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内有英文 | 东芝爆巨亏,内控定存亡,会再次更换"四大"审计师吗?

注册风险管理师  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2017-03-01 10:31









就东芝的巨亏事件, Jefferies在东京的分析师Zuhair Khan说,“现在人们开始意识到内部控制问题,会计问题和治理问题是非常现实的,不再抽象。 “他们影响了公司的生存能力"Finally now people are starting to recognize that internal control problems, the accounting issues and governance issues are very real and no longer abstract," said Zuhair Khan, an analyst at Jefferies in Tokyo.


"They impact the viability of the company."


据路透社报道, 东芝公司目前无法马上批准继续聘普华永道作为其审计师; 普华永道才担任该公司审计师一年,能否继续担任东芝的下一财年审计师可能将面临考验。A source briefed on the matter said Toshiba had not been able to immediately secure the approval of its auditor, ricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata.






Delays, confusion as Toshiba reports $6 billion nuclear hit and slides to loss

Tue Feb 14, 2017 | 5:52am EST


By Makiko Yamazaki             | TOKYO

TOKYO After a day of delays and confusion, Japan's Toshiba Corp (6502.T) said on Tuesday it expected to book a $6.3 billion hit to its U.S. nuclear unit, a writedown that wipes out its shareholder equity and will drag the group to a full-year loss.

Hours earlier on Tuesday, the battered conglomerate rattled investors by failing to release its earnings on schedule, saying initially it was 'not ready' and then announcing later it needed more time to probe its Westinghouse nuclear business after internal reports uncovered potential problems.

The figures eventually released were numbers that have yet to be approved by its auditor and Toshiba cautioned investors that a major revision was possible. Fully audited numbers are now not due till March 14 after the firm was granted a reprieve for its formal filing by Japanese regulators.

Toshiba also said in a statement it could push harder to raise capital, including selling a majority stake in its memory chip arm. Previously, it had sought to sell just under 20 percent of its prize business.

"Finally now people are starting to recognize that internal control problems, the accounting issues and governance issues are very real and no longer abstract," said Zuhair Khan, an analyst at Jefferies in Tokyo.

"They impact the viability of the company."

Shares in the group slid 8 percent, putting the company's market value at 973 billion yen ($8.6 billion), less than half its value in mid-December. Just under a decade ago, the firm was worth almost 5 trillion yen.

It also announced the first top-level departure since the nuclear problems were uncovered in December: chairman Shigenori Shiga, a former Westinghouse boss brought in to the top role last year after a $1.3 billion accounting scandal in 2015 shook up Toshiba's upper ranks.

Toshiba said it expected to book a 499.9 billion yen ($4.4 billion) net loss for the nine months to December, and a 390 billion yen net loss for the full year.

It also ended 2016 with negative shareholder equity due to the 712.5 billion yen nuclear writedown - a charge that was first flagged in December last year.

Toshiba said it would withdraw from nuclear plant construction overseas. Reuters reported this month that Toshiba was seeking at least a partial exit from ventures in Britain and India, a blow to both countries' nuclear plans.


In an earlier, separate statement, Toshiba outlined concerns at its Westinghouse business, the U.S. nuclear unit bought from the UK government a decade ago.

Internal reports, Toshiba said, suggested controls at Westinghouse had been "insufficient" and it needed to look into whether senior managers at Westinghouse exerted "inappropriate pressure" during discussions over a U.S. deal to buy the company at the heart of its cost overruns, it said.

"We judged that it would take about a month for external lawyers ... to conduct these further probes and for the independent auditors to review the results," Toshiba said.

A source briefed on the matter said Toshiba had not been able to immediately secure the approval of its auditor, ricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata. The source asked not to be identified because he is not allowed to talk the media.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata declined to comment, citing client confidentiality. Toshiba declined to comment on the audit process.

Toshiba seeks to postpone earnings release, will probe Westinghouse


TOKYO Japan's Toshiba Corp (6502.T) said it has asked regulators to allow it to delay the release of its earnings, including a writedown on its U.S. nuclear business, by a month while it probes internal controls at its Westinghouse unit.

Toshiba said in a statement it needs to look at allegations that Westinghouse's management exerted inappropriate pressure over the calculation of assets and liabilities for the nuclear construction company it bought from Chicago Bridge & Iron (CBI.N).

Toshiba was due to announce quarterly earnings on Tuesday but now says it wants an extension, which if approved would extend the deadline to March 14.



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