专栏名称: Political理论志
两万五千余社会学人与政治学人共同关注的学术平台。对国内外political, sociological, administrative theory进行介绍与评论,定期组织各科大佬参与讨论。编译、评论、普及是我们的三个目标
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2020 书单:经验研读/政治社会学/组织学/公共管理/疫情研究等

Political理论志  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-17 11:20


2020 书单:经验研读/政治社会学/组织学/公共管理 /疫情研究

One Par t of LSE LIbrary


从年初开始,我的研究旨趣逐渐转向组织学与政治社会学的研讨,所以选取阅读文献时有所侧重,不和之前一样撒网海读,但是政治社会学与历史社会学在议题、理论与方法上均有高度重合,其中也包含了许多相关文献。 暑期开始时定了一个书单,大约已经读了三分之一。

最近假期快过 半的时候收到了一些投稿的R&R和退修,需调整阅读内容,大致确定了一张暑期阅读书单,其中有一部分已经在本号上做过解读了,和本书单一起分享给朋友们。


马克斯·韦伯 . 经济与社会(第一 卷). 上海人民出版社 .

马克斯·韦伯 . 中国的宗教宗教与世界,广西师范大学出版社。

马克斯·韦伯 . 民族国家与经济政策,三联书店。

Max Weber. Economy and Society . University of California Press,1978: 53-55; 212-217.

Max Weber. 1951. The Religion of China. Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press.

Max Weber. (1949). Objectivity in social science and social policy. In Max Weber on the methodology of the social sciences (pp. 50–112). Glencoe, IL: Free Press.

Benedict Andersen. ch.1-4 in Imagined Communities .Verso 1991: 47-65.

本尼迪克特·安德森 . 想象的共同体 . 2011, 上海人民出版社 .

卡尔·马克思 . 路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日 . 人民出版社.

(前几天,我们解读了此书 解读 | 社会革命与国家之间的因果关系:读Markoff/马克思/Skcopol/Riley/Goodwin/Mann六篇 )

肖瑛 . 家与韦伯的比较历史社会 学——以《中国的宗教》为例[J]. 社会学评论, 2020, 8(3): 22-40.

(本文全文曾被理论志转载,参见 肖瑛 | 家与韦伯的比较历史社会学——以《中国的宗教》为例

政治社会学I: 国家、权力、机制等诸概念

徐勇 . 关系中的国家(第一卷) . 社会科学文献出版社。


Michael Mann. “Societies as Organized Power Networks, Ch.1 in Source of Social Power: A history of Power from the Beginning to A.D. 1760 . Cambridge University of California Press, 1986: 1-33.

Michael Mann. The Autonomous Power of the State: its Origins, Mechanism and Results. European Journal of Sociology 25. 2(1984): 185-213.

(前几天,我们解读了此文 一九八四的迈克尔·曼:一篇发表于EJS上的论国家权力

Reed, Isaac. 2013. Power: Relational, Discursive, and Performative Dimensions. Sociological Theory 31(3): 193–218.

(很久之前,我们解读了此文 Reed(2013)权力:关系弥散和展演维度 ,但最近想重读一番

Isaac Reed & Michael Weinman (2018): Agency, power, modernity: A manifesto for social theory, European Journal ofCultural and Political Sociology .

Isaac Reed. Power in Modernity Agency Relations and the Creative Destruction of the King’s Two Bodies (2020). University of Chicago Press.


Charles Tilly. Durable Inequality. 1999:1-40.

Charles Tilly. Coercion, Capital and European States, AD 990-1992 . Blackwell,1992. Ch.1 and Ch.3.

(这本书前后读了四遍, 第二波的Tilly | 国家的建构:Cities and States 是一本历史社会学研究的handbook

Randall Collins. Weber’s Last Theory of Capitalism: A Systematization. American Sociological Review 45(1980) 925-942.

Theda Skocpol. France, Russia, China. A Structural Analysis of Social Revolutions. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 18,2,(1976):175-210.

(前几天,我们解读了此文 解读 | 社会革命与国家之间的因果关系:读Markoff/马克思/Skcopol/Riley/Goodwin/Mann六篇 )

Nader Sohrabi. Historicizing Revolutions: Constitutional Revolutions in theOttoman Empire, Iran, and Russia, 1905-1908. American Journal ofSociology 49.1 (1995): 1383-1447.

Elisabeth Clemens and James Matthew Cook. Politics and Institutionalism: Explaining Durability and Change. Source. Annual Review of Sociology 25(2003):441-466

(前段时间,我们解读了此文 AJS主编 Clemens 批评 March, Sewell, Giddens:一个制度变迁的政治社会学框架 )

Migdal, Joel S. 2001. State in Society: Studying How States and Societies Transform and Constitute One Another . New York: Cambridge University Press.

推 荐 阅 读



政治社会学II: 建构、运动、社团与新方法(量化)

Adams, J. (1996). Principals and agents, colonialists and company men: Thedecay of colonial control in the Dutch East Indies. American Sociological Review , 61, 12–28.

Karen Barkey and Ira Katznelson. States, Regimes, and Decisions: Why Jewswere Expelled form Medieval and France. Theory and Society 40(2011):475-503.

Karen Barkey. Empire of Difference: The Ottomans in Comparative Perspective . Cambridge, 2008. Ch.1-3

(前段时间,我们解读了此书的第一章 Karen Barkey | 辐辏结构的国家论:Empire of Difference )

Philip S. Gorski. Body and Soul: Calvinsim, Discipline, and State Power in Early Modern Europe . Ch.1 in The Disciplinary Revolution. Chicago:2003:1-38.

Hooks, Gregory. 1990. The Rise of the Pentagon and U.S. State Building: The Defense Program as Industrial Policy. American Journal of Sociology 96(2):358 404.

Julian Go. The Provinciality of American Empire: Liberal Exceptionalism and U.S. Colonial Rule, 1898-1912. Comparatives Studies in Society and History 49.1(2007):74-108.

David Strang, The Inner Incompatibility of Empire and Nation: Popular Sovereignty and Decolonization. Sociological Perspectives 35,2(1992):367-384.

John Meyer et al., World Society and the Nation-State. American Journal of Sociology 103(1997):144-181.

George Steinmetz. The Sociology of Empires, Colonies and Postcolonialism. Annual Review of Sociology 40(2014):77-103.

Steinmetz, George, ed. 1999. State/Culture: State-Formation after the Cultural Turn . Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

John Markoff. The Social Geography of Rural Revolt at Beginning of theFrench Revolution. American Sociological Review 50(1985): 761-781.

(前几天,我们解读了此文 解读 | 社会革命与国家之间的因果关系:读Markoff/马克思/Skcopol/Riley/Goodwin/Mann六篇 )

John Markoff. Democracy’s Past Transformations, Present Challenges andFuture Prospects. International Journal of Sociology 43(2013): 13-40.

Dylan Riley. Civic Associations and Authoritarian Regime in InterwarEurope: Italy and Spain in Comparative Perspective. American SociologicalReview 70(2005): 288-310.

Christopher Uggen and Jeff Manza. Democratic Contraction? Political Consequences of Felon Disenfranchisement in the United States. American Sociological Review 67(2002): 777-803.

Nina Eliasoph. Close to Home: The Work of Avoid Politics. Theory and Society 26(1997): 605-647.

Zoltán Fazekas et al. Elite-Public Interaction on Twitter: EU issueExpansion in the Campaign. European Journal of Political Research (first published 19 May 2020)

(最近,我们编译了此文 精英和大众在推特上的互动:欧盟事务在选举中的扩散 | 理论志 )

Michael Heaney and Fabio Rojas. Hybrid Activism: Social Movement Mobilization in a Multimovement Environment. American Journal of Sociology 119(2014):1047-1103.

Doug McAdam The Biographical Consequences of Activism. American Sociological Review 54(1989): 744-760.

Jeef Goodwin. The Libidinal Constitution of a High-Risk Social Movement: Affectual Ties and Solidarity in the Huk Rebellion. 1946 to 1954. American Sociological Review 62(1997): 63-69.

Zhao Dingxin. Ecologies of Social Movements. American Journal of Sociology 103(1998): 1493-529.

Iaasc Reed. 2019. Performative State-Formation in the Early AmericanRepublic. American Sociological Review , 84(2), 334–367.

(去年,我们解读了此文 Reed(2019)ASR | 表演性建构民族国家:以美国为例 )

Marshall Ganz. Resources and Resourcefulness: Strategic Capacity in theUnionization of California Agriculture, 1959-1966. American Journal of Sociology 105. 4(2000): 1003-62.


Abbott, Andrew. 1988. The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Labor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Amy Binder, For love and money: organizations' creative responses tomultiple environmental logics. Theory and Society , 36(2007): 547-571.

( 前不久 ,我们解 了此文 新制度主义批判:“逆向官僚”组织的制度逻辑 | 理论志

Gay, Paul. 2005. The Values of Bureaucracy. London, UK: OxfordUniversity Press.

Evans, Peter. 1995. Embedded Autonomy: States and IndustrialTransformation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Evans, Peter, and James E. Rauch. 1999. Bureaucracy and Growth: ACross-National Analysis of the Effects of ‘Weberian’ State Structures onEconomic Growth. American Sociological Review 64(5):748 65.

Fligstein, Neil. 1987. The Intraorganizational Power Struggle: Rise ofFinance Personnel to Top Leadership in Large Corporations, 1919 1979. American Sociological Review 52(1):44 58.

Levi, Margaret. 1988. Of Rule and Revenue. Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press.

Johnson, Martha C. 2015. Donor Requirements and Pockets of Effectiveness in Senegal’s Bureaucracy. Development Policy Review 33(6):783 804.

Thompson, James D. 1967. Organizations in Action: Social Science Basesof Administrative Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Vedres, Balazs, and David Stark. 2010. Structural Folds: Generative Disruption in Overlapping Groups. American Journal of Sociology 115(4):1150 90.

Zhou xueguang. 1993. The Dynamics of Organizational Rules. American Journal of Sociology 98: 1134-66.

Zhou xueguang. 1993. Occupational Power, State Capacities and the Diffusionof Licensing in the American States: 1890-1950. American Sociological Review 58: 536-52.

陈国权等 . 权力法治与廉政治理 . 2018. 社会科学文献出版社。

