What are some fun ways to encourage your toddler to put his toys away?
Elizabeth Muller, Mom of 2 young kids
Answered Jun 6
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When my daughter doesn’t put her toys away, I put them in a toy “jail”. In order to get her toys out of jail, she has to do whatever I say. Sometimes I give her an extra chore to get the toys out of jail, but more commonly I ask her to do something silly, like pretend to be a walrus. She thinks this is hilarious, and she works hard to remember to put her things away because she doesn’t want to have to do something ridiculous.
Then, on her own inspiration, she started putting my things in jail if I didn’t put them away correctly. I ended up with my purse, my jacket, or my shoes in “jail”, and she would force me to do something silly to get them out again.
She loves that part of the game just as much. And it keeps us both on our toes, putting all of our things away where they belong.
toddler:n. 学步的小孩、幼童装;
walrus:large sea-animal living in the Arctic regions, similar to a seal but having two long tusks 海象
hilarious:extremelyamusing; very funny 十分有趣的、非常滑稽的;noisily merry 欢闹的;
on one's toes:ready for action; alert 准备行动的; 警觉的