专栏名称: TOP产业办公研究院
TOP Lab隶属于FTA建筑设计事务所,作为一个非盈利的研究平台,其使命是打造办公及产业地产领域的创新区智库,覆盖城市、建筑、产业三大维度,通过“连接/研究/分享”,实现城市、区域、企业及个人的持续繁荣。
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TOP产业办公研究院  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-06-19 20:06


↑改造前的宝钢大厦, exterior view before renovation

上海宝钢大厦位于小陆家嘴东扩重要板块—— 竹园商贸区, 位置核心,交通便利,名气云集。 运营20年之后,面对升级的工作方式与新生代使用者,宝钢大厦亟待更新。


Shanghai Baosteel Tower is located at the core of Zhuyuan Business District, only 10 minutes drive from Lujiazui, Shanghai Main Business District.

After 20 years of operation, Baosteel Tower has witnessed the change of technology, work-style, and users, who called upon an immediate regeneration.

FTA won the bidding and led the renovation design, including architecture, interior, and landscape of the Baosteel Tower.

▼建筑外观,exterior view

设计从商业逻辑出发,仔细分析项目现状。FTA 将项目作为一个产品来打造,挖掘其核心价值点, 目的是为宝钢大厦在新时代赋予新的性格,提升楼宇在未来市场中的价值。

The design approach was based on business logic. FTA carefully analyzed the current status of the project, and the future core value points were tapped.

The goal was to give the Baosteel Tower a new image and personality in our modern days, as well as increase the value of the building in for the future market.

▼设计示意图, diagram

改造后的立面使用更为现代的色彩及材料, 让建筑穿上一层金属材料铜色金属羽衣,金属诠释宝钢的新活力,重塑商务美学,用从过去保守沉重的钢,到如今轻盈灵动的“钢”, 从保守蜕变到开放,暗喻宝钢强劲的创新力。

The design innovatively applies the modern color palette and metal materials to reinterpret the vitality of a tower. FTA chose a perforated metal plate with a copper color to coat the building with a metallic layer, shifting the feeling of “heavy and massive” to “light and smart”. This way, the building appears more welcoming and attractive.

▼铜色金属羽衣诠释宝钢新活力, a new perforated metal plate with a copper color

▼立面细部, facade detailed view

办公大楼,不应仅有办公功能, 更应该是一个垂直社区。

我们想象的入口大堂是一个 第三空间 是一个 枢纽 ,这栋办公楼的租户们可能会在某个时刻偶遇彼此,彼此连接,碰撞更多的想法。于是,在入口大厅的动线简洁,没有任何花哨的形式处理,浅色通透的材质和充足的照明,给予整个空间一种科技未来的利落感。

The modern office building should not only have office functions but also be a vertical community.

We imagine that the entrance lobby is a third space, a hub. The tenants of this office building may encounter each other at some point, connect and collide, exchanging more ideas.

Therefore, in the entrance hall, there is no fancy form designed, but light transparent material and adequate lighting, giving the whole space a sense of future science and technology.

▼改造前大堂实景图, lobby before renovation

▼改造后大堂实景图, lobby

▼大堂休息室, lounge

同时,通过机电设备的空间管理, 将大堂的高度由原来的4.2米提升到了现在的 4.8米 ,办公标准层的层高也相应提升,租户们能更宽敞更舒适地办公,这大大改善了空间体验。

Space experience has improved through electromechanical equipment management. The height of the lobby was raised from the original 4.2 meters to the current 4.8 meters, and the floor height of the standard office floor was correspondingly improved, greatly improving the user's experience.

原有大堂电梯厅前走道场景 elevator corridor before

▼改造后成为绿墙走廊, corridor with green wall

办公体验中非常重要的一部分是电梯, 它是员工进入工作之前的前奏,电梯等候带来的不应该是焦虑,而是舒心的快捷。

于是, 设计营造出明亮科技的感觉,顶上的灯饰宛如星光点点,让人舒心。

The elevator is a very important part of the office experience. It is the prelude before daily work. Elevator waiting should not be anxious, but comfortable and fast. Thus, the design creates a bright and future-oriented feeling, with the lighting on the top feeling like a star spot, bring the users a comfortable and relaxing experience.

原有电梯厅入口 entry way to the elevator hall before

▼改造后, after renovation

标准层的改造设计遵从简洁的商务美学, 充足的照明,利落的线条感,剔除繁琐无关的细节,让租户能真正专注在最重要的价值上。

The renovation design of the standard floor follows the concise business aesthetics, by introducing sufficient lighting and linear pattern, the design eliminates tedious and irrelevant details to help tenants to focus on the most important value.

从一开始,设计师的立意即是: 让宝钢大厦成为一个“与植物共生”的亲生命建筑。设计团队在室外景观改造上,增加流畅线条的景观,延伸外部休闲平台,打破原有建筑与城市空间之间的隔阂,营造非正式交流空间氛围,增进办公社区的活力。

From the very beginning, designers want to bring Biophilia experience to this renovated building. So, in terms of outdoor landscape renovation, t he design team enhanced the landscape by adding biophilia shape, extending the external leisure platform, etc. These strategies link the urban space and the building itself, create an informal communication space, and enhance the vitality of the office community.

原有建筑室外场景 external platform before renovation

▼改造后线条流畅的景观, an organic landscape
