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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-22 09:52


Midrex 业务发展总经理 Vincent Chevrier 博士表示,以氢气为基础的直接还原( DRI )工艺是钢铁行业实现脱碳的唯一合理途径,但这需要氢气和电力供应,而目前还无法获得。

Hydrogen-baseddirect reduction is the only logical path to steel industry decarbonisation,but it will require a supply of hydrogen and power that is currently notavailable, says Dr Vincent Chevrier, General Manager, Business Development atMidrex.

氢气炼钢的概念已经得到很大关注,尤其是在欧洲,在 2050 年实现气候中和的推动下,各国政府都在支持氢气炼钢的发展。随着废钢供应量增加和电弧炉钢材质量提高,高炉 / 吹氧转炉工艺很可能被逐步淘汰,钢铁生产将转向直接还原铁 / 电弧炉工艺。

The conceptof hydrogen steelmaking has gained a lot of traction, especially in Europewhere governments are backing its development amid a drive to achieve climateneutrality by 2050. The blast furnace/oxygen converter route is likely to bephased out, with steel production moving to the DRI/EAF route as scrapavailability grows and EAF steel quality increases.

向氢气炼钢过渡可以利用商业热压铁为现有的高炉钢厂提供原料,并在现有的电弧炉钢厂建设直接还原铁 / 热压铁厂。然而,在欧洲某些地区,可能无法获得足够的自备能源或铁矿石原料,使得这一解决方案因地制宜。同时,一些钢厂将需要决定炼铁是否是“……核心竞争力”, Chevrier 在周三 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)参加的国际钢铁时报网络研讨会上表示。

Thetransition to hydrogen steelmaking can be made using merchant hot-briquettediron to feed current BF mills, and building DRI/HBI plants at existing EAFmills. However, sufficient captive energy or iron ore feedstock may not beavailable in some parts of Europe, making this solution location-specific. Somesteelmakers will meanwhile need to decide if ironmaking is a “…corecompetency”, Chevrier said at a Steel Times International webinaron Wednesday attended by Kallanish .

以氢为基础的 DRI 生产所面临的挑战包括优化能量平衡——氢的还原是内热的,而氢的热扩散性很高。另一个问题是生产成本——氢气成本和所需的资本投资。钢材价格将上涨,因为这一成本可能会转嫁给客户。

Thechallenges for hydrogen-based DRI production include optimising the energybalance – hydrogen reduction is endothermic and hydrogen has a high thermaldiffusivity. Another issue is the cost of production – the cost of hydrogen andthe capital investments required. Steel prices will increase, as this cost willlikely be passed on to customers.

此外,目前的电弧炉设计需要碳,而氢气 DRI 将实现零碳。与传统的 DRI 相比,氢气 DRI 对氧气和水的反应性也更强,而铁矿石球团将需要取代烧结料。

Moreover,current EAF designs require carbon whereas hydrogen DRI will have zero carbon.H2DRI is also more reactive to oxygen and water than conventional DRI, whileiron ore pellet will need to replace sinter feed.

“我们需要大量的氢气进行直接还原,” Chevrier 表示。“这种数量的氢气现在并不存在。”与此相关的是“绿色”电力从何而来的问题。一座年产能 200 万吨的氢气 DRI 工厂所需电力约为一座核电站发电量的一半。绿色电力的价格应达到 0.01 美元 / 千瓦时,氢气才能与化石能源竞争。然后是氢气的基础设施和配送成本:管道和储存等。

“We need atremendous amount of hydrogen for direct reduction,” Chevrier observed. “Thatamount of hydrogen does not exist right now.” Related to this is the questionof where the “green” power comes from. A 2 million tonnes/year capacityhydrogen DRI plant requires about half the power of a nuclear power plant.Green power should be $0.01/kWh for hydrogen to compete with fossil energy.Then there is the cost of infrastructure and distribution of hydrogen:pipelines and storage, among others.

尽管如此,“……我相信氢气直接还原不只是一时的狂热,我相信这是钢铁行业脱碳的必经之路,” Chevrier 总结说,只要有大量投资,到 2050 年就能实现。

Despitethis, “…I really don’t believe hydrogen direct reduction is a fad; I believethis is the way for the industry to go to decarbonise,” Chevrier concluded,adding that it can be done by 2050 with significant capital formation.
