What do retailers hope to gain? The answer depends on how far they push the technology. On the most basic level, a store might notice that people often walk from “frozen goods” to “alcohol”, and then bring the two closer together. A retailer could also gain more insight into which departments are best at promoting goods—all without knowing anything about shoppers beyond where their legs take them.
If stores can persuade clients to reveal personal information, too, they stand to profit more. Some 200,000 shops around the world now have systems to track phones, including free Wi-Fi, according to ABI Research. The often-overlooked terms and conditions for Wi-Fi typically allow stores to see a shopper’s online search history as well as track their location. This can open up a “gold mine” of data, points out Dan Thornton of Hughes Europe, a network provider. Daring retailers already use it to target extremely personal, location-based advertisements to customers’ phones. If someone googles a rival while in a suit shop in one of Australia’s Westfield shopping malls, for example, Skyfii, the startup that provides their internet service, is ready to send a wavering client a discount on the spot.
如果商店也能够说服顾客透漏一些个人信息,他们就能够获利更多。根据ABI研究机构得出,全世界约二十万家商店现在拥有追踪手机信号的系统,其中包括免费的Wi-Fi。这些常常被忽略掉的Wi-Fi条件一般可以让商店查看顾客的在线搜索历史追踪他们的位置。一家名为Hughes Europe网络供应商的Dan Thornton指出,这些信息能够开辟一座数据“金山”。一些勇于冒险的零售商已经使用这种系统来专项传递极其个人的、基于空间定位的广告给顾客的手机。例如,如果某人在澳大利亚其中一家Westfield购物中心的一家西装店谷歌搜索相同款的西装,那么提供互联网服务的Skyfii公司就会准备给现场犹豫不决的客户发送打折信息。