What is this? This is inspired by the famous Awesome TensorFlow
repository where this repository would hold tutorials, projects,
libraries, videos, papers, books and anything related to the incredible PyTorch .
Tutorials Deep Learning with PyTorch: a 60-minute blitz
Custom C extensions
Writing your own neural network module that uses numpy and scipy
Reinforcement (Q-)Learning with PyTorch
Official PyTorch Examples
MNIST Convnets
Word level Language Modeling using LSTM RNNs
Training Imagenet Classifiers with Residual Networks
Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN)
Variational Auto-Encoders
Superresolution using an efficient sub-pixel convolutional neural network
Hogwild training of shared ConvNets across multiple processes on MNIST
Training a CartPole to balance in OpenAI Gym with actor-critic
Natural Language Inference (SNLI) with GloVe vectors, LSTMs, and torchtext
Practical PyTorch
Simple Examples to Introduce PyTorch
Mini Tutorials in PyTorch
Tensor Multiplication, Linear Regresison, Logistic Regression,
Neural Network, Modern Neural Network, and Convolutional Neural Network
Papers in PyTorch
Projects in Pytorch
Vanilla VAE
Conditional VAE
Denoising VAE
Adversarial Autoencoder
Adversarial Variational Bayes
Vanilla GAN
Conditional GAN
Wasserstein GAN
Mode Regularized GAN