专栏名称: 这里是美国
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这里是美国  · 公众号  · 美国  · 2019-05-02 12:03





Via 网络;《复联》里面的黑寡妇是一名经验丰富的间谍


Via 网络;007系列电影中的间谍人物邦德


Via AP

最近,一只 出现在挪威海域的白鲸 引起了挪威当地渔民的注意。

Via AP

与一般野生鲸鱼不同的是,这只白鲸 身上帮着奇怪的带子; 带子上据报道还有俄罗斯军方的字样。


Via foxnews.com;专家称一只身上绑着神秘保护带的鲸鱼可能是俄罗斯军方的“间谍”

Fishermen Joar Hesten was the first to encounter the whale, off the coast of Finnmark, a county in northeastern Norway. Hesten then contacted the country's Directorate of Fisheries.

一位叫Joar Hesten的渔民是最早发现这条鲸鱼的人。他当时在挪威东北部的芬马克。他发现这只鲸鱼后就联系了挪威的渔业部门。

Via edition.cnn.com

这只白鲸究竟有哪些奇特之处? 我们一起来看下吧。

The sighting of a beluga whale wearing a Russian-made harness has caused media speculation that the animal may have come from a Russian military facility. The whale was recently seen swimming alongside fishermen off the coast of Norway.

这只 白鲸 身上绑着俄罗斯制造的 “背带” 。该鲸鱼奇特装束引起媒体猜测,它可能属于俄罗斯军方。该白鲸近日出现在挪威海岸线,从当地渔民的船只旁游过。

Video footage obtained by ABC News shows the beluga whale bobbing its head in and out of the water and behaving in a friendly manner with local fishermen . Its harness had the words “ Equipment St. Petersburg " etched on it.


Via abcnews.go.com


Via AP

挪威海洋研究所 的一名专家Martin Biuw是这么说的:

“All I know is that both Russian and U.S. military have had active marine mammal programs in the past, but I have no detailed knowledge. I don’t see why they would equip those whales with harnesses,” he told ABC News.


“I would assume that harnesses are generally only used for short-term deployments, as they may cause chafing and other discomfort over longer time periods. What I can say for almost certain is that no researchers in Norway, and almost certainly not in Denmark/Greenland, use this method of attachment for any research related work. Whether scientists in Russia do, I have no idea.”


Via abcnews.go.com

这位专家还指出, 这头鲸鱼的一个举动,暴露了它受过人为训练。

The behavior of the Beluga whale, however, is a “clear sign” that the animal had been trained and the inscription on the harness means it is “safe to assume the whale is indeed from Russia," Biuw said.
