2017年1月新经济行业招聘人数占全国总招聘人数比例出现了显著上升,从24.9%上升为27.1%,新经济行业招聘总薪酬占全国总薪酬比重同样上升,从27.0%升至30.2%。新经济行业的平均入职工资水平相对于全国平均入职工资水平亦有上升,1月新经济入职工资 “溢价”为11.3%(图6)。
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January 2017
MasterCard Caixin BBD China NewEconomy Index
Released:10:00am Beijing Time February-02-2017
In an effort to increase transparency on the structural changes underway in China’s economy, the MasterCard Caixin BBD China New Economy Index (NEI) was established. The subject of a year of research, the NEI was first publicly released on March 2, 2016 and will be issued the 2nd of every month at 10:00am China Standard Time.
In January 2017, the MasterCard Caixin-BBD New Economy Index (NEI) reading came in at 28.7, indicating that the New Economy inputs accounted for 28.7% of overall economic input activities that month. This reading recorded a 380 basis point decrease from December, the largest single month drop since the release of the NEI (Chart 1).
Primary Inputs
The NEI includes labor, capital and technology inputs that account for 40%, 35% and 25% of the total weight of the index, respectively. Among the primary inputs, the increase in the January NEI reading came primarily from a rise in capital investment. In 2H16, capital investment has fluctuated greatly, with a substantial decline to 29.8 in January after a 38.8 reading in December, down by 9 ppts (Chart 2). The technology input reading decreased to 27.2 from 34.1. The labor input index increased to 28.6, up from 26.0 last month, ending a trend of continuous decline since March and marks the lowest reading since the NEI has been released.
Percentage changes in labor, capital and technology inputs were 1.1, -3.1 and 1.7 percentage points, respectively. After accounting for the sum of their weightings, the net result for the NEI was a 3.8 pp decrease in January from December figures (Chart 3).
Looking at the sub-sectors, the New IT industry formed the largest proportion of the New Economy Index, contributing 9.8 pp to the NEI, a noticeable drop from December figures. Biotech moved into second, contributing 6.9 pp. The third largest contributor was Advanced Materials with 6.1 pp (Chart 4).
NewEconomy Employment
In January 2017, the average monthly entry-level salary of the New Economy was RMB 8,799 per month, an increase from December figures (Chart 5). New Economy wage information is compiled from online websites of career platforms and recruitment services including 51job and Zhaopin, as well as other sites that list job demands.
Hiring in the New Economy sectors accounted for 27.1% of total hiring in January, a significant increase from the 24.9% figure in December. The compensation share of New Economy sectors increased, from 27.0% to 30.2%. The entry level salary premium of the New Economy was 11.3% as compared to economy-wide counterparts (Chart 6).
Labor Demand
From September onwards, we have used new data sources to examine several leading indicators in labor demand. This month, we observe changes in various cities and industries in the data prior to the Spring Festival Holiday. To facilitate the definition of the data we use, we divide the 30 days before Spring Festival into two periods: the first and second 15 days, as the official Spring Festival Travel Rush starts 15 days before the holiday.
First,we observe the wage changes in different industries before and after SpringFestival Travel Rush (Chart 7). The right hand side of the chart highlights the15 industries observed the fastest rise of entry level wages. These areindustries that may have a large supply of migrant workers with low demandelasticity. Relatively speaking, the left hand side of the chart lists those industrieswith wage decline.
Second, we conduct a similar analysis in different cities (Chart 8). On the left side, Lianyungang, Haikou, Zhongshan, Ningbo, Jinhua and other cities had observed rapid wage increase while Tai’an, Foshan, Weifang, Taiyuan and Baoding, among other cities saw wage decline.
Finally, we use flight data to calculate before and after Spring Festival Travel Rush among cities (Chart 9). The left hand side of the chart indiactes that Ningbo, Wenzhou and Guangzhou, among others, have seen pre-Spring Festival departures approximately 1.2 times more than post-Spring Festival departures as they have a high proportion of non-local employment. The right hand side of the chart highlights Fuzhou, Wenzhou and Haikou, among other cities, that pre-Spring Festival arrival flights exceed post-Spring Festival arrivals by approximately 1.2 times. It is worth noting that some cities, including Fuzhou and Wenzhou, appear on both left and right hand sides. This indicates that there are both a large amount of non-local workers and natives who work outside of the city.
City Rankings of the New Economy
Based on overall New Economy rankings, the top twenty cities are shown in Chart 10. The top five cities are Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The rankings are based on a moving average of the percentile rank of indicators for the city in the past 6 months.
When looking at the city NEI rankings based on average NEI from July 2016 to January 2017, the top five are Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou (Chart 11).
For further information please contact:
Mr. Wu Huanyu, Vice President of Public Relations
Tel: +86-10-8519-9304
Email: [email protected]
Caixin Insight Group
Dr. Minggao Shen, President & Chief Economist
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Email: [email protected]
Ma Ling, Public Relations
Tel: +86-10-8590-5204
Email: [email protected]
Chen Qin, Chief Economist
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Wu Yi, Data & ChartDesigner
Email: [email protected]
The MasterCard Caixin BBD China New Economy Index is the fruit of a research partnership between Caixin Insight Group and BBD, in collaboration with the National Development School, Peking University. The subject of a year of research, the NEI was first publically released on March 2, 2016 and will be issued the 2nd of every month at 10:00am China Standard Time.
About Caixin
Caixin Media is China's leading media group dedicated to providing financial and business news through periodicals, online content, mobile applications, conferences, books and TV/video programs. Caixin Media aims to blaze a trail that helps traditional media prosper in the new media age through integrated multimedia platforms. Caixin Insight Group is a high-end financial data and analysis platform. For more information, please visit www.caixin.com.
About MasterCard
MasterCard (NYSE: MA), www.mastercard.com, is a technology company in the global payments industry. We operate the world’s fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard’s products and solutions make everyday commerce activities – such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances – easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. Follow us on Twitter @MasterCardAP and @MasterCardNews, join the discussion on the Beyond the Transaction Blog and subscribe for the latest news on the Engagement Bureau.
About BBD (Business Big Data)
BBD is a leading Big Data and quantitative business analytics firm specializing in the analysis of the high-growth industries emerging in Mainland China. Through dynamic data tracking, credit analysis, risk pricing and economic index construction, BBD provides its clients with a wide range of services at both the macro and micro level. For more information, please visit http://www.bbdservice.com/.
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