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2020 IC Outlook

Research  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-25 08:30


After a downturn in 2019, the semiconductor and equipment industries looked promising at the start of 2020.
In 2019, the downturn was primarily due to the memory markets, namely DRAM and NAND. Both DRAM and NAND saw lackluster demand and falling prices last year. At the start of 2020, though, the memory markets were beginning to recover.
2019年的下滑主要是由于内存市场,即DRAM和NAND。 去年DRAM和NAND需求疲软,价格下跌。 但是,在2020年初,存储器市场开始复苏。
Unlike memory, the logic and foundry markets were somewhat stronger in the latter part of 2019. Robust demand for foundry and logic spilled over into 2020.
与内存不同,逻辑和晶圆代工市场在2019年下半年有所增长。 对晶圆代工和逻辑的强劲需求持续到2020年。
Demand for analog, power semis and RF were lackluster in 2019. Many of those vendors were looking for renewed growth in 2020.
在2019年,对模拟,功率半导体和RF的需求疲软。 许多销售商都在寻求2020年的新增长。
Then, not long ago, the coronavirus in China hit the market. The pandemic has expanded and spread, causing some turbulence in the supply chain. Companies have lowered their forecasts.
So what does this all mean for the IC market? To get a handle on the market, Semiconductor Engineering has reached out to various market researchers. Here’s the latest forecasts from researchers:
那么这对IC市场意味着什么呢? 为了理解市场,半导体工程网(Semiconductor Engineering)已经联系了相关市场研究人员,下面是各研究人员的最新预测:
2019 Semiconductor market—$418 billion (-11.9%)
2020 Semiconductor growth forecast—$470 billion (+12.5%)
2020年半导体增长预测4,700亿美元(+ 12.5%)
2019 Semi CapEx—$96 billion (-11.9%)
2020 Semi CapEx forecast—$92.5 billion (-3.6%)
Over the last year, the volatility has revolved around the memory market, according to Bob Johnson, an analyst at Gartner.
高德纳(Gartner)分析师鲍勃·约翰逊(Bob Johnson)表示,过去一年, 内存市场 一直存在波动性。
Meanwhile, the worldwide wafer fab equipment (WFE) market is expected to reach $53.6 billion in 2020, down 1% over 2019, according to Johnson. “Intel has announced even higher capital spending plans for this year. So that may put capital spending nearly flat this year,” he said.
What about the impact of the coronavirus? “As for the effects of the coronavirus, we’re looking at it, but haven’t yet reached a conclusion as to what its effects will be,” Johnson said. “There are so many inputs and uncertainties, and the big question is whether the supply chain disruptions we hear about will be permanent or temporary, and what will their impact be on the overall year. There is also the big question about what this will do to overall electronics demand in China, especially on phones.
“However, I can be pretty certain that it won’t be positive,” he said. “So for right now, you can say that we’re definitely evaluating the projected impacts of the coronavirus on our forecasts, and that it definitely increases the downside risks.”
2019 Semiconductor market—$400.9 billion (-16.1%)
2020 Semiconductor growth forecast—$432.75 billion (+7.95%)
2020年半导体增长预测4327.5亿美元(+ 7.95%)
“The key reason for growth in 2020 is increased gigabyte prices of DRAM and NAND, compared to the previous decline in gigabyte prices,” said Handel Jones, chief executive of IBS.
IBS首席执行官汉德尔·琼斯(Handel Jones)表示,与之前的每千兆字节价格下跌相比,2020年增长的主要原因是DRAM和NAND的每千兆字节价格上涨。
The coronavirus will impact the market. “The most likely scenario is now a 0.7% decline in the semiconductor market in 2020 over 2019,” Jones said.
There is also a chance it could reduce the volume of smartphones by 100 million units and reduction in volume of notebook computers by 30 million units, according to IBS.
IC Insights
2019 Semiconductor market—$442.3 billion (-12%)
2020 Semiconductor growth forecast—$473.9 billion (+7%)
