区块链 +选择
让我们直入主题,ITAM Games是一个基于EOS的项目,创建了一个利用区块链技术为用户提供真正的数字资产所有权的平台。但是,我们必须承认,还有许多其他区块链协议,所有这些协议既有其自身的优势,也有其自身的劣势。
此时的区块链技术似乎就像在进行零和博弈游戏一样;当你获得一项收益,就需要通过另一个损失来平衡。最终,截至目前,还没有“完美”的区块链。哎呀,谁能说会有呢?但作为服务提供商,ITAM Games需要尽可能多地满足用户需求,不论他们使用哪种区块链,都尽全力解决消费者的需求。
每个人都有权要求他们想要的优势,以及他们想要获得哪些优势。作为服务提供商,ITAM Games认识到这种需求和愿望的重要性,并且不怕尝试不同的可用协议。这就是为什么我们通过与Defractal合作在EOS和以太坊之间建立了一座桥梁,并且对未来的跨平台服务也有很大的计划。
EOS MainNet是ITAM Games目前选择连接到ITAM商店的首选,但在我们服务的整个生命周期中,我们将实施不同的协议,为我们的用户提供Freedom of BlockChoice。因为无法保证今天可用的任何区块链协议将在未来10年,20年,50年仍然存在,而且其他更好的区块链协议很有可能在未来发布,我们不会仅限于一个协议。
“Freedom of Choice,” defined as the right of an individual to determine his or her own actions.
“Blockchain,” defined as a decentralized, distributed system wherein which the history of transactions are recorded on a chain of blocks, linked together in an immutable way across numerous computers.
Reading the title of this post, you may be wondering, “What in the world is ‘freedom of block choice?!’” To put simply, it’s the above two definitions put in one — the right of users to determine which blockchain he or she would like to utilize.
Let’s get one thing straight, ITAM Games is an EOS-based project, creating a platform that utilizes blockchain technology to give true ownership of digital assets to users. However, we must also acknowledge that there are numerous other blockchain protocols out there, all of which have their benefits, but also their own negative factors as well.
Blockchain Protocols
Under the big umbrella of “Blockchain,” there are many different protocols we can choose from: EOS, Ethereum, Tron, NEO, Ontology, etc. And depending on which you choose, there will be advantages gained, but also some aspects that needs to be given up. Just looking at which consensus system the protocol uses has huge effects, from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to Delegated-Proof-of-Stake (DPoS).
For example, EOS (which uses DPoS) has the immense advantage of transaction speed; however, this comes at the cost of having to rely on 21 Block Producers, of whom have the power to reverse transactions if 15 of the 21 agrees to. This poses a grand threat to certain users, and some may even say it isn’t a “blockchain” as it’s too centralized.
On the flip side, blockchains that use PoW (Bitcoin) and PoS (Ehetereum) may be more “decentralized,” as less power is given to individuals so that the blockchain data is immutable. However, this benefits comes at the huge disadvantage of extremely slow speed.
Zero-Sum Game
Blockchain technology at this point in time seems almost as if it’s in a zero-sum game; you can have one gain, but it’s balanced off by another loss. Ultimately, as of right now, there is no “perfect” blockchain. Heck, who’s to say that there ever will be? But as a service provider, ITAM Games needs to satisfy as many users as we can, and quench the needs of our consumers without discriminating against which blockchain protocol clan they fall under.
One of, if not the biggest leverage of blockchain comes from its “distributed” aspect. However, is it not ironic that the community of the blockchain industry is just as distributed? Ethereum enthusiasts calling out EOS for its disadvantages, while EOS advocates disregard Ethereum for its deficiencies, Tron supporters claim this and that, so on and so forth. The status quo is a dog-eat-dog world!
Now, this isn’t to say that it’s necessarily a bad thing. Not if users are given the choice to choose which they would like to use. And this is why multi-protocol, cross-platform capabilities is crucial. We shouldn’t disregard one protocol over another because of our personal opinions; what’s important to me may not be to another.
Email to Blockchain
To give an analogy, let’s go back in time to when the Internet was at its infancy and the technology of “Email” first started. What if AOL, Hotmail, and Yahoo closed its doors to only its own pool of users, and users of each service provider couldn’t communicate across services? Would email technology be what it is today? Most likely (almost certainly) not!
The users of the service shouldn’t fall victim of not being able to fully take advantage of the technology because the service providers are limiting its use. The users should be able to measure the pros and cons that are important to them, choose the service based on the measurement, and still be able to reap the full benefits of the technology itself.
Bringing it back to blockchain, the same concept applies correspondingly. Let’s say you are playing an RPG game on ITAM Games and come across an extremely rare item worth $1,000. A user that wants to quickly sell this item before its value decreases would put more emphasis on transaction speed. However, a user that would like to safely hold this in their possession and has no plans on selling anytime soon wouldn’t mind having a slower transaction speed if it means security is heightened.
Freedom of BlockChoice
Everyone has the right to claim which advantages they would like, and which they would like to yield. ITAM Games as a service provider recognizes the importance of this need and desire, and are not afraid to experiment with the different protocols available. That is why we have created a bridge between EOS and Ethereum by joining forces with Defractal, and have big plans for the future regarding cross-platform services as well.
The EOS MainNet is the selection of choice by ITAM Games to be connected to the ITAM Store at the moment, but throughout the lifetime of our service, we will be implementing different protocols to offer Freedom of BlockChoice to our users. Because there’s no guarantee that any of the blockchain protocols available today will be around 10, 20, 50 years into the future, and there’s high possibilities of other great protocols debuting down the road, we won’t be limiting ourselves to just one single protocol.
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