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张小北  · 微博  · 电影  · 2024-10-17 00:13


2024-10-17 00:13

见过光(慢慢地)爬行吗?看这个,你就会看见。这个数据可视化是由行星科学家 James O'Donoghue 博士制作的。

光以每秒 300,000 公里的速度移动。这是宇宙速度的极限,每秒可以绕地球 7.5 圈。但这其实是乌龟的速度。

光在浩瀚的太空中挣扎。在地球之外,到达月球需要 1.25 秒。从地球到火星需要整整三分钟。而从太阳到地球,光需要 8 分钟才能到达。


Ever seen light crawl? Watch this and you will. This data visualisation is by Planetary Scientist Dr James O'Donoghue.

Light moves at 300,000 kilometers per second. It's the cosmic speed limit and can lap Earth 7.5 times in a second. But that's a tortoise pace, really.

Light struggles against the vastness of space. Beyond Earth, the time it takes to get to the Moon is 1.25 seconds. Earth to Mars is a whole three minutes. And from the Sun to Earth, light takes 8 minutes to travel.

But that's nothing. For light to reach us from the stars, it has to inch through space for years, decades, centuries and millennia. By the time it reaches your eyes, those stars might not even exist anymore. It's mind-blowing.

What do you think? 美国创业者的微博视频
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