专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-02 11:42


SMS 集团认为, 2021 年将是以新冠疫情为标志的又一个艰难年份,但乐观地认为,到 2022 年,主要业绩数据将会反弹。

SMS groupbelieves that 2021 will be another hard year marked by the Covid-19 pandemic,but is optimistic that key performance figures will rebound as of 2022.

这家德国家族式设备制造企业通常会在夏季披露年度数据,但今年将新闻发布会推迟到了 11 月底。 2019 年,该公司的基本关键数据仍在增长,收入同比增长 4.6% 29 亿欧元( 35 亿美元),订单量增长 2.2% 32 亿欧元,税前利润增长 127% 1.26 亿欧元。年底订单量为 38.5 亿欧元,比 2018 年底增长 6.3%

Thefamily-owned German plant-builder normally reveals its annual figures in thesummer, but this year postponed its press conference to the end of November. In2019, the company still saw its essential key figures increasing, with revenueup 4.6% on-year to €2.9 billion ($3.5 billion), order intake up 2.2% to €3.2billion, and pre-tax profit up 127% to €126 million. The order book at the endof the year stood at €3.85 billion, 6.3% higher than in late 2018.

Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,首席执行官 Burkhard Dahmen 在电话会议上表示,在当前全年, SMS 预计订单量将下降三分之一。除了钢厂的投资支出下降外,疫情还造成了其他问题。首席运营官 Michael Rzepczyk 指出:“……实际的施工场地仍然是我们的主要工作场所,而我们不得不应对大规模的卫生规定,也不得不应对感染病毒的员工。”

In thecurrent full-year, SMS expects order intake to drop by one third, chiefexecutive Burkhard Dahmen said at a conference call attended by Kallanish .Apart from a drop of investment spending among mills, the pandemic has causedother problems. Chief operating officer Michael Rzepczyk noted that “…theactual construction site remains our main working place, and here we had tocope with massive hygienic regulations, and also with employees infected withthe virus.”

他继续说道,“多亏了增强现实和视频会议,这些会议似乎持续了一整年”,尽管遇到了各种障碍,公司还是成功地完成了项目。事实上,根据数字化官员 Katja Windt 的说法,今年 SMS 数字部门的员工数量增加了两倍多。她预测,到 2030 年,以数字化为动力的服务和维护将占到公司收入的 50%

Hecontinued: “Thanks to augmented reality and video conferences that seemed to lastall year through,” the firm managed to finished projects despite the hurdles.In fact, this year has seen the number of employees in the SMS Digital divisionmore than treble, according to digitalisation officer Katja Windt. Shepredicted that services and maintenance, powered by digitalisation, will makeup 50% of the company’s revenue by 2030.

SMS 表示,将继续通过收购合适的初创企业或成熟的专业队伍来补充其内部增长。今年, SMS 收购了两家巴西公司的股份—— Viridis Vetta ,这两家公司都位于 Belo Horizote ,以建立一个工业数字化能力中心。在意大利,通过收购 OMAV Hydromec SMS 扩大了其在挤压设备和锻压领域的产品范围。

SMS says itwill continue to supplement its organic growth with acquisitions of suitablestart-ups or established specialists.  This year, it acquired shares intwo Brazil-based companies, Viridis and Vetta, both based in Belo Horizote, tocreate a competency centre for industrial digitalisation. In Italy, with theacquisition of OMAV and Hydromec, SMS expanded its product range in theextrusion plant and forging press sectors.
