专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-26 06:01



自 2010 年以来,世界经济和政治在震荡调整过程中呈现下行趋势,多数国家的经济增长出现下滑,一些国家的复苏之路也脆弱而乏力。鉴于此,如果国际社会不能尽快采取强有力的应对措施,当前全球经济存在再次陷入普遍衰退的可能性。



2016 may have been an economic as well as political turning-point


Investors may be too optimistic about the direction in which the world is changing


Jan 7th 2017


THANKS to Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, 2016 is widely viewed as a political turning-point. But it may also come to be seen as an economic turning-point, marking the third big change of direction since the second world war.


The post-war period from 1945 to 1973 was the era of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates and capital controls. It was a time of rapid economic growth in the rich world as countries rebuilt themselves after the war and as the technological innovations of the first half of the 20th century—cars, televisions, and so on—came into widespread use. High taxes reduced inequality; fiscal policy was used to control the economic cycle. It all came crashing down in the early 1970s as the fixed-currency system collapsed, and an oil embargo imposed by Arab producers ushered in stagflation (ie, high unemployment combined with inflation).


  • embargo n.禁运;贸易禁令

  • usher v.引,领;陪同

By the early 1980s, a new system had emerged. Currencies floated, capital controls were abolished, the financial sector was liberalised, industry was privatised and tax rates on higher incomes were cut. In this system inequality widened again (although economists still debate how to parcel out the blame between technological change and globalisation, as China and other countries took a full part in trade). Growth was slower than in the Bretton Woods era but inflation was reined in . Monetary measures replaced fiscal ones as the main policy tool. This era suffered its defining crisis in 2007-08 and has come to an end.


  • parcel out  把……分成若干部分,分配

  • rein in  控制;约束

The final years of both periods were marked by a degree of monetary experimentation. In the late 1970s many policymakers were converted to the doctrine of monetarism—the idea that by setting a target for the growth of the money supply governments could control inflation (and that controlling inflation should be the main aim of their policies). But monetarism proved harder to implement than its proponents thought; the monetary targets behaved unpredictably. By the mid-1980s, monetarism had been quietly dropped.


Since the 2008 crisis, monetary policy has had to be rethought again, with central banks grappling with the “zero bound” for interest rates. Their first move was to adopt quantitative easing , the purchase of assets to drive down longer-term borrowing costs. Some have since followed this up with negative rates on bank reserves.


  • grappling with  尽力解决;与……搏斗

  • quantitative easing  量化宽松

Financial-market trends have played out against the backdrop of these two policy eras. Equities did very well for 20 years under the Bretton Woods regime, but started to falter in the mid-1960s, well before the system’s collapse. Perhaps investors already took fright at signs of inflation; bond yields


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