was right
i remember every word that you said
but i wonder if i was really
the love you drink it all of full
and the trees white and drunk
and strip down of their clothes
and i realize i am not sure
what you look like anymore
but every cell says i remember you well
but it's been so long since i saw you laugh out loud
and if i could , i ply our boat, snow it tonight
cause something is erupting in the ground underneath
and it's cold , cold night
leaves me breathless and out
there's silence and cold tonight
and i wonder if you were right
and it's cold , cold nighg
leaves me breathless and out
there's silence and cold tonight
and i wonder if anyone was right



晚安曲 | 初雪的时节 甚是想念你

晚安曲 | 这是一段给予你无限安宁的旋律

晚安曲 | 晚安,姑娘

晚安曲 | 爱竟可以如此不可思议

晚安曲 |  愿所有夜晚都安眠


张国荣 | 张学友 | 陈奕迅 | 薛之谦

fade | 婚礼 | 卡农 | 李健 | 漂洋过海 | 陈以桐 | 

夜空中 | 南山南 | 红白玫瑰 | 斑马斑马 |日文 | 
