专栏名称: Python开发者
人生苦短,我用 Python。伯乐在线旗下账号「Python开发者」分享 Python 相关的技术文章、工具资源、精选课程、热点资讯等。
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用 Python 进行贝叶斯模型建模(3)

Python开发者  · 公众号  · Python  · 2017-07-24 20:29


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编译:伯乐在线 - JLee

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import itertools

import matplotlib . pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import pymc3 as pm

import scipy

import scipy . stats as stats

import seaborn . apionly as sns

from IPython . display import Image

from sklearn import preprocessing

% matplotlib inline

plt . style . use ( 'bmh' )

colors = [ '#348ABD' , '#A60628' , '#7A68A6' , '#467821' , '#D55E00' ,

'#CC79A7' , '#56B4E9' , '#009E73' , '#F0E442' , '#0072B2' ]

messages = pd . read_csv ( 'data/hangout_chat_data.csv' )


让我们采取一种不同的方式来对我的 hangout 聊天回复时间进行建模。我的直觉告诉我回复的快慢与聊天的对象有关。我很可能回复女朋友比回复一个疏远的朋友更快。这样,我可以对每个对话独立建模,对每个对话i估计参数 μi 和 αi。μi=Uniform(0,100)


ax = messages . groupby ( 'prev_sender' )[ 'conversation_id' ]. size (). plot (

kind = 'bar' , figsize = ( 12 , 3 ), title = 'Number of messages sent per recipient' , color = colors [ 0 ])

_ = ax . set_xlabel ( 'Previous Sender' )

_ = ax . set_ylabel ( 'Number of messages' )

_ = plt . xticks ( rotation = 45 )


indiv_traces = {}

# Convert categorical variables to integer

le = preprocessing . LabelEncoder ()

participants_idx = le . fit_transform ( messages [ 'prev_sender' ])

participants = le . classes_

n_participants = len ( participants )

for p in participants :

with pm . Model () as model :

alpha = pm . Uniform ( 'alpha' , lower = 0 , upper = 100 )

mu = pm . Uniform ( 'mu' , lower = 0 , upper = 100 )

data = messages [ messages [ 'prev_sender' ] == p ][ 'time_delay_seconds' ]. values

y_est = pm . NegativeBinomial ( 'y_est' , mu = mu , alpha = alpha , observed = data )

y_pred = pm . NegativeBinomial ( 'y_pred' , mu = mu , alpha = alpha )

start = pm . find_MAP ()

step = pm . Metropolis ()

trace = pm . sample ( 20000 , step , start = start , progressbar = True )

indiv_traces [ p ] = trace

Applied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 9.7 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 12.4 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 12.0 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 12.0 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 10.3 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 16.4 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 12.1 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 17.4 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 19.9 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 15.2 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 16.1 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 10.1 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 11.1 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 11.9 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 12.8 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 13.0 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 12.4 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 10.9 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 22.6 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 18.7 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 13.1 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 13.9 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 14.0 secApplied interval - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to mu and added transformed mu_interval to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 20000 of 20000 complete in 13.6 sec

fig , axs = plt . subplots ( 3 , 2 , figsize = ( 12 , 6 ))

axs = axs . ravel ()

y_left_max = 2

y_right_max = 2000

x_lim = 60

ix = [ 3 , 4 , 6 ]

for i , j , p in zip ([ 0 , 1 , 2 ], [ 0 , 2 , 4 ], participants [ ix ]) :

axs [ j ]. set_title ( 'Observed: %s' % p )

axs [ j ]. hist ( messages [ messages [ 'prev_sender' ] == p ][ 'time_delay_seconds' ]. values , range = [ 0 , x_lim ], bins = x_lim , histtype = 'stepfilled' )

axs [ j ]. set_ylim ([ 0 , y_left_max ])

for i , j , p in zip ([ 0 , 1 , 2 ], [ 1 , 3 , 5 ], participants [ ix ]) :

axs [ j ]. set_title ( 'Posterior predictive distribution: %s' % p )

axs [ j ]. hist ( indiv_traces [ p ]. get_values ( 'y_pred' ), range = [ 0 , x_lim ], bins = x_lim , histtype = 'stepfilled' , color = colors [ 1 ])

axs [ j ]. set_ylim ([ 0 , y_right_max ])

axs [ 4 ]. set_xlabel ( 'Response time (seconds)' )

axs [ 5 ]. set_xlabel ( 'Response time (seconds)' )

plt . tight_layout ()



combined_y_pred = np . concatenate ([ v . get_values ( 'y_pred' ) for k , v in indiv_traces . items ()])

x_lim = 60

y_pred = trace . get_values ( 'y_pred' )

fig = plt . figure ( figsize = ( 12 , 6 ))

fig . add_subplot ( 211 )

fig . add_subplot ( 211 )

_ = plt . hist ( combined_y_pred , range = [ 0 , x_lim ], bins = x_lim , histtype = 'stepfilled' , color = colors [ 1 ])

_ = plt . xlim ( 1 , x_lim )

_ = plt . ylim ( 0 , 20000 )

_ = plt . ylabel ( 'Frequency' )

_ = plt . title ( 'Posterior predictive distribution' )

fig . add_subplot ( 212 )

_ = plt . hist ( messages [ 'time_delay_seconds' ]. values , range = [ 0 , x_lim ], bins = x_lim , histtype = 'stepfilled' )

_ = plt . xlim ( 0 , x_lim )

_ = plt . xlabel ( 'Response time in seconds' )

_ = plt . ylim ( 0 , 20 )

_ = plt . ylabel ( 'Frequency' )

_ = plt . title ( 'Distribution of observed data' )

plt . tight_layout ()

是的,后验预测分布和观测数据的分布近似。但是,我关心的是数据较少的对话,对它们的估计也可能具有较大的方差。一个减小这种风险的方法是分享对话信息,但仍对每个对话单独估计 μi,我们称之为局部融合。



接着上面的例子,估计负二项分布的参数 μi 和 αi。相比于使用均匀分布作为先验分布,我使用带两个参数(μ,σ)的伽马分布,从而当能够预测 μ 和 σ 的值时,可以引入更多的先验信息到模型中。




Image('graphics/dag neg poisson gamma hyper.png', width=420)

with pm . Model () as model :

hyper_alpha_sd = pm . Uniform ( 'hyper_alpha_sd' , lower = 0 , upper = 50 )

hyper_alpha_mu = pm . Uniform ( 'hyper_alpha_mu' , lower = 0 , upper = 10 )

hyper_mu_sd = pm . Uniform ( 'hyper_mu_sd' , lower = 0 , upper = 50 )

hyper_mu_mu = pm . Uniform ( 'hyper_mu_mu' , lower = 0 , upper = 60 )

alpha = pm . Gamma ( 'alpha' , mu = hyper_alpha_mu , sd = hyper_alpha_sd , shape = n_participants )

mu = pm . Gamma ( 'mu' , mu = hyper_mu_mu , sd = hyper_mu_sd , shape = n_participants )

y_est = pm . NegativeBinomial ( 'y_est' ,

mu = mu [ participants_idx ],

alpha = alpha [ participants_idx ],

observed = messages [ 'time_delay_seconds' ]. values )

y_pred = pm . NegativeBinomial ( 'y_pred' ,

mu = mu [ participants_idx ],

alpha = alpha [ participants_idx ],

shape = messages [ 'prev_sender' ]. shape )

start = pm . find_MAP ()

step = pm . Metropolis ()

hierarchical_trace = pm . sample ( 200000 , step , progressbar = True )

Applied interval - transform to hyper_alpha_sd and added transformed hyper_alpha_sd_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to hyper_alpha_mu and added transformed hyper_alpha_mu_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to hyper_mu_sd and added transformed hyper_mu_sd_interval to model .

Applied interval - transform to hyper_mu_mu and added transformed hyper_mu_mu_interval to model .

Applied log - transform to alpha and added transformed alpha_log to model .

Applied log - transform to mu and added transformed mu_log to model .

[ ----------------- 100 %----------------- ] 200000 of 200000 complete in 593.0 sec

对 μ 和 α 的估计有多条曲线,每个对话i对应一条。整体合并和局部融合模型的不同之处在于,局部融合模型的参数(μ和 α)拥有一个被所有对话共享的融合参数。这带来两个好处:

  1. 信息在对话间共享,所以对于含有有限样本容量的对话来说,在估计过程中从别的对话处“借”信息来减小估计的方差。

  2. 我们对每个对话单独做了估计,也对所有对话整体做了估计。


x_lim = 60

y_pred = hierarchical_trace . get_values ( 'y_pred' )[ :: 1000 ]. ravel ()

fig = plt . figure ( figsize = ( 12 , 6 ))

fig . add_subplot ( 211 )

fig . add_subplot ( 211 )

_ = plt . hist ( y_pred , range = [ 0 , x_lim ], bins = x_lim , histtype = 'stepfilled' , color = colors [ 1 ])

_ = plt . xlim ( 1 , x_lim )

_ = plt . ylabel ( 'Frequency' )

_ = plt . title ( 'Posterior predictive distribution' )

fig . add_subplot ( 212 )

_ = plt . hist ( messages [ 'time_delay_seconds' ]. values , range = [ 0 , x_lim ], bins = x_lim , histtype = 'stepfilled' )

_ = plt . xlabel ( 'Response time in seconds' )

_ = plt . ylabel ( 'Frequency' )

_ = plt . title ( 'Distribution of observed data' )

plt . tight_layout ()

收缩效果:合并模型 vs 分层模型

如讨论的那样,局部融合模型中 μ 和 α 享有一个融合参数,通过对话间信息共享,它使得参数的估计收缩得更紧密,尤其是对含有少量数据的对话。

下图显示了这种收缩效果,可以看出通过融合参数,参数μ 和 α 是怎样聚集在一起。

hier_mu = hierarchical_trace [ 'mu' ][ 500 : ]. mean ( axis = 0 )

hier_alpha = hierarchical_trace [ 'alpha' ][ 500 : ]. mean ( axis = 0 )

indv_mu = [ indiv_traces [ p ][ 'mu' ][ 500 : ]. mean () for p in participants ]

indv_alpha = [ indiv_traces [ p ][ 'alpha' ][ 500 : ]. mean () for p in participants ]

fig = plt . figure ( figsize = ( 8 , 6 ))

ax = fig . add_subplot ( 111 , xlabel = 'mu' , ylabel = 'alpha' ,

title = 'Pooled vs. Partially Pooled Negative Binomial Model' ,

xlim = ( 5 , 45
